They Shoot Horses Don't They?


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Sad what dementia does. My granny had it. Was happy in her own little world most of the time tho.

Seems things are a bit more settled at least.

Oh and those sort of organisations alway fib to save their own backs when they think u cant prove it.
Yes. Thanks. I'm trying not to think about it constantly but I am not sleeping well.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
cant stress over everything. Sounds like she is in a good home. Just take things one step at a time and not worry about the future


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
OMG Social Services didn't turn up to the CHC meeting! 2 local authorities are arguing over who is responsible for her but hadn't bothered to tell the NHS. So we drove 5 hours for nothing plus a hotel stay. Stress. No doubt part of the reason I am now so ill.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
OMG Social Services didn't turn up to the CHC meeting! 2 local authorities are arguing over who is responsible for her but hadn't bothered to tell the NHS. So we drove 5 hours for nothing plus a hotel stay. Stress. No doubt part of the reason I am now so ill.
I'd send 'em an invoice and a very firm and factual letter.

They most likely won't even entertain the idea of paying it but they'll definitely pay attention.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
OMG Social Services didn't turn up to the CHC meeting! 2 local authorities are arguing over who is responsible for her but hadn't bothered to tell the NHS. So we drove 5 hours for nothing plus a hotel stay. Stress. No doubt part of the reason I am now so ill.

That is an outrage! Make a complaint with your local council about this or your local Clinical Commissioning Group.
They shouldn't be allowed to get away this sort of a service especially for vulnerable people.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
I'd send 'em an invoice and a very firm and factual letter.

They most likely won't even entertain the idea of paying it but they'll definitely pay attention.
That was my first reaction. They have actually re arranged the meeting for next Monday a.m. which was when I said we could be there as we are in the area.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Went back up for rearranged meeting. Nurse assessor precised (don't know how to spell that!) she said your mother was dis charged with this that and the other; That's apart from the brain tumour....... well the room erupted. Did they not think that was important enough to tell us?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
They didnt tell u before that she had a brain tumour. Damn man. Thats kinda major. Is there an ombusman you can complain to orsomething


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
To be fair, if you told someone that their partner has a brain tumour, they should tell all relatives, and that would be expected, it's fucking retarded that he didn't mention it to you.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
To be fair, if you told someone that their partner has a brain tumour, they should tell all relatives, and that would be expected, it's fucking retarded that he didn't mention it to you.
@sayward didnt say that her partner was told. And i think that she is alsorecognised now as next of kin. So should have been informed in her mums non coherent state.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Well, if a doctor came in and told her Mum and her partner, you'd expect the information to be released out of that circle.

Her partner is the massive cunt for not disclosing that information, unless the NHS are fully aware of the whole situation, but I wouldn't be surprised if the NHS & social services didn't speak to each other on the relationship side of things, they're focusing on the patient, after all.

I'm not going to go on about it because it's harsh on mrs late-post-rate.

Families suck, my parents have been in similar situations on both sides unfortunately :(


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
No they hadn't told any of us. She wouldn't understand and her partner hadn't been told either. We were all absolutely stunned.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
No they hadn't told any of us. She wouldn't understand and her partner hadn't been told either. We were all absolutely stunned.


Jesus, what the fuck they didn't even tell the partner?


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
My mother was admitted to AnE earlier. Conscious but unresponsive. They think she's had a stroke. Awaiting a CT scan. Dear God I can't help wishing she'd died when she was 'supposed' to.
We are due to go on holiday at the weekend......


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
My mother was admitted to AnE earlier. Conscious but unresponsive. They think she's had a stroke. Awaiting a CT scan. Dear God I can't help wishing she'd died when she was 'supposed' to.
We are due to go on holiday at the weekend......
When my dad finally died i was relieved more than anything. GlAd it was over for him and me.

Sorry you have to go through this.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
OMG I'm feeling godawful and that cretinous man has literally just sent me an e mail. He must be SOOO thick.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
MRI shows she has had a major bleed (stroke) on the left, the opposite side from when she fell. Prognosis totally unknown. She scores 10 on the Coma scale. Not awake and basically unresponsive. And she's 5hrs drive away.

All being well we are going to the Domenican Republic tomorrow for 3 weeks. Been booked for months and months. So all hell will probably break loose. As usual I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am embarrassed that I feel so little.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Have to live your own life. What my mum always tells me. Then she goes on to tell me what i should do lol.

But you only live once. She is ending hers you still have to live yours


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
To bring you all up to date we managed to have a good holiday. However with 5hrs time difference we have been awake at 4am every morning to turn the phone on. We have spent £100s on phone calls to and from doctors, nurses and hospital. Half way thro we thought it was all sorted, I had a long talk to the neurological consultant who said he'd already discussed everything with that man and she could go back to the home on 'end of life'. so we thought we could relax, but oh no the next day I get a call to say he wants a 2nd opinion!! After another few days 'he wants her kept on fluids'.

So she's back in the care home. They have a week of fluids for her and then they stop. I've just had an e mail from him asking what I want to do!! He's sure as next of kin I could get the fluids extended!! No way!

We landed yesterday and I am so jet lagged. we are going to try and get there on Thursday.

I cannot decide what to do. i can either let him organise the funeral up there ( she's not dead yet) it will be tasteless, over the top and maudlin. Or I can bring her here and have a basic cremation with no trimmings. That would be a coward's way out for me because I don't want to deal with him or see relatives i haven't spoken to for years.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
To bring you all up to date we managed to have a good holiday. However with 5hrs time difference we have been awake at 4am every morning to turn the phone on. We have spent £100s on phone calls to and from doctors, nurses and hospital. Half way thro we thought it was all sorted, I had a long talk to the neurological consultant who said he'd already discussed everything with that man and she could go back to the home on 'end of life'. so we thought we could relax, but oh no the next day I get a call to say he wants a 2nd opinion!! After another few days 'he wants her kept on fluids'.

So she's back in the care home. They have a week of fluids for her and then they stop. I've just had an e mail from him asking what I want to do!! He's sure as next of kin I could get the fluids extended!! No way!

We landed yesterday and I am so jet lagged. we are going to try and get there on Thursday.

I cannot decide what to do. i can either let him organise the funeral up there ( she's not dead yet) it will be tasteless, over the top and maudlin. Or I can bring her here and have a basic cremation with no trimmings. That would be a coward's way out for me because I don't want to deal with him or see relatives i haven't spoken to for years.
Can never see the point on waating loads of cash in fancy funnerals. It gets buried, burnt anyway.

Hope the end comes swiftly for all involved


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
500 mile round trip in less than 48hrs. What a state to be in.... No sleep and lots of alcohol... 2hrs with an undertaker to arrange a funeral for someone who is not dead yet....

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