Werewolf Themed Mafia #The Hand's Tourney 1


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Well everyone needs loose wimmens, and were would they be found without Lord cal?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
For good mesure:

- Faction 1.
Mabs: Lord, House Baratheon
Chet: Hired hand, House Baratheon

- Faction 2.
Raven: Lord, House Lannister
Toht: Hired hand, House Lannister

- Free Factions (Townie, preset)

- Faction 3 (Townie preset)
Calaen, Brothel owner, blocker and King slayer (yes, he started it!)

Items during the game:

- Dragons Egg (had to have some name)
Given to a random player during the night, free choice to use on self or another player, Random effect Kill, Protect or Block or speech effect

- Bag of Herbs: 30% chance to be found by a player during the night,free choice to use on self or another player, random speech effect on target. (found)

- Vial of Potion, Poison: 30% chance to be found by a player during the night, Free choice of target - kills target [not found]

- Vial of Potion, Sleeping pill: 30% chance to be found by a player during the night, Free choice of target - Puts target to sleep (block) [not found]

- Ring : 30% chance to be found by a player during the night, Free choice of target - it's magic protects the weare for the night (Protect) [not found]

Also Ch3t, Toht never moved time, he used an egg on you, which turned you to stone, that in turn gave you the impression that hours had elapsed in the blink og an eye.
Mabs even came to pay you a visit during the night.
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004

- Any of the lords could have won the game by beeing crowned (voted king)
- Any of the lords could have "stolen" toht or ch3t
- People were free to talk and plot during the night, they just weren't told - you had to take a risk (think of it as a hidden ability to be unlocked during the game)
- Cal would lose the instant a Lannister got the throne. preset
- Cal lost his power when he revealed his ability, the recipient was simply given a choice, to accept
the girls or not...wait..I never actually said they were girls now did I ? oh yeah? go check :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Silly Cal, ah well, made it this far and i think the only mistake was to contact Ch3t :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Silly Toht, we would have won if you hadn't gone odd.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah like i said in the privvy, i played who i was, not meta win.

I had a good plan going, but didn't pan out as i thought.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
At the end of the day, masters always know best...minion.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You wouldn't have won even if toht hadn't voted you. Cal was voting with me, and mabs and I with each other.

Remember cal had a win condition that he'd lose if a lion won, so he was never going side with you.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Some of the - off record - stuff (sorry if I forget some) - also in random order, yes random, sorry :p

House Barathian
- You are the leader of your house Barathian, the rightful heir to the throne of Westeros. Everyone knows it. and yet for years now you have been denied. This is your opportunity, your chance to finally clain that which is rightfully yours! it's time to carefully eliminate any that would stand in your way.

Claim that which is yours, seize casterly rock and the wealth of the Lannisters. Unite the Kingsdoms against the treat of Daenerys Targaryen. However, your first order of buisness will be to pcik an ally, someone to serve as your security and one to take care of any dirty work. You are a noble after all, such meager things are beneath you - you concern your self with matters of strategy, finess and politics.

- You can recruit a player of your choosing on the first night. (Gimme a name quick, kk thx!?) - He nevr did, also why the first night dragged out, thus one was appointed to him :p
- Nights 3,5,7..etc you have to choose between having the BG protect you or have him perform a kill

You pickup the egg, as you read aloud the acient texts, you keep your focus on a mental image of Chet.
You finish the text...hmm no woosh, swoosh, bang or klang! Did it work? who knows, seems only time will tell.

You wait a while for things to calm down, you get up and aproach the door on your way out to do your masters bidding.
suddenly! night turns to day. It's morning, how can this be...? what happened? What magic could possibly move time it self?
You spend the night looking for your hired hand, yet he was no where to be found,

the closest you came was an odd life like staute of him placed in the middle of his room. he must have had it made and ordered for delivery.
Lazy assed brood! A wasted opportunity it seems. on your way home you are approached by two lovly creaturs of King's Landing - It would seem the
night need not be a complete waste :D

As you prepare for an uneasy nights rest, you are disturbed by one of your trusted servents.
Sir, I went to empty the chamber pots as you desired. On my return, in one of the tunnels leading from the shores I stumbled apon what looked like an old vase of some sort..It looks like the crafter made it to resembel a dragon egg, and look Sir, it has some writting on it as well, can you read it Sir?

You have found a Dragons Egg:
- Use it on your self or on someone else, or disgard it. (no reply will be viewed as a disgarded choice)
- effect uknown
- cannot be saved for another night.

it's an acient language that you do not speak, some words seem familiar, some don't. But you can vocalize the words if you so choose.
- Use it on your self or on someone else, or disgard it.

As you read out the words the the oval sphere begins to glow followed by a tingled sensation as what seems
to be some form of energy flows from the sphere to you, it only lasts a couple of seconds, but the transaction leaves
you in no doubt, on this night, nothing can harm you, not man nore magic, not iron nore steel..you feel invincible...but whats this?
Dizzy, soo dizzy, must be.....must lay down..sleepy....have to capitalize on this opport......zZzzZzz...zzz

You spend the evening waiting around for your lord to give you an order, tire and out of patience, you seek out mabs at his quaters.
Here you find your lord fast asleep in his chair, you also notice the egg he spoke of earlier left on the floor a couple of feet from the old tart.
You spend your best efforts trying to wake him, but alas you realize that you're attempts are clearly futile.

Drunken old fool! What a waste of a good opportunity.

The Champion of house Lannister

Your a the champion of your house, sworn to protect your leader (Raven) with your sword and life.
You will do close anything, to see the head of your house assend the iron throne - what must be done must be done.
but...self preservation..also has something to be argued for, also has it's virtues, yes?

- You win when your faction has the majority.
- You can kill or protect, you cannot do both on a given night.
- You do not have to comply with leaders orders - you can double cross your leader by sanding me a pm with Ignore Leader during the night.


- Your method/weapon of choice ?
- Discreet or Displayed ?
- incognito or banner ?

you may discus it with your leader if you see fit
Alleyway, knife, cloak and dagger style, leave the body where it
Take a Lannister guards sword(one with markings, or a knife) and use that to kill him. Discreetly as per alleyway way and otherwise incognito.
Brothel Owner

You run the best brothel in town has it's advantages. mens tounges could easily slip
at the attention of a beautifull woman, and a man could easily forget his truobles and engament for a practial while.

You serve your own self preservation, but at heart, and all things conciderd you'd mostly prefer to see new blood on the Throne.
oh, and such a shame about the Lannisters eh? imagine that, an arrow shot from a concealed crossbow in the crowd - a sneaky deed indeed.

- Each night you can choose to have some one "occupied" for the night.
- You win with the "town", placing new blood on the throne. (as in, not a lannister or Baratheon)

Bag of herbs:
One of your new whor..ehm valued employees arrives to the city
During the rutine inspection of the newcomers you find what seems to be a bag of herbal tea.

Do you:

- Make the tea and drink it yourself?
- Prepare the tea and have it delivered to someone else (incognito ofc)
- Throw it in the trash

Have the tea delivered to Cerb please.

Can I take Raven to the whores please :)
As your prepare to turn in for the night, your sevant brings you a cup of sweet delicious herbal tea.
You take a couple of sips, and you suddenly come to realise that you did not order or ask for any tea...your throat starts to burn, and things around you
begin to go..wobbly..you try to call out for a sevant but you cant seem to get the words out...you feel paralized.

You wake up the following morning abit groggy, but otherwise no less worse for wear..well exept, you seem to have cought abit of a droolish lisp to your speach.
will it subside? only time will tell.


You spend some time examining the egg, after a while you decide to take a brake and go for a walk,
at the park you are suddenly aproached by two lovely senual and beautiful creatures of Kings Landing. Before you know it, your stripped naked in a bed, your troubles and duties can wait for another day....the egg? ..oh my..oh yes...oh lord! ...what egg?.. who cares!

Use on myself of course!

*hums dragonborn*

s you begin to read the letters on the side of the object, you feel a great sence of impowerment,
The power of generations of Dragons sowring through your vanes...invinveble, thats you...but...no..oh no!
is it, could it be..too much? You feel an emense heat engulf you, followed by unmistakeble pain...flames...all around you.
you've lost controll....there is nothing you can do to stop it...my the gods smile apon your soul.

You are Dead!

You decide to take a brake from your duties of ruling and go for a walk,
at the park you are suddenly aproached by two lovely senual and beautiful creatures of Kings Landing. Before you know it, your stripped naked in a bed, your troubles and duties can wait for another day....the murderer? the crown? ..oh my..oh yes...oh lord! ...what murderer?.. what crown, who cares!

You wake up refreshed, but also not having achived much on this night.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, i noticed that Raven was going to die so did a ditch effort to get back on track. I wanted mabs to fall before raven, so we could -then- get rid of raven :p


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Remember cal had a win condition that he'd lose if a lion won, so he was never going side with you.

he did not know that, he did know that he could not support Baratheons or Lannisters


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I told you that you were a murderer! Also no one really questioned my lack of memory... that was a complete lie to hide my allegiance.

Good game, shame for some early inactivity though, would have between very awesome had we lots of sneaky backstabbing and chat going on early doors.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I think people didn't know just how open the game was, i just only today thought "Hmm, i wonder if i can vote for king: calaen" or some such.

I only figured out how open it was the night i sent you the plotting letter.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Snap I didn't realise it was open until chet messaged me. Even then I wasn't sure when or what I could say.

That being said, I was fucked early on, odds against anyone but lannister or baratheon getting in where slim. So I decided upon self preservation and simply surviving!


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Sure Olga intimated that at the start.
Actually, I never had to force it, Teeds took the plunge asap.

I'm chuffed at how it turned out tbh. basicly the idea was to set up some parameters and mechanics, and see where it went, and what people would come up with
and how that would evolve and impact the game. Aka Sandbox - Red dead inspired.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
worst part was the egg tbh - had me worried a couple of times, I confess that I was close to
medling with the game when poag decided to do a little sun bathing.

Egg mechanics:

1. Random the recipient
2. Random the event
3. Deliver message to recipient
4. Wait for reply
5. Check and double check for other events/mechanics
6. write Scene.

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