The Walking Dead Season Six, please use spoilers


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
That was a lot of kick-arse that just occurred... next week though!

Could Abraham have not waited until AFTER the shit hit the fan to throw her to the wayside?? Eugene talking about cookies trying to lighten the mood - Bless!
Daryl gets his bike back before losing it, tragic love story right there!


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Just watched 2 episodes. Pretty good i thougt. But ut seems the walkers are becoming secondary.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
They have been for quite some time. The real danger is other people, the walkers are just a hazard.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I think it's quite unlikely that Daryl is actually dead. They didn't really show him die because of the blood spatter on the screen. It's probably just going to be another thing like how they tried to make it look like Glen was being eaten but it was actually the dude lying on top of him.

Daryl is such a key character in the show, if they kill him off then they'll probably make a much bigger deal of it. Important characters do die sometimes, but this isn't Game of Thrones.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think it's quite unlikely that Daryl is actually dead. They didn't really show him die because of the blood spatter on the screen. It's probably just going to be another thing like how they tried to make it look like Glen was being eaten but it was actually the dude lying on top of him.
We here Dwight say he'll "be alright" so maybe he shot him in the shoulder or something.

Anyway, Morgan's logic is so flawed, he's becoming a bit of a joke of a character. If the Wolf chap hadn't kidnapped Denise she wouldn't have been outside in the middle of walkers and in need of being saved in the first place so she would probably have been better prepared to help Coral if that whole little adventure had never happened.

And for fucks sake stop standing around in the middle of nowhere having arguments and discussions.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Next scene she just lets rip a huge fart and all is well again.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The build up was fantastic but mehhhhh.
I'm not sure I breathed once in that last 10 minutes. After all that pissing about he goes and whacks the camera man.

The death would've had much more impact had we known who it was (a la Game of Thrones) rather than having to wait 8 months or whatever. If the first episode of the next season is centred around Morgan and Carol I will actually riot. I have a horrible suspicion they're going to drag out the "who it was that got battered" bit for an episode or 2.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The build up was fantastic but mehhhhh.
I'm not sure I breathed once in that last 10 minutes. After all that pissing about he goes and whacks the camera man.

The death would've had much more impact had we known who it was (a la Game of Thrones) rather than having to wait 8 months or whatever. If the first episode of the next season is centred around Morgan and Carol I will actually riot. I have a horrible suspicion they're going to drag out the "who it was that got battered" bit for an episode or 2.

Completely agree, it will be 1/2 episode - Morgan & Carol finding friends, turns out they're dickheads, so they kill them, go back to Alexandria

Then it will consist of a couple of episodes about Negan and how he got to where he got to, then they'll finally show who is dead.

So who do you think is RIP? - I feel like it's Abraham with all the 'We need to start living!' However, I feel like they're gonna go all Game of Thrones and do something like killing Daryl, since he's already been beaten up to shit, so you wouldn't expect him to be killed.

Glenn though.. Glenn...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
In the comics it's
last chance
but the show has veered away so much from the comics that it wouldn't surprise me if it was somebody else. I feel like it has to be one of the originals.

Just fucking shit that they're making us wait. After all the build-up throughout the week as well with cast members saying how omg fantastic it was and Greg Nicotero saying it was "one of the best episodes we've made in 6 years". Fuck off, no it wasn't.

Add to that that it was a "90" minute episode (adverts included) and you wonder why the fuck they needed that extra half hour. They could've fucked off the Morgan and Carol rubbish for a start (I simply can't believe that they spent all that time building up the tension with the road blocks and then it cut to Morgan on a fucking horse or something) and maybe they didn't need to meet 3 roadblocks. I get that they were getting bigger with more impending dread each time but I'm sure they could've wrapped all of that up and still had time for Negan's big bit at the end.
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Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It was a very poor finale in general really, they didn't have to spend half a hour driving around like oh no, this route is blocked, oh no, this route is blocked, oh no this route is blocked, oh no this route is blocked. I know that Murphy Daniels is the one that dies in the comics, but as you say, I can see them veering away from that individual for some reason, however, it would make sense in the Game of Thrones approach (Which I wouldn't be surprised if it went that way.)

It would have been a much better story if they actually fought them at some point and were captured, maybe at the Hilltop or something.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I quite like Negan. He should kill them all, then we get to watch a whole new series :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Was a bit disapointed with the ending, to be expected though.

Fear the walking dead in a couple of weeks!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
At the risk of igniting things, can I say well done @caLLous for using spoilers for what they're intended - discussion of future events in the comics.

Shame everyone doesn't get it like you, eh? ;)



I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I quite like Negan. He should kill them all, then we get to watch a whole new series :)

Wouldn't it be favorable if he joined up with the old crew, kick everything up a notch? They are getting tiresome tbh.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Have I missed something? What doctor where? Why didn't they all just stay at home and cope?


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
I would say Abraham or Glenn.

I know the show doesn't follow the comic 100% but both of these characters are now dead at this point in the comic. Abraham dies in the comic exactly the same as when that doctor got a arrow through the back of the head in the tv version and Glenn gets killed in the comic by Negan like how the last tv episode ended.
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I don't quite get why people are so annoyed that it's a cliffhanger, unless they've been spoiled by Game of Thrones.

I wonder what they'd have thought if they'd watched J.R. get shot.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The last paragraph of the AV Club review summed it up:
This is lousy, manipulative storytelling, a cliffhanger that robs a powerful moment (because good or bad, watching Negan beat someone we kind of like to death would’ve been powerful) of its effect for the mercenary purpose of dragging this nonsense out just a little bit further. When you’re telling a story, you want your audience to keep watching, so sometimes you use tricks to keep them watching, but the promise between you and your viewers is that those tricks will never get in the way of the story itself. The tricks will never become the point. But for The Walking Dead, the tricks are all that’s left. The show can only dangle poisoned treats in front of us, dropping them month by month, year by year, until we finally choke on them.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Because it is a pretty weak ending to a series. I also know what will happen, they will have a barn storming first episode with maybe those blue armour wearing dudes arriving en masse on horseback, Negan and a bunch of others will escape. The episode will end up with the rest of the group pulling sad faces around the grave of <whoever>, probably Glen, Maggie will probably get better all of a sudden and Carol will rejoin the group. Then they will faf about for a few episodes before another run in with Negan for some pay back just before the mid-season break. Its getting a little tiring really because it really is a great show.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006

They've given it away, it was clearly Glen who died, the flashback, him talking at the end and having other suspects (Abraham/Daryl) in the shot?

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