The Perfect Albion RvR Group?



1 - Cleric, full rej
1 - Theurgist with 6 s pbt
1 - Minstrel
1 - Scout (to sniff out mg's etc ahead of group, not essential, infil will also do or trade off for a second offensive theurgist with 10 sec pbt and stack, does 10 & 6 stack?, or sorc)

1 paladin, s/s for slam and FH,chants
2 armsman, polearms pref
1 friar

Group is low on nuke power, but I have seen few good nuking groups, certainly not the random groups you get outside atk, its usually the tanks doing the killing I see, so this group is concentrated on that.

Regarding what was said above about not enough clerics, well I tend to find in combat its all down to the instant heals, as 9 times out of 10 the cleric is disabled and only gets time to heal after the fight.

I've been in a group with 3 full rej clerics before and still died slowly as all 3 have failed to heal in combat (all had instants and werent mezzed). so i'd rather have 1 good cleric and more group variety or damage concentration.

Really though the perfect group depends on the situration, I hang around odins and sauvage mostly which is perhaps reflecting in my group choice. emain sees a different sort of battle.


I actually think 6 Paladins + Cleric + Minstrel would work pretty well ;) (twisting a resist + heal and later endurance)

But last group I had that worked best for me so far:

2x Cleric (Rejuv), Abelardus & Bobiskey
1x Firewizard, Magmatic (thats me ;))
1x Theurgist, Taglim
1x Friar, Benedictine
1x Merc, Vladimir
1x Minstrel, Sunwolf
1x Tank, Rales (or was it Pedrin)

Ranked up 45k in Rps in about 5-8 hours time... Which, for me, was very good... Our top at that night was taking out 16 mids (no, not greens/grays (cant even remember a blue) ;))

Note that in that group, everyone did what they where suppose to do, the theurgist was air-spec so had a medium mezz (which often got purged btw)... But the group worked very well together...

Want to know what the 'perfect' group in RvR would be?

A group that works together as a group, and not as a bunch of idiots that want to leech of each other Realm Points...

Thats the only perfect group there is, sure it helps if certain people play certain classes... But the only reason certain guild groups (hibs/mids/albs) work 'so-well' are because each member does their job in the group and does not go on a solo 'adventure'...


Btw, the reason why most nukers fail in random groups is because most tanks have NO clue that they cant 'get agro' from a mid... No matter if you put 2 or 3 tanks on a mid (or hib), he will still take out a nuker first...

Why do almost never see mee LFG in Emain? Because just of that reason, in random groups, I am always the first to die, only exception is if there happens to be an avalonian with a higher(or equal) RR then me in the same group...


An interesting group to try in RvR would be:

7 Paladins
1 Minstrel

One thing is for sure, the battle will last for an eternity.


One matter sorcerer
One spirit cabalist
One 2-handed paladin
One ice theurgist
One smite cleric
One stealth minstrel who is autotraining instruments
One crossbow armsman
One parry/enh friar




Originally posted by K0nah

u just have to go 1 better dont u!!1 :m00:

find me 1 ice wizard : (

What's the reward?

Kalizza - level 50 - The Royal Guard

There's your first ice-wizz... And there are probably alot more, I remember a certain guild called 'Point Blank' which had around 10 ice-wizzies at level 35. They're probably close to 50 if they continued their sunday-hunting days by now.


Good to see most guys wanna see an earth/air theurg, by the way :)


Originally posted by dakeyras
I think determination 4 and purge (both at reduced cost) when combined with 'charge' will make the merc the ideal caster killer
Fin had it with Prevent Flight. Combined with charge, it means those pesky Bards and Elves aren't going to be sprinting away from me any more! :D

I'll be getting Determination 4 at RR7, which will mean that the dreaded 9s stun will last less than 2.5 secs without any resist buffs.... and with good resist buffs it comes down to a mere 1.87 secs! :p

And purge isn't on my plans for RA's at the moment.... I might get it sometime in the future to escape from slam, but it really has no other use for a tank.

Edit: Thinking about it, I usually rely on Hibs casting stun on me to break mez.... They must get a bit of a shock when they stun me, run back a few paces and turn to find that I'm not stood waiting for the inevitable nuke, but in their face and swinging a sword straight at them! :p


who said earth theurg?
thats rarer than a non smite spanish cleric.

edit: group imo:
2 air theurg
2 sorcs
def pally
hybrid arms
rejuv cleric


Originally posted by alithiel50
Fin had it with Prevent Flight. Combined with charge, it means those pesky Bards and Elves aren't going to be sprinting away from me any more! :D

I'll be getting Determination 4 at RR7, which will mean that the dreaded 9s stun will last less than 2.5 secs without any resist buffs.... and with good resist buffs it comes down to a mere 1.87 secs! :p

And purge isn't on my plans for RA's at the moment.... I might get it sometime in the future to escape from slam, but it really has no other use for a tank.

Edit: Thinking about it, I usually rely on Hibs casting stun on me to break mez.... They must get a bit of a shock when they stun me, run back a few paces and turn to find that I'm not stood waiting for the inevitable nuke, but in their face and swinging a sword straight at them! :p

Been trying to make my mind up wether to respec to Detirmination 4 & IP next patch, as was my original plan, or to get Detirmination 3, IP and Purge instead. Decisions decisions.

Prevent flight is a lovely idea just way to expensive.


Ok... this is based on scientific data gathering and analysis of numerous groupings and rvr encounters.........

7 friars &



This is the group of my dreams:

1 reyv cleric
2 reyv cleric
3 battle Mincer
4 battle Mincer
5 air theurg
6 Shield Pali
7 Infiltrator
8 offensive armsman (no,not a gay slam/pole one :p)

This is in absolute the most hard group to kill in albion on my eyes.

For several reasons and I 'll explane why:

1.yes it lack of casters and that is the uge advantage,its very easy for the healers of the group(and the other members also) to plan a defense when they ll know exactly who 'll be the primary target;and the caster should be an air theurg cause its the most complete caster class of albion (haste,eb,10 sec pbt,nasty nukes and aoe mezz).

2.if something go wrong and the caster die at start (how often appens :p) you still have 2 potential mezzers,and not so easy to kill:have 2 clerics and 2 mincers its important ,cause if one is engaged or poisoned or worse if they have a pet on them,the other one can support the group,the mincers don't need stealth at all(so get them completely battle speced) cause the infiltrator of the group can do eventually the scout work.

3.when your only caster is dead they 'll be really in troubles to decide who kill for first and a couple of more seconds to decide what attack can make the difference in a battle. of the mincers and the shield pali(why pali and not armsman? cause group heal ofc) as support of the theurg can easy block 3 tanks.

5.the infiltrator can poison (definitively snare) the weapons of all tanks of the group,before every big battle.

5. 3 mezers,2 pure healers and one more group insta and 5 melers ..its really aloot for a single group.

6. the real force of this group is the flexibility,every members can have many different roles and that make the group completely unpredictable.

I have also a precise idea about who should occupy every roles
but I won't offend anyone so I 'll keep those names for myself.


Cleric - Amb/Eggy
Mincer - Sarsur/Speedo
Theurg - Strondor
Wizard - Wildfire/Fatalitys
Pally/Armsman - Farek (imo without a doubt best tank in alb) / Me if Fareks not online :)
Sorcerer - Afun
Friar/Merc - Quicksilver/Alith
Cabalist - Tilda

and yes thats based arround people in FC cus 90% of other albs are complete newbies..but then again so are FC.

As much as hibs/mids think there is no such thing as a balenced grp in alb one class doesn't have all the gadgets of 2 or 3 ala healer/bard


The Perfect Albion RvR Group

Sweet, thats a good one for the oxy moron thread on the Hib board :)


Abpoon u could add ur signature to that list of oxymorons while you're there:

"Proud member of the Alliance of Midguard" :clap: :flame:


4 Scouts
2 Minstrels
2 Infiltrators

And the good old /release incase something goes wrong :p


Originally posted by Treniel-
Cleric - Amb/Eggy
Mincer - Sarsur/Speedo
Theurg - Strondor
Wizard - Wildfire/Fatalitys
Pally/Armsman - Farek (imo without a doubt best tank in alb) / Me if Fareks not online :)
Sorcerer - Afun
Friar/Merc - Quicksilver/Alith
Cabalist - Tilda

and yes thats based arround people in FC cus 90% of other albs are complete newbies..but then again so are FC.

As much as hibs/mids think there is no such thing as a balenced grp in alb one class doesn't have all the gadgets of 2 or 3 ala healer/bard

tx for letting me out of the perf group guys :p (treniel and tilda) then it must be true that i'm only buff/rezzbot on weels :p anyway you left out alot of peeps on that list, not to smart saying names in my eyes either (i say this to all who mentioned somone as perf groupmember) some peeps can be offended by this i think ... and no not pointing out at muself but in general ... collors and tastes are not te be discussed about .. everyone has its own idea's and opinions

best group = a fairly balanced group that teams alot and knows what the others are doing and they can rely on doing their job with the best of their capabilities. knowing from each other their strong and week points.

and to be point out one of mine week points : i plays to much daoc to be fully concentrated (9+ houres a day with peeks of 16h for the moment) :p

ps: i have alot of spare time , trying to seek work for the moment :p


spose i should define "perfect"

perfect means: given the element of surprise a group that can eliminate an enemy hib or mid grp in the shortest possible time and most reliably.

treniel: calling 90% of the ppl in your realm newbies makes u look like an utter cock. oh wait... :rolleyes:


5 pallys all s/s ... thats a hella lotof slams/instas/chants
1 full earth theurg for pbt/root/mezz/pets/debuffs.
1 minstrel for demezz . single mezz . speeed .
1 cleric .split with juve/ench for nice buffs and a good heal . and bof and other ra's

that group imo would kick ass.


1 sorc (41 body/34 mind) - mez
1 air theurg - backup mez / pbt
1 mincer - SoS speed 5 ofc
1 cleric - rej/enh - resist heals BoF etc
1 friar - enh/staff - resists, backup heals
2 hybrid polearms (slam - high damage)
1 cabalist (nearsight, aoe dot for rp farm)

honestly cant think of a better


Re: Re: Radical Plan B:

Originally posted by Fingoniel
shame enemies tend to not stick together quite so well behaved as tanglers :(

that and you see

You hit bignastyhib for 50(-150)
rather than
You hit pygmy goblin tangler for 300(+100)

but more aoe is good :D

thats why i stated to pick targets on a north/south/east/west basis... :rolleyes:

the target of the aoe suffers ~200 dmg even with good resists the dmg on the adds is a bonus, noone gonna be casting fk all in the middle of that firestorm (without moc and if they dont have /effects none set their pc gfx will also lock up totally). so lets see... per cast each _target_ will take 1 direct hit and 3 (or more depending on the number of fire wiz) indirect hits at a cast time of ~2.5seconds meaning the entire grp will be taking ~350-500+ dmg per cast depending on how tightly they r bunched, anyone not an actual aoe target will take ~50-75% of that dmg. ppl on the edges or runners are handled by the theurg or are switched to being the target on the following cast.

aoe fire hits pretty hard in rvr, even with good resists, stack it up and it starts becoming a real force.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
One matter sorcerer
One spirit cabalist
One 2-handed paladin
One ice theurgist
One smite cleric
One stealth minstrel who is autotraining instruments
One crossbow armsman
One parry/enh friar



i hope for your sake that that was a joke :(


Originally posted by Novamir
1 sorc (41 body/34 mind) - mez
1 air theurg - backup mez / pbt
1 mincer - SoS speed 5 ofc
1 cleric - rej/enh - resist heals BoF etc
1 friar - enh/staff - resists, backup heals
2 hybrid polearms (slam - high damage)
1 cabalist (nearsight, aoe dot for rp farm)

honestly cant think of a better

well yeh i spose u could calculate the ideal grp by which classes r essential and then fill in the blanks, essential:

friar: need resists/the rest is a bonus :)
air/earth theurg: need pbt/mezz
pally: need slam/chants/(end regen coming soon...)
mincer: need speed/demezz
cleric: need resists/heals/buffs/stun

no group should be without those to be a well rounded rvr force.
leaving 3 spaces to fill to tune the kinda of rvr u want to do or which classes are available at the time.
sorc is only ommitted from "essential" because of thier rarity. theurg mezz is actually plenty in alot of cases, but vs tough opponents doesn't have the needed duration/range/radius and sorcs also offer useful debuffs.


Originally posted by Strondor_New
Abpoon u could add ur signature to that list of oxymorons while you're there:

"Proud member of the Alliance of Midguard" :clap: :flame:

It's Midgard foolish boy o_O

Oh and btw cheers for the free rp's outside fens from First Cohorts famous "Run away from the Middys like headless chickens" tactic and the constant stream of Albion suiside squads trying to get into Nottmoor when we recapped, was funny :)

Ah and i heard why you cant have a big alliance on Albion, i think you and a few others were a reason Stron ;)

I think "Too many chief's and not enough people who know what the fuck their doing" came to mind


1 - 48enhance friar - resists, melee support
2 - A pair of air theurgs, stacked 10sec PBT, nukes, backup mezz, backup speed
3 - rejuv/enhance cleric
4 - 44mind sorc (how likely? haha)
5 - minstrel
7 - merc, ideally hybrid shield/DW except there's only one i know of on Excal :rolleyes: (what's so wrong about losing parry and gaining slam + shield spec fs?)
8 - Matter cabalist that knows when to use AEDOT and when fucking NOT to


Well in my limited, but gaining experience, I think the perfect group is:

1) A group which is full
2) A group which does not run around with half the members on stick and afk, while running head long into a group of Hibbs/Midds
3) A group who work and communicate both in group and with other groups.
4) A group where the stealthers do not go into “hide” mode as the first sign of trouble and so effectively reduce the numbers in the group again, then proceed to tell us we have just died and X amount of FG’s of whatever are wherever (nothing against stealthers, but just get stuck in at times!)
5) A group which does not say “charge” meaning “cannon fodder tank” charge, while we run away.
6) A group who accept that one group of Albs will not generally beat one group of old Grannies on zimmer frames, never mind Hibbs or Midds, so sometimes discretion is the better part of valour!
7) A realm where the so called elite guilds help us “lesser” guilds instead of gloating how good they are.
8) And finally, a group/realm which remembers that this is a game, it is not real, there is not really an Albion, you are not really a wizard.

That’s my perfect group…

I am srapping my armsman btw, seems no-one wants us from the majority of the post above! :(

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