Politics The General Election 2015

Who will you vote for?!

  • Green Party

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • Monster Raving Loony Party

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Conservative Party

    Votes: 21 33.3%
  • Labour Party

    Votes: 6 9.5%
  • United Kingdom Independence Party

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • British National Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liberal Democrats Party

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • None

    Votes: 10 15.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Well for me i have to vote Labour because if Conservatives win the chances are ill have to undergo yet another restructure this year or next and every year after that. And each restructure is a high chance i will lose my job.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Well for me i have to vote Labour because if Conservatives win the chances are ill have to undergo yet another restructure this year or next and every year after that. And each restructure is a high chance i will lose my job.
Do you work in local authority or something?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Not true, that's the biggest misconception about the SNP.

They're not just nationalists, they're also left wing, as left wing as the Labour party should be in their perspective.

This is why the media are so retarded when it comes to reviewing them when they talk about Glasgow and how it was the heart of the Labour party, it still is the heart of the Labour party, but in the perspective as the Scots, it's now the proper Labour party as opposed to some middle of the road pathetic excuse for one.

We've complained for ages about how more Right Wing Labour has become over the years, difference is the Scots have done something about it.

That's the thing though, the SNP aren't actually left wing at all, they just claim that to dupe their mentally challenged followers on Twitter (the Cybernats, or Brownkilts as I prefer). If you look at the legislation they have brought in, none of it actually helps the poor as they suggest. Free prescriptions for everyone, when the most needy get them for free down here anyway, free tuition fees as long as you are Scottish, and slashing corporation tax to benefit big business.

In fact Sturgeon was asked what progressive policies the SNP had brought in recently, and she couldn't answer. They have no interest in making the country better for everyone - they just want to tear it apart.

But dont take my word for it...


I'm sorry but I am getting borderline embarrassed about the place I call home these days - Scots used to be financially conservative (with a small c) with some of the brightest minds in the UK, when did it turn into a totalitarian client state with a specialism in group think and bitterness and a complete inability to think for themselves?

Must admit, for the first time in 20 years I'm actually glad I live in England. Never thought I'd say that. Well done Nationalists. Well done.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Whatever the snp say the independsnt scotland issue is still their main chew toy. And they will do anything to leverage another referendum asap.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
I do work in a local Authority but as a Family Support Advisor, my work ties in closely with Social Services and Schools and works on an early intervention and prevention strategy. The idea being each family i work with and help to resolve the issues will save the country a lot of money in potential court costs, anti social behaviour costs, schooling costs , as well as keeping the family together ofc :)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I do work in a local Authority but as a Family Support Advisor, my work ties in closely with Social Services and Schools and works on an early intervention and prevention strategy. The idea being each family i work with and help to resolve the issues will save the country a lot of money in potential court costs, anti social behaviour costs, schooling costs ect ect

Ah! My Mum does that pretty much, Family Support Worker, so you probably shout at her. :p So would you see yourself in a critical role? - I mean, I know in our council, there's loads of people getting laid off, frontline staff who probably get paid like £18k a year, when there's middle management claiming that they have multiple roles (which is bullshit) who get paid 80k a year, and they're immune to getting laid off.

If you decide to grass on them and say hang on - What they told you (The people who come 'round and check who should be getting laid off) is bullshit! - They don't do that this and the other - You don't get a job in the council ever again.

Such a flawed system, we have a mayor now in Leicester, and he's intentionally laying off the GOOD management that the council has, because he sees them to a threat to his authority, so he's replacing them with no-questions asked useless middle management.

Backwards, not forwards.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Im on 22k so will be exact same role as your Mum at a guess, just slightly different title. The situation here is exactly as you described it as each year we have a restructure and lose more frontline staff while the upper tiers find ways to become immune and not part of the restructure


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Im on 22k so will be exact same role as your Mum at a guess, just slightly different title. The situation here is exactly as you described it as each year we have a restructure and lose more frontline staff while the upper tiers find ways to become immune and not part of the restructure

One whole service got wiped off the map, and apparently the Government saw it as a flag-ship service across the UK (CBII) no idea if you've heard of it.

There were some people that said they divided their time among the different services, and spent 10% of their time on CBII, which the staff responded with LOLWTFLOLBACON

So they got saved.



Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
We have lost some of our own services here as well and that has resulted in the rest of us taking on their jobs and workload as our own to go along with our own jobs. The problem is many don't realise we are heading for a critical mass where soon there wont be enough front line workers to do the jobs many take for granted. Sadly when more children are abused/killed and more children go off the rails the Government will blame the few remaining Front liners and not even talk about the fact they sacked the majority of them leaving workers who are vastly overworked in highly stressful jobs that have massive ramifications for failure.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
We have lost some of our own services here as well and that has resulted in the rest of us taking on their jobs and workload as our own to go along with our own jobs. The problem is many don't realise we are heading for a critical mass where soon there wont be enough front line workers to do the jobs many take for granted. Sadly when more children are abused/killed and more children go off the rails the Government will blame the few remaining Front liners and not even talk about the fact they sacked the majority of them leaving workers who are vastly overworked in highly stressful jobs that have massive ramifications for failure.

Indeed, my mum used to work for the entire city, dealing with quite mediocre cases, but now the old place got closed she now works in St Matthews (@Shagrat loves that place.) It's basically a really down-trodded high-rised area full of immigrants, which unfortunately is a beautiful example of an authorities capability to create ghettoism, especially so by offering services which are particular in certain areas of a city - so as a consequence, everyone moves there, rather than spreading out throughout the city.

But yeah, the work that people like yourself isn't respected, and that's half the issue, it acts as a massive effect on future generations in terms of crime etc, but people simply don't see that.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Yep similar story here, five years ago the work was all over the place and dealt a lot with initial low level behaviors but as cut after cut has been made and Social Services are now packed beyond capacity the work has changed to dealing mostly with extreme cases and the odd low level behavior problem. I doubt we will ever reach the point where people appreciate what people like myself and your mum does as most people still do not even appreciate what Social Services or the Police do.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
@Gwadien indeed used to live on east park road, not far from St Matthews. It was where a lot of the "working girls" used to live, not sure if that's the case anymore, highfields and st matthews had a bit of a clear out years back if I remember correctly.

I work for the local authority in Rutland and its the same there, big restructure done when the first load of cuts were announced, less staff now doing the same amount of work. Feels like all you do is firefight now, social work teams pushed to the limit, lot of staff turnover and interim/agency staff.

Makes you wonder how sustainable it all is


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Yep, just makes me angry when people seem to forget this part of things when they talk about the election and how much "better" the country has got under the Conservatives


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yep, just makes me angry when people seem to forget this part of things when they talk about the election and how much "better" the country has got under the Conservatives

That's because we're becoming a less community centric society.

So long as people make more money, they don't care.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
They will when someone they care about is abused or hurt and there is no one to help or investigate , or not enough Police or Nurses ect :(
Then they will care


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
They will when someone they care about is abused or hurt and there is no one to help or investigate , or not enough Police or Nurses ect :(
Then they will care
I don't know, personally, I feel like alot of people don't care about society anymore like they used to (I hate to sound like your nan)

I feel like alot of people would happily wave bye-bye to the NHS, if they saw massive tax cuts, I feel like the people are lying through their teeth about it is because the NHS is a truly British institution, and we don't want to get rid of it for that reason.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
By confront you mean shout and scream and give yourself a sore trout?
I can do none of those things on a forum.

What is actually happening is the repeated presentation of facts that you would rather stick your head in the sand about and go "la la la la" about..

@Moriath - yep - UKIP don't give a fuck about freedoms - like most far right idiots.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I can do none of those things on a forum.

What is actually happening is the repeated presentation of facts that you would rather stick your head in the sand about and go "la la la la" about..

@Moriath - yep - UKIP don't give a fuck about freedoms - like most far right idiots.

Ues but nobody is disagreeing that they are wankers. Saying it over and over isn't going to change that.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's so true, the wife works as a head school mentor and deals with quite simply unbelievably disfunctional families and every level of mental/physical/sexual abuse, laising with all the agencies, but when I go to her works do's, the teachers ( who a lot earn less than her) deride her department as a cumfy room for the crybabies.
I swear to god, some trumped up English teacher talking down to her like she's a part time do gooder.
The fact that the school got an excellent from Ofsted mainly because of the outstanding pastoral dept seems to have escaped them.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Many people just say "let the parents do it themselves!!" or "Nanny state" but the truth is these families wont do it themselves and will cost us all a fortune if things are not changed.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It's so true, the wife works as a head school mentor and deals with quite simply unbelievably disfunctional families and every level of mental/physical/sexual abuse, laising with all the agencies, but when I go to her works do's, the teachers ( who a lot earn less than her) deride her department as a cumfy room for the crybabies.
I swear to god, some trumped up English teacher talking down to her like she's a part time do gooder.
The fact that the school got an excellent from Ofsted mainly because of the outstanding pastoral dept seems to have escaped them.

Not really.

Ofsted largely over looks pastoral elements of schools.

Ofsted still largely looks at a school in terms of performance but not relativity.

I mean, if you get 100% A-C GCSEs at a school at a extremely well off school is that so much superior than a school that manages to get kids into some kind of straight and narrow and sets them up on the right paths?

Don't get me wrong, Ofsted have come on leaps and bounds in terms of recognising more than conventional learning in schools, but they still have miles to go to appreciate the full extent of it.

Which would completely explain the schools lack of priorities over your mrs, it's not their fault they have goals which are most likely unrealistic.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
This need for high grade students also sadly leads many schools to be forced into sending Kids off into the schools designed for children with challenging behavior. This to me is a massive mistake because putting 30 kids with problems together in a room is not the best way to help them overcome their problems.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'll have to correct you there, pastoral is becoming a major selling point for schools and the actual report stated the excellence of the pastoral care was what got the school an excellent, the wife got promoted off the back of the report, but my point was not one teacher congratulated her or changed their opinion.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Ues but nobody is disagreeing that they are wankers. Saying it over and over isn't going to change that.
If you recall correctly - I was just confirming a factual point that Gwadien made - not saying "racist" at all.

You're the one obsessed by them, not me. I find them a bit of an irrelevance tbh.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well done to your wife, you're rightly proud of her vocation and achievements, but you're largely talking bollocks about Ofsted grading the school excellent on the back of the pastoral care.

First of all there is no such grading as excellent.

Second of all, every school's inspection starts at outstanding and that then gets's degraded as the inspectors find things to pick holes in. In order for the school that your wife is involved in getting the top grading they would have had to find very little failings in all areas of the school. No matter how good the pastoral care was. Great pastoral care alone cannot get a school an outstanding result. It really does need to be outstanding throughout.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Jo Coburn is awful at interviewing, trying too hard.

David Dimbledy should do everything, he should be forced.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, I meant outstanding...just couldn't remember the term,and I couldn't ask her cos she'd be like 'what are you writing'


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, I meant outstanding...just couldn't remember the term,and I couldn't ask her cos she'd be like 'Are you churning out more of your ill informed Daily Mail inspired bollocks again?!'



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Predictions for a Tory majority, but a Labour minority government, just fuckin unbelievable.

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