Totally agree, Labour at some point will want SNP votes to push through legislation that matters to them, it will cost! That is exactly how it works. Regardless of of how the Millipedo wants it, they will have to compromise at some point or stand by their principles (chuckles) and give up being government.Just because Millibland has ruled it out, doesn't mean it won't happen. He will do absolutely anything to be in power, promise anything regardless of whether he intends to carry it out or has the resources to carry it out.
Likewise, the SNP.
Why so unbelieveable?Predictions for a Tory majority, but a Labour minority government, just fuckin unbelievable.
Just because Millibland has ruled it out, doesn't mean it won't happen. He will do absolutely anything to be in power, promise anything regardless of whether he intends to carry it out or has the resources to carry it out.
Likewise, the SNP.
Likewise, the SNP.
Same as the Tories. Or UKIP.
Why only single out the ones you hate as liars - when they are all identical in this respect?
Why would it be unbelievable if there were a Labour Government? ...
Although a Labour coalition won't happen anyway aparrently.
Did anyone notice on that Question Time that when Cameron was asked about a coalition he said it isn't happening then the subject was changed when it was Milliband they tried to force him to say hes gonna go into a coalition with the SNP and they didn't let it go?
I'm sorry but I am getting borderline embarrassed about the place I call home these days - Scots used to be financially conservative (with a small c) with some of the brightest minds in the UK, when did it turn into a totalitarian client state with a specialism in group think and bitterness and a complete inability to think for themselves?
If Labour jump in bed with the SNP it will be a countdown till Scotland leaves the union, either that or civil war in Scotland.
It will be the most unpopular government in 50 years and the lowest point the Labour party will have reached....just a stinking pile of shit, cut them off, move the nukes to Gibralter and watch them burn.
GJ being a victim of Tory propaganda.They are hardly left wing, for a start the Scots are the most racist / xenophobic people in the UK and the SNP will do nothing but pull labour apart, I'd rather have Labour/Greens (If they have a sudden surge![]()
GJ being a victim of Tory propaganda.
As I've explained before, to many Scots, they're a proper Labour party, which doesn't cosy up to the centre-ground.
That's the truth, I'm sure people such as @Big G - You know, that racist/xenophobic guy from the UK would agree with me.
For fuck sake, read the article I linked to, they are not left wing. Not in the fucking slightest.
My point is, Scots are voting for them, because there seen as a party which can offer them that the 'normal' parties cannot.
To paint them purely as nationalist nutjobs that only attract nationalist nut jobs is completely incorrect, I speak to a lot of people that voted for them, but also voted no in the referendum, because they believe they'll simply do better for them in parliament.
Out of curiosity those of you that are voting Conservatives can you explain how you think public sector workers would benefit from a Conservative Government?
And vice versa those voting Labour can you explain how you think private sector workers would benefit from a Labour Government?.
They are hardly left wing, for a start the Scots are the most racist / xenophobic people in the UK and the SNP will do nothing but pull labour apart, I'd rather have Labour/Greens (If they have a sudden surge![]()
Are you denying it, you have to know it's true, I have 30-40 relatives in Scotland, from doleite to senior manager and they and all their mates are xenophobes of the highest order, they talk freely in bars about Pakis and wogs, it's just amazing to hear, the country is divided by entrenched religious bigotry so racism is just an add on
Not foreigners. Just english people. HeheJust a sample poll, but I stand by my assertions that an awful lot of Scots have a long way to go in accepting foreigners.