hehe, tell me about it I've been working on something on and off for over a year. It's a cool project but it takes a lot of determination to keep going. The lines of code now totals four figures and rising, hehe Keep up the good work, Cask, it'll be worth it in the endCask said:Losing enthusiasm again for the site now though... must.... focus... argh.
Jonty said:That's all done with Paint Shop Pro 9, using vectors to get the initial shape and then with raster layers and fancy layer transition effects to build up the design.
Kind RegardsCorel said:Corel will sell Paint Shop Pro ... as stand alone products and will continue to provide worldwide service and support to customers under the Corel brand. In addition, Corel will actively support new R&D initiatives for the Paint Shop family, ensuring that the next-generation of Jasc products will continue to flourish.
I've been looking into this a bit now; I wonderd how you go about making a breadcrum trail on your website? I read soemthing about a Dreamweaver extention to automatically insert a breadcrum code on your pages; are there other ways of doing this too?JingleBells said:I decided to update my website this evening, adding a quick breadcrumb system to aid navigation, and adjusting the site structure to aid adding pages.
Thoughts would be appreciated, especially if you find a page that doesn't work as I might have missed something
// Converts the specified time into an informal equivalent
function time2informal ($time)
// Ensure the time is specified
if (empty($time)) exit("Please specify a valid time");
// Extract the hour, in 24 hour format without leading zeros, from the time
$hour = date("G", strtotime($time));
// Create and return the informal time
if ($hour >= 0 and $hour <= 4) {
return "in the wee hours of the morning";
} elseif ($hour >= 5 and $hour <= 7) {
return "early in the morning";
} elseif ($hour >= 8 and $hour <= 11) {
return "in the morning";
} elseif ($hour >= 12 and $hour <= 13) {
return "at lunchtime";
} elseif ($hour >= 14 and $hour <= 17) {
return "in the afternoon";
} elseif ($hour >= 18 and $hour <= 20) {
return "in the evening";
} elseif ($hour >= 21 and $hour <= 23) {
return "late at night";
} else {
return "at an unknown time";
echo "This little bit of informative text was written ".time2informal(time())." on ".date("l jS F Y \a\\t g:ia");
This little bit of informative text was written at lunchtime on Sunday 27th March 2005 at 12:35pm
hehe, I'm good at that doing that too I have folders full of odd scripts and random images I've created but never used, just in case they come in handywyrd_fish said:like so much of my stuff i get distracted and things never get finished
You're telling me I'm working on my first truly 'liquid' layout and it isn't half hard after using fixed-width designs Great work, though, Gef; keep it up!Gef said:its a lot easier to lay out content when its locked though
That rocks SVG is like that, it's brilliant seeing your image look perfect at 10% of its original size and just as lovely at 1000% of the original. I believe Longhorn will have a form of SVG integrated into the UI (XAML), but nothing quite so widescale as 'Moggy' (hehe, the cat theme continues, eh? ).Shovel said:That said, when that happens, we might get away with it anyway when Apple (no doubt with Microsoft desperately chasing) get their "pixeless" desktop sussed out. The idea being that everything (windows, titlebars, etc) is done in vectors and so gets smoothly resized at all resolutions, not limiting you just to resizing text. It is supposed appear in OSX 10.5 "Moggy"
<Window><Text>My Form</Text>
<object type="application/xml+svg" data="super-svg-logo.xml">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="fallback-flash-version.swf">
<object type="image/png" data="ultrafallback-png.png">
This text will only display if the browser does not support (or fails to load) the SVG, Flash and PNG alternatives.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
//Supresses errors in crappy browsers
window.onerror = function () { return true; }