The decline of smoking?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well if all people stopped smoking, the people that smoked would pay less tax. So in a way they would become richer :p if they invest the money that is, otherwise they just have would have more useless junk (like the non-smokers now :D)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Swift^ said:
a lot of (young) smokers they smoke because they see the benefits outweighing the negatives.

Which benefits would these be exactly?

Nicotine does not calm the human body or mind down in any way. All it does is plant a little timebomb which makes you stress out a certain amount of time after you inbibed it. Then, the only way to shake that is to have the next one, which counters the effect of the first and sets your timebomb to go off again in half an hour or so.

All one cigarette ever does is make you want the next one. No-one can claim any benefits from it. It DOESN'T relieve stress or relax you.


Dec 25, 2003
One of my dreams is that of smoking being completely banned in this country...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Smoking turns some people in to retards. Like those that use the old human rights argument. I've got no problem with people enjoying a cig in their homes, but when it starts affecting others (this includes children living in their homes), it shows a certain amount of selfishness.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jonny_Darko said:
Which benefits would these be exactly?
It makes you look cool, for one.

That's why most of my friends started at around 14/15. It's rebellious. The older generation say don't do it, so you go ahead and do it. It's why a lot of people start. Kinda obvious, I would've thought.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
Look at any public building, from a council office to a uni hall of residence, there's always a pool of smokers outside, chatting, enjoying the fresh air.
What sweet, sweet irony.

(Can't be bothered to read the whole thread so apologies if someone else has already mentioned it)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I saw it and giggled, I used to 'go out for some fresh air' on my breaks :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The sooner smoking is banned in pubs and restaurants etc the better.

I certainly do not find it very sociable when you're eating and someone's cigarette smoking is polluting the air around me.

If you want to smoke fine but go and smoke where it doesnt affect anyone else.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It is easy to counter that Dysfunction, why are there no non-smoking bars? If that many people wanted it, it would be a large succes. It is a fact that there are almost none, I wonder why though :)


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I heard a story a few weeks ago were an SU bar banned smoking. They lost (iirc) £30,000 in turnover in a week. They decided to allow smoking again.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
mr.Blacky said:
It is easy to counter that Dysfunction, why are there no non-smoking bars? If that many people wanted it, it would be a large succes. It is a fact that there are almost none, I wonder why though :)

Because smokers choose to go to a place where there is smoking allowed. And many people have friends that smoke even if they dont so they kind of have to go to a pub that allows smoking...

Yes you would get a severe drop in numbers as people choose to go where they can smoke.

But if every single bar across the country had a ban on smoking you would soon see the numbers going up again...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jonny_Darko said:
Which benefits would these be exactly?

Nicotine does not calm the human body or mind down in any way. All it does is plant a little timebomb which makes you stress out a certain amount of time after you inbibed it. Then, the only way to shake that is to have the next one, which counters the effect of the first and sets your timebomb to go off again in half an hour or so.

All one cigarette ever does is make you want the next one. No-one can claim any benefits from it. It DOESN'T relieve stress or relax you.

I see your point but I have to disagree slightly. I have never smoked in my life and I never intend to, however I believe that smoking can offer some 'benefits'. For example take comfort eating, when you eat your mind is on the sensation of the food and focusing on eating it, it relieves stress and relaxes or even makes you happier which is probably why so many comfort eat. I expect smoking to be something similar, you're feeling crap, you light up a cigarette and for the next 5minutes you're smoking, you're not feeling crap or depressed... you're just some guy smoking a cigarette. That's the benefit I can see... the release of the mind from whatever it was previously stressed over or thinking about. It is also probably beneficial in conversing with people (for some people anyway). A lot of the times when talking to someone you've just met or someone in general you will perhaps be nervous and 'aware' of everything you are doing and your body language, you may get paranoid or self concious and this will hinder your conversation. If you are smoking you are smoking... you arent worrying or feeling self concious cause you're too busy smoking to think about it, same can be said from drinking. Ever had an uneasy moment in a conversation or over dinner and focused on your food/drink/whatever to ease the moment out the way?

That said I don't believe there are any true medicinal benefits of smoking, certainly nothing chemical... it's all in the mind.

I agree with ch3t in that it would be nice to walk down the street without people smoking/cigarette butts all over the floor, or to go into a bar or club and not have to breathe in a thick wall of smoke or have your eyes water cause it's so bad.

People should be able to smoke if they choose to but people who choose not to should be able to enjoy the same things smokers do without having to breathe in their smoke. If you walk down the street with a ghetto blaster strapped to your back playing brazilian gangster rap at full volume you'd be disturbing others right? Same thing with smoking... you walk around and breathe the crap into the air that people have to breathe... that says to me it's up to the smoker to allow for the needs of the non smoker. Given that the smoker is the one who intrudes on the world of the non smoker, by way of smoke.

Also has anyone bothered to count how many hours a week their co-workers do less than them due to 'fag breaks' and the fact they still get the same full lunch hour and pay? :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I'm sat round at my mates apartment in New York as I write this, and believe me, I never realised what a totally amazing thing a smoke free bar or restraunt can be.
Sorry pro-smoking types, but your addiction is disgusting, kills you and me and makes everything smell shitty.

You lose.

PS: New York rocks as does the attractive brunette with A VERY LARGE CHEST that I've met. I dont want to come home.

They're real by the way.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Jonny_Darko said:
Which benefits would these be exactly?

Nicotine does not calm the human body or mind down in any way. All it does is plant a little timebomb which makes you stress out a certain amount of time after you inbibed it. Then, the only way to shake that is to have the next one, which counters the effect of the first and sets your timebomb to go off again in half an hour or so.

All one cigarette ever does is make you want the next one. No-one can claim any benefits from it. It DOESN'T relieve stress or relax you.

It certainly relieves stress for me. I gave up for 6 months a while back and I have never felt so bad(I am a nervous person). To say it doesn't relieve stress is wrong if you don't know. It slows the heart beat down which calms you slightly.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I dont smoke and I can manage my stress perfectly well. I dont comfort eat either.

Having a crutch like smoking or eating doesnt help you at all. You have to deal with things properly not try and bury them using food or other methods.

You'll be a lot healthier if you handle your stress properly.

And yes New York was fantastic with it smoke free bars and restaurants! Its great to come home after a night in a pub and not smell like Ive slept in an ashtray


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I've had help, I've took pills, none come close to calming me like smoking does :D


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
It makes your teeth yellow, it makes you stink, it gives you bad breath, it makes you wrinkle prematurely, it costs a fortune and it's extremely bad for your health.

I long for the day I can go out to a bar, or a nightclub and not come home stinking of ashtray.

Fucking filthy habit; how anyone can justify it from a "it helps me relax" or a "it makes me more sociable" is beyond me.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Have you tried fucking off?:eek:



I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Trem is actually the victim of several labotomies. The most recent one to remove the part of his brain that knew he was never going to post on FH again.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
It makes your teeth yellow, it makes you stink, it gives you bad breath, it makes you wrinkle prematurely, it costs a fortune and it's extremely bad for your health.

I long for the day I can go out to a bar, or a nightclub and not come home stinking of ashtray.

Fucking filthy habit; how anyone can justify it from a "it helps me relax" or a "it makes me more sociable" is beyond me.
My teeth are still white (ish), I smell pretty good (wonderful thing deodorant), my mouth is always minty fresh, i am wrinkle free, just as skint as I was when I started smoking and probably healthier. Which would make you wrong tbh.

It's a glorious habit, the more people do it the better. Means I have more people to enjoy the fresh air with during fag breaks. Ah, the fresh air again. Believe it or not you get plenty when you're smoking. again, non-smokers talking arse again I see. When you smoke, you're not filling every breath you have with smoke. In fact, you're barely filling one in ten. The rest of the time, you can breath the fresh air you always find outside no matter how many people are smoking (you never watched smoke outside? It dissapates pretty damn quick and dissapears off into the atmosphere somewhere) - and you can guarantee its much nicer than breathing in Air-con. Pretty much why I am vehemently opposed to banning smoking anywhere outside (parks, bus stops etc), because outside, the smoke only really affects the smoker (not allowing for unfortunate wind directions obviously, but use your brain, blow the smoke up and you'll never see it again). I'm dubious enough about this whole passive smoking malarky, without pissy whiners complainin about me having a fag walking down Dundee high street.

So how about this? A truce with non-smokers. We'll be more considerate with your air, if you stop polluting the sounds and sights coming into our heads with your incessant fucking whining about "Oh no! Look at Roy Castle, if yuo r smoek near me i will die!!!!!!".

P.s. You won't. You live just as long and as happily as you would If I'd come nowhere near you with my "canser stik!!!"!"!"". Oh and Staz - everybody I know from Dublin disagrees with you. They seem to think the smoking ban is the shittest thing ever, and hopefully won't last much longer. Maybe New York should have worried about the people getting killed by knives, guns etc before they'd worried about people getting cancer eh?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I can't work out if you're serious, or taking the piss.

If the former, then you should consider rearranging the words 'arse out talking of' into a common phrase.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
I can't work out if you're serious, or taking the piss.

If the former, then you should consider rearranging the words 'arse out talking of' into a common phrase.
But if I did that the phrase wouldn't make any sense. And yes, I was being serious. Look on it anti-smoking bullshit reworded for smokers.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Bodhi said:
It's a glorious habit

What are you smoking? (sorry)

Pretty much everyone I know from Dublin say the no smoking ban they have is a good thing.

Seing as it forces people outside (fresh air, heh), then I don't see your problem with it. Since you obviously go outside into the fresh air to smoke anyway, you should have no problems with simmilar arrangements being made in the UK?


Dec 25, 2003
Amazing... of course smokers don't think it affects others, they're the most selfish, thoughtless muppets to stagger into the 21st century. It's a weakness to be honest... if you can't survive without a cigarette, I think you need to really sort your life out.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi, you missed out the retarted smoking cliché of "my gran smoked every day since she was 16 until she was 95, never did her any harm".

Disappointing :(.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
My gran smoked til she was 82, and only quit cos my Grandad asked her to before he died of motor-neurone disease. She's in here 90's now, and still fit as a fiddle. In fact, none of the smokers from my family have come down with a smoking related disease. Which kinda proves my point (my sis the doctor agrees with me on this one, in principle certainly) - smoking doesn't automatically kill you. There are far too many smokers that lead long and happy lives (more than die from it in fact) for that to be the case. Ot how about another example, the 120 year old french lady who smoked 40 a day til whe was 113. She died of old age. You see it's all a case of susceptibility - some are clearly more prone to cancers than others. Maybe the government could do something useful with the £6 Billion a year net profit it makes from smokers and research what makes certain people more susceptible. But clearly these examples are the exception rather than the rule - I mean I know like two smokers who got cancer, and about 15 who didn't. The two are clearly the rule in this case.

Smokers selfish eh? That's why I just spent 5 minutes chatting to someone ehilst having a fag, a) I offered them one (god damn that was selfish), b) Offered them a light when they provided their own (i really shoulda kept that infinitely small amount of lighter fluid I used) and then c) blew smoke away from them whilst I was talking to them. And this happens most times I go out for a cig. However, If I was to encounter somone giving chat similar to dysfunction, Sigurd or Big G, my response would be different. They'd blatantly get a faceload of smoke every time I had a puff. People like you lot aren't really worth being considerate around, when smoking gets banned you'll get another axe to grind, and terminally annoy the people who really quite like the axe they have, and would like as little ground from it as possible. Non-smokers listening yet? The more you complain the more we'll smoke, the whinier your voices get the more smoke goes in your face.

Silverhood. Muppet. I only go outside to smoke because I have to. I'd be much happier staying where I am and sparking up. However the library staff get a bit pissed off. Smoking outside is nice yes (as long as it isnt too far to walk clearly), but I'd much rather stay on the couch. Oh and the Dubliners I know disagree vehemently with yours. But then most of them wouldn't hang round with someone who spends a great deal of time practicing basket-weaving or horseshoeing, or whatever other mindless drivel you DAOC lot get up to. So we may be asking different sections of the population.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Im a smoker and i reckon a ban would be good for the fact that i couldnt get.....myyy.hands....ooooooon.... AANYMORRRRRRRREEE arghhHHH.

I am always polite when i want to spark up. Its just manners isnt it.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Precisely. Some people seem to think that nicotine disables the part of the brain that control these (Smokers and non-smokers alike to be fair).

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