shorti said:yes true EoO pwnd cause their "fg" was as big as the alb zerg was at the time![]()
Not necisarilly FL, but not even SotL, Outcast or whatever are on there. Suppose someone thinks that FL had the best ever GG's, they should be able to vote for it, right?shorti said:straef he is supposedly putting the best of the realms at times .. if u are idd talkin about FL they were good but not the best ;o
Should've called it 'best gg of the year' or whatever then.Xxcalibur said:fl was very nice grp ye , bo too , warders, conquest, sotl, tdd , Ascending Down Golden age , legacy , baf, KP, Celtic fury, severance, and a long etc... but i cant put them all so i tried to look for Ggs unkillables on Eras in fair fg vs fg (all ras up, not oop)
blejs said:more like same size as sotl in darkness falls
Still outnumbered by LoE![]()
Bubble said:No Seriously
All you've done is come to this thread and tell everyone how you WTFpwned everyone, When did you play (Assuming only during ToA?)
No one remembered your names, no one remembered your 'death spams'
miracle-mm said:remi come back i miss your m00000000000000 skill on vent :<<
Zegas said:Severance when my Luwi was in it of course.
Nothing to do with rp's or so, we just looked so damn sexeh![]()
Wazkyr said:old nf mealstrom. Else the old NP groups. When i saw pe in the frontiers they spent 30 mins at apk to get all ras up, ran out, killed some, died and waited for ras again at apk![]()
Wazkyr said:old nf mealstrom. Else the old NP groups. When i saw pe in the frontiers they spent 30 mins at apk to get all ras up, ran out, killed some, died and waited for ras again at apk![]()
leviathane said:don't think he's been around long enough to know how hard being a sorc back in the days was. Not like nowadays easy mode. I mean any granny an her dog can play one with the tools sorc's been given.
Dorin said:pre-1.875 mezz there were like 3 sorcerors active on prydwen oO
i only recall Xorta and a saracen male one in the first ages of the game, though cant remember the name of him :<
blejs said:eatsinfils never been BO :>
not what i know off atleast :>
SoulFly said:I do, and they didn't kill stuff in OF that much, atleast us you didn't :|
No idea about NF, since I stopped there.
And Dark Rage was around for more than 2 weeks.. :|
Derric said:Not only did we wait for all RA's, we also used our carefully manufactured monitoring programs so we could see if our opponents had used their RA's or not.
After that we usually spent a few minutes on bribing the GOA employees to create some random lag and interrupting mob for our brave enemies.
If that didn't work we logged on IRC and showed off our enormous e-penises and boobs.
Public Enemies - Better than you'll ever be without cheating
Dorin said:pre-1.875 mezz there were like 3 sorcerors active on prydwen oO
i only recall Xorta and a saracen male one in the first ages of the game, though cant remember the name of him :<
Derric said:Not only did we wait for all RA's, we also used our carefully manufactured monitoring programs so we could see if our opponents had used their RA's or not.
After that we usually spent a few minutes on bribing the GOA employees to create some random lag and interrupting mob for our brave enemies.
If that didn't work we logged on IRC and showed off our enormous e-penises and boobs.
Public Enemies - Better than you'll ever be without cheating
You just nearly made me choke on my food. I hope you're happy :/Xxcalibur said:i liked a lot vanaya , was the wonderer of midgard ^^ koby warriors mob 5 roxxed
Bubble said:Dagitch?
Esotetic (or something like that)
Those were the only male Saracen ones i can remember from early days (Eso also ran in Pbucks group)
mirieth! said:wasn't it amirder or something? i thought he was the first to mezz from the back of a camel xD
p.s. wasn't esoteric a wizard? oO