Manisch Depressiv said:Xcals group got soloed by Graendel. Time to delete.
connection to the thread? oO
Manisch Depressiv said:Xcals group got soloed by Graendel. Time to delete.
Glerina said:connection to the thread? oO
Manisch Depressiv said:Xcals group got soloed by Graendel. Time to delete.
Tuorin said:Sorry mate was another few Albs around (and just killed group or partial group with Andrilyn in inside there). We waited Techs 14th LD of the night. He does hurt though that Graendel guyMythic are more than welcome to give Wizzies a tad more util so we can skimp a resist or something in FG rvr!
Manisch Depressiv said:I know, I saw your deathspams and I counted your heads. Was ment as joke.
Someone didnt get a group and had to write an essayTuorin said:Alot
Melachi said:Dark Rage(Fury? I forget) Solarflare, Pbuck, prolly one if not the first assisting group on prydwen
SoulFly said:Nah, was sotl with UGoD. (Uber group of doom[Hey, atleast it was that back then with one cleric!11OMGWTFBBQ])
Voted NP, since their overpowered hib grp with assist debuff wtfBBQ nukes on -XX% heat resist was just X| The only group we had some trouble against. win/lose ratio was around 50/50 or 60/40 to their favour. or 30/70 !
fyi Dark Rage run guild group on prydwen for 2 weeks and made 11 mill as a guild until someone had a kinky idea of making rr10 alt on excal xD ,or got poached by PEMelachi said:Dark Rage(Fury? I forget) Solarflare, Pbuck, prolly one if not the first assisting group on prydwen, used to wipe the floor with nearly everyone on server.
he was playing 8 chars then ?Melachi said:FL was nice too, but its just Xeanor
CstasY said:You mention 8 guild groups? You've been around for a while Xxcal, but when you make polls with options like that, you sound like you've been playing the game a week.
Manisch Depressiv said:Xcals group got soloed by Graendel. Time to delete.
remi said:sums it up! many guilds are forgutten bie the votespammer i mean even AoD had an liddul era, hard for me to admit tho xD
Quinlan said:Someone didnt get a group and had to write an essay
Damn grapple bot
And yes i Voted for PE
Xxcalibur said:Im sorry for Bo and another guilds if they havent been mentioned but the guilds i said Owned one ERA, jUST one example Bo had very good grps In OF but i remember they get killed lots of times by EC and prolly by old PE grp and also remember beat them with our very old tdd lowy grp some times.
Another good moment of BO was after TOA release, but there was one grp from excal called NP who farmed them being all lowy rr ( np toa )
Ah if you dont like my polls , just dont post itand make your own thread or smt i am tired of 4 threads Grats martok rr9 for example so i just dont post there.
daoc_xianghua said:BO ..rofl, you must be joking, remember killing them with rr1 group with a pre-sc bm
only era when BO were decent was with 3 BD´s in group.