The best GG on the history of pryd

Whichs has been the best GG ?

  • EC OF ( redb jarakin lourker....)

    Votes: 41 8.0%
  • NP OF ( droooood...)

    Votes: 70 13.7%
  • NP TOA ( sorusi , jergiot ...)

    Votes: 50 9.8%
  • Midget Mafia OF ( Valle, Miracle..)

    Votes: 112 21.9%
  • Everlast OF (Zpasi, Vanaya...)

    Votes: 18 3.5%
  • Brite grp NF (Brite, valgair ,Mocracle...)

    Votes: 28 5.5%
  • PE OF ( Dreami,Fadeh...)

    Votes: 156 30.5%
  • PE TOA (Onigiri, Saitoh ...)

    Votes: 36 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Very hard to say who is/was best, having been the first rr5/6/7 Hib before quitting and coming back and playing in every era of this game bar one. Another thing is that some of those groups played when things were heavily in their favour. Group purge/baod, asd interupts, sos/bof, quad hits, 25% resist pierce etc. Played against every group there's been. The only time I didn't play was when Eclipse was formed and the first patches post SI Dec-April 2003.

Sotl were the first best group without any question, first proper assisting 8 man group really. Deadly casters.

Eclipse old group was good, some of the players are missed even now.

NP/Snoz grp/BO/MM/EL/AD/FL/Mael all good in their day etc. PE were also very good, best melee ma there was in all realms in that group and good support.

Eclipse also had a very good fairly fixed group about 9 months ago, we hardly lost any fights, but those guys arent with us in the main now (Lore/Bfr/Tirfo/Ramb/Cauld/Pox).

Currently Mael are very good, play together a lot, know how to play/assist/target/heal and their ccer is the man (ego boost Valg!).New Det nerfed him a tad. ;)

So it's not just down to the players, sometimes certain realms have an advantage at certain times/patches but all in all I think I've named all the decent groups on Pryd. There's also some decent groups out right now, rvr can be fun. Not much adding, fair respect most of the time and I shrug what will happen to that post cluster.

I'd also say that the current version of the game doesnt have as many bugs than it did before, so some people do look through rose tinted glasses when they bemoan daoc and toa. I dont like toa, but some parts of toa are good. The downside to toa is the time sink. Its probably a bit closer to balance than its ever been. Fights often last longer than pre NF too. DI/BOF to all realms etc. It is a tad skewed in favour of Mids right now due to BL on caster with insta and SM with pet BG and LT component and warrior being almost unkillable BG (I mean compare Testudo and Tictacs!) but sometimes they lose, even with BD or 2 Sms. Like last week. :)

Can't say who is best therefore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Xcals group got soloed by Graendel. Time to delete.

Sorry mate was another few Albs around (and just killed group or partial group with Andrilyn in inside there). We waited Techs 14th LD of the night. He does hurt though that Graendel guy :) Mythic are more than welcome to give Wizzies a tad more util so we can skimp a resist or something in FG rvr!


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004

oh btw, haha @ "brite grp" xD

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Tuorin said:
Sorry mate was another few Albs around (and just killed group or partial group with Andrilyn in inside there). We waited Techs 14th LD of the night. He does hurt though that Graendel guy :) Mythic are more than welcome to give Wizzies a tad more util so we can skimp a resist or something in FG rvr!

I know, I saw your deathspams and I counted your heads. Was ment as joke.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
I know, I saw your deathspams and I counted your heads. Was ment as joke.

He said so yeah. I don't think he wants to lose to you though, just a feeling I get with such posts on the forums and reading between the lines in game and that. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I only speak of the times I ran in loki's fallen, maelstrom or random groups with my healer, and back then I feared mostly.

Dark Rage(Fury? I forget) Solarflare, Pbuck, prolly one if not the first assisting group on prydwen, used to wipe the floor with nearly everyone on server.

Then of course after that, old PE group with Fadeh, I allways used to think our group had a chance against everyone, except with this group, it was allways the first tought in my head "oh shit its PE, were dead".

I feared a few hib groups also, like NP and Eclipse, but only when they were in lord/mg room or something ;P . I will get flamed for this, but I think Eclipse, not so sure about NP cause they came and went quite often so didnt see them as much, but to me old Eclipse was really just BAoD :p since we rarely made caster groups, it wasnt a big threat. We still lost ALOT of fights against them, but it was never impossible.

FL was nice too, but its just Xeanor I feared :p cause he whined like such a girl about insta mezz/stun that i felt guilty if I used it and stupid if I didnt cause his cast speed allways won the mezz game unless I had interupted him with asd :)xxx) or single target insta mezz/stun.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
The Smurf Army guild group was pretty good..

.. oh wait, that was on Excalibur :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Severance when my Luwi was in it of course.

Nothing to do with rp's or so, we just looked so damn sexeh :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
and sotl is where exactly in this pol? ;o

guess we need to vote on the opposite realm then, than you own.


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
cant bring myself to vote for OF PE, cause of all the whinge you got when you did kill em.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Melachi said:
Dark Rage(Fury? I forget) Solarflare, Pbuck, prolly one if not the first assisting group on prydwen

Nah, was sotl with UGoD. (Uber group of doom[Hey, atleast it was that back then with one cleric!11OMGWTFBBQ])

Voted NP, since their overpowered hib grp with assist debuff wtfBBQ nukes on -XX% heat resist was just X| The only group we had some trouble against. win/lose ratio was around 50/50 or 60/40 to their favour. or 30/70 !


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
as said before many guilds where the "Death Spam" kings at different times but for me sotl was by far the best guild on pryd the first to really use the /assist button imo and totaly changed the game.. that was 1st year of release .. ppl say old PE etc etc but they cant of been playing when sotl was in their prime. first guild to hit 100Million RP's ? with only like 20 members ..

having said that seeing MM kill like 4fg albs that liked to cluster real close to amg for them was just priceless ! still smiling now thinking about that


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
SoulFly said:
Nah, was sotl with UGoD. (Uber group of doom[Hey, atleast it was that back then with one cleric!11OMGWTFBBQ])

Voted NP, since their overpowered hib grp with assist debuff wtfBBQ nukes on -XX% heat resist was just X| The only group we had some trouble against. win/lose ratio was around 50/50 or 60/40 to their favour. or 30/70 !

pfft but we had Tatters and Knudden!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
didnt know you was this clueless :p

Melachi said:
Dark Rage(Fury? I forget) Solarflare, Pbuck, prolly one if not the first assisting group on prydwen, used to wipe the floor with nearly everyone on server.
fyi Dark Rage run guild group on prydwen for 2 weeks and made 11 mill as a guild until someone had a kinky idea of making rr10 alt on excal xD ,or got poached by PE
Melachi said:
FL was nice too, but its just Xeanor
he was playing 8 chars then ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
CstasY said:
You mention 8 guild groups? You've been around for a while Xxcal, but when you make polls with options like that, you sound like you've been playing the game a week.

Im sorry for Bo and another guilds if they havent been mentioned but the guilds i said Owned one ERA, jUST one example Bo had very good grps In OF but i remember they get killed lots of times by EC and prolly by old PE grp and also remember beat them with our very old tdd lowy grp some times.

Another good moment of BO was after TOA release, but there was one grp from excal called NP who farmed them being all lowy rr ( np toa )

Ah if you dont like my polls , just dont post it :) and make your own thread or smt i am tired of 4 threads Grats martok rr9 for example so i just dont post there.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Xcals group got soloed by Graendel. Time to delete.

yesterday i played with EC , was not my grp but anyway i think we won all the fights vs u excexpt the last one on the roof of mile gate while we waited technasia ld.

i bet you dream irl you killed us :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
remi said:
sums it up! many guilds are forgutten bie the votespammer i mean even AoD had an liddul era, hard for me to admit tho xD

Remi!!! what happened to you ? :) (wondering if I should put this into my sig or not :p ah well, lets not :) )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Quinlan said:
Someone didnt get a group and had to write an essay

Damn grapple bot


And yes i Voted for PE

Nah got a group, stop trolling forums from the US, I want to see the photo's. Go take some!

Intercontinental grapple on its way... ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
dont u need Bad Omen in that poll :) ? they rocked hehe, anyways my vote went for PE with dreami, fadeh...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
of pe, although by voting for them i am also voting for their ever present deadly shadows :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
few votes for EL i see :( i liked a lot vanaya , was the wonderer of midgard ^^ koby warriors mob 5 roxxed


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
Im sorry for Bo and another guilds if they havent been mentioned but the guilds i said Owned one ERA, jUST one example Bo had very good grps In OF but i remember they get killed lots of times by EC and prolly by old PE grp and also remember beat them with our very old tdd lowy grp some times.

Another good moment of BO was after TOA release, but there was one grp from excal called NP who farmed them being all lowy rr ( np toa )

Ah if you dont like my polls , just dont post it :) and make your own thread or smt i am tired of 4 threads Grats martok rr9 for example so i just dont post there.

BO ..rofl, you must be joking, remember killing them with rr1 group with a pre-sc bm
only era when BO were decent was with 3 BD´s in group.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
daoc_xianghua said:
BO ..rofl, you must be joking, remember killing them with rr1 group with a pre-sc bm
only era when BO were decent was with 3 BD´s in group.

lol i got flamed cos i didnt put bo in the poll but you will get more flamed ^^

i also remember beat them with 3 bm train assist (teth-veressa-me + reza mana eld) ^^
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