Dorin said:the game had shit loads of ages (inv 3 MANA casters and go, 2-3merc FTW!!'111, 4 svg fTW!!!111, BD FOR THE WINZ?!, relics etc etc) and each "era" had it's celebrities. Becouse teh game is shaping continuesly, the grps and players do aswell..... So IMO you cant really point at "xyz" grp that its the best. You could say the best grp at the 1.65 patch was this and that one.
Anyhow there were/are plenty of great guilds which had bigger or lesser impact on the communityFor example, before PE most of the albs said albion cant compete in grp warfare and i can recall Lourker pming me something like "nah PE just killed us Fg vs Fg" and so the Fadehrullan-Dreami spam started oO
But that was only one little tiny bit of it, can recall nolby-midgets-eclipse farming fuckloads with PB setups and so on... or Zerachi-Remi F8 nerdsquading through RRanks
so as others said xxcal this is not the correct form to get oppinions ><
Vermillon said:I agree with what you say about patches. But some guild groups like PE were at their zenith when the current patch at that time was surely against them, OP savage groups, cc immune hibs hibs (2 GP).
Vermillon said:I agree with what you say about patches. But some guild groups like PE were at their zenith when the current patch at that time was surely against them, OP savage groups, cc immune hibs hibs (2 GP).
daoc_xianghua said:BO ..rofl, you must be joking, remember killing them with rr1 group with a pre-sc bm
only era when BO were decent was with 3 BD´s in group.
Bubble said:Funny that, we had alot more trouble against BO than we had against Jack Herer ^^
miracle-mm said:remi come back i miss your m00000000000000 skill on vent :<<
probably cos most the lil kiddies were still running around trying to get to 50 in them days, that or jsut went playing then.Succi said:people tend to forget the significance of things when theyre in the past
eg brite group(who?) being present on the poll when sotl arent
Tbh I can't think of one guild ever who was almost unkillable. Every guild was killed by other guild grps and good random grps every now and then.Xxcalibur said:what guilds are missing ? ggs who OWNED one ERA ^^ Givv me names of guilds almost unkillables.
daoc_xianghua said:BO ..rofl, you must be joking, remember killing them with rr1 group with a pre-sc bm
only era when BO were decent was with 3 BD´s in group.
Succi said:Np Toa
Pe Si
although I can remember the lourker/bfr/kella/lorelei/succi/latino/slayn group running for 5/6 hours most weekends without dying but this is verrrrrrrrry long ago when not many grps were "organised"
Xxcalibur said:few votes for EL i seei liked a lot vanaya , was the wonderer of midgard ^^ koby warriors mob 5 roxxed
blejs said:Sure m8, first of all we have never been running 3bds.
Maybe had Mill and bananplockaren in group sometime, otherwise never.
I never played in start of TOA if u refer to that or something.
And i seriously doubt that win u mention infact happend to a guild group of ours, but ofc shit happends also. Against BM train a warrior was very much needed, and maybe we lacked one? No idea tbh.
The time i remember losing alot was against hib in beginning with pbaoe and enchanters ftw and sotl group. And PE was always tough to meet also, but in pre toa when we did run with our "opted" group with +warrior +skald +2savvis/zerk +3healers +shaman. We didnt lose that much at all when we learned how to counter sos and bof.
In beginning of toa i cant mention on how stuff was either, since when i started to play BO started to do Caster group and won most of the fights, PE was the hardest group to meet atleast but was even % in wins there.
Tuorin and co was nice to fight against to.
daoc_xianghua said:think you didnt play when your guild played with BD´s, they were Eatsinfilfs and Bananplockaran , cant remember the 3rd 1 might have been Mill as you said but i think he was EL. i even have a movie of your BD group somewhere on my old comp iirc
Tareregion said:BO was quite hard tbh, with their savage train, Mael was harder though.
PE was fantastic due to Fader being a great MA and having two very strong clerics.
Never really thought JH was exceptional, but can't really tell cos never played opposite them, so am judging solely on public response generated![]()
toxii said:didnt know you was this clueless![]()
toxii said:fyi Dark Rage run guild group on prydwen for 2 weeks and made 11 mill as a guild until someone had a kinky idea of making rr10 alt on excal xD ,or got poached by PE
toxii said:he was playing 8 chars then ?
daoc_xianghua said:well our deathspamming should have told you something ^^