Yes but our wage bill is still gonna be huge. Messi is the best paid player in the world for a start and Xavi and Iniesta wont come cheap. Probably adds some fuel to the Alves rumours about him wanting more than whats on the table
ronaldo is the best paid.
no they are not
most are guessed and published by some shit rag and people just believe it because they want to
no they are not
Liverpoo can't even manage to beat Newcastle? Who's the joke now?
A point you say?
Joey Barton really looks like he must be the most unfit player in the Premier League, looks quite chubby for a professional footballer imho.
Looks can deceive I guess
Im trying not to be sad, cause deep inside I know that every loss is one step closer to kicking Woy the f. out
Southampton let me down for over £1.5k today from a £5 accumalator!!! Sick as!! Fuck you Aomai
Exactly. Its always the managers fault. Rather than blame woy, why not look at each and everyone of your completely overated players and I include Stevie Me, in that who had his last decent game 4 years ago.
You cant polish a turd. Blame the fat pink pig who left your team in total disaray.