As I understood it all the items, if possible, was to be lottoed yesterday but due to Fetstryk's ld it wasnt possible. If I come off as greedy then it wasnt my intention - I said in the cg yesterday too that screenies might be a good idea IF Fetstryk had planned to recreate the group that was there before the cg closed and if he dosnt then they arent needed - thats one of the reasons why I decided to hold with the posting of em so that we could get an response from Fetstryk.
Again - if it sounded like I wanted everything for myself that wasnt my intention.
Ok, relotto again Tuesday the 19th at 19:00(cet). If you couldnt come last time now is your chance, there will only be one roll though.
Next raid will be friday at 18:00CET.
Also I have decided the rule for respec stones, they will be treated as a totally new object, a non modifier involved drop. To be able to claim a respec though you will have to state so before the raids leave hagall. You will be able to lotto for other loot though. For now. Lets see how it works out.
Where will this take place? Again on the small island south of Svasud (like last time)?
Respec Stones: Not sure I fully understand the system for those stones, so lemme see if I got it right:
1. You must claim you enter lotto for a respec stone as soon as the raid leaves Hagall.
2. Respec stones will be lottoed first, using no modifier.
3. If you get a stone in the lotto you got your one item per raid and can't get a second item (<--- that's the unclear part)
4. If you don't get a stone in the lotto you can take part in the lotto of the normal items (with mods etc.).
basically, if u enter the respec stone lotto and get one, thats your 1 item for the raid and you cant get anything else and there are no modifiers for stones. so if you lotto and loose, all is not lost
Account ran out wednessday, due to irl issues I cant renew for two or so weeks, I will give the modifier out to the other usual raidleaders so raids shouldnt stop totally. I have about half a vault of relotto armor/stuff in vault that will be lottoed out next time I can get ingame.
Will be starting the raid today (Friday 22nd) at 6pm GMT / 7pm CET so that everyone has time to get home from work (basically I won't be back until just before then)
And one thing, i wanna know my modifier just to make sure the leaders got it right, how can i get the info? I dont wanna pm the raidleader since they prolly got way too much to do to answer such an question, is it possible to post the list somewhere or something?
Seriously, the list is a major pain to find info on atm, I'm still typing up the one Shanks sent me so I can just do fast searches on Excal. Also need the last raid mods from Zaps, GIFV!
Here's my ruling on respec rocks when I run a raid (Shanks can do it different, but when I run a raid, you play by my rules)
You must announce your intention to lotto for a respec rock at the beginning of the raid to the organiser.
Respec stones are drops, they are treated like drops.
You may apply your modifier to the lotto if you think it will get you a rock.
If you win a rock, that's your item for the raid, congratulations.
If you win a rock, there goes your modifier.
Bah, grumble grumble, just remembers Shanks sent me an excel file, was no need for me to type up all these mods, nerf.
Well i should have a +30 since i been on two fetstryk and the last kjel raid and havent got any item Ah, maybe the last raids mod hasnt been implemented yet, sorry for that then
But i still think that if you ppl posted the mod list everyone could keep track of themselves and the chance of misunderstanings would be less
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