TG raids again



I said on the Friday raid that I couldn't do the Sunday one. Bah, no one listens to me!


Can my level 15 BD cum join you shanks? :/ I dont care about the exp, just want phat lewt osv.


Can you delay the start of friday raids .. 6 CET might be ok for you people not in the UK but thats 5pm GMT which excludes most of the people that work in the UK.

Well just a request.

Sundays raid was fun btw.

And ard... Only 15 pffft Try harder ... Try again.


19:00 CET on Wednesday the lotto will take place. Gathering will be in Hagall as usual. Be sure you come on a charachter I know have been on the raids, if not you wont get to roll. Be sure that you state the class that you really want to roll for. Below is a list of the stuff that will be lottoed out:


Runed Tuscarian Gloves Cloth Gloves 51 AF:51 100%/+35% (35) darkn:3 crus:7% heat:9% matt:9% Spirit 95DD [Runemaster only]

Soul Scarred Gloves Cloth Gloves 51 AF:51 100%/+35% (35) summo:3 crus:9% slas:9% thru:7% Cold 95DD [Spiritmaster only]

Dragon Shadow Gloves Studded Gloves 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) CON:22 QUI:22 HIT:60 axe:3 Tuscaran Glacier Cold 95DD [Savage only]


Tuscarian Clan Sleeves Studded Sleeves 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (33) DEX:18 sword:3 body:7% spir:9% Cold 95DD [Berserker only]

Wintery Seeker's Sleeves Studded Sleeves 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) DEX:22 QUI:22 HIT:60 compo:3 Spirit 95DD [Hunter only]

Brittlebone Sleeves Cloth Sleeves 51 AF:51 100%/+35% (35) CON:22 PIE:22 HIT:60 darkn:3 Cold 95DD [Bonedancer only]


Tuscarian Bloodforged Leggings Chain Sleeves 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) sword:3 hammer:3 HIT:40 dex:30 Spirit 95DD [Warrior only] x2

Tuscarian Monitor Leggings Chain Leggings 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) DEX:21 mendi:3 slas:9% cold:8% Cold 95DD [Healer only]

Soul Scarred Pants Cloth Leggings 51 AF:51 100%/+35% (35) CON:22 DEX:22 HIT:60 suppr:3 95DD cold [Spiritmaster only]

Tuscarian Discordant Leggings Chain Leggings 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) CON:21 battl:3 hamme:3 cold:10% 95DD cold [Skald only]


Tuscarian Oracle Crown Chain Helmet 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) CON:24 HIT:48 mendi:3 thru:9% Cold 95DD [Shaman only]

Foe Hammer's Crown Chain Helmet 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) axe:3 thru:9% ener:9% spir:7% Cold 95DD [Thane only]

Tuscarian Discordant Crown Chain Helmet 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) QUI:18 HIT:40 heat:9% ener:9% Cold 95DD [Skald only]


Tuscarian Clan Boots Studded Boots 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) left:3 crus:8% slas:8% thru:9% Cold 95DD [Berserker only]

Tuscarian Discordant Boots Chain Boots 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) DEX:18 HIT:40 slas:9% body:9% Cold 95DD [Skald only]

Foe Hammer's Boots Chain Boots 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) sword:3 crus:9% heat:9% matt:7% Cold 95DD [Thane only] x3

Runed Tuscarian Boots Cloth Boots 51 AF:51 100%/+35% (35) runec:3 thru:9% ener:9% spir:7% Spirit 95DD [Runemaster only]

Tuscarian Monitor Boots Chain Boots 51 AF:102 100%/+35% (35) DEX:24 HIT:48 mendi:3 matt:9% Cold 95DD [Healer only]

Brittlebone Boots Cloth Boots 51 AF:51 100%/+35% (35) darkn:3 thru:9% ener:9% spir:9% Cold 95DD [Bonedancer only]


Tuscarian Bonesplitters Staff Staff 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:5 100%/+35% (35) PIE:33 POW:13 darknl:50 bonesl:50 10 Cold 331DD Charges [Bonedancer only] x4(!)

Tuscarian Soul-wrenchers Staff Staff 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:5 100%/+35% (35) PIE:33 POW:13 supprl:50 summol:50 10 Cold 331DD Charges [Spiritmaster only]


Dread Bone Great Cleaver 2Handed Axe 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:4.5 100%/+35% (35) STR:15 CON:22 CHA:22 axe:4 10 AF 75 Charges [Skald only]

Icy War Spear Spear 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:4 100%/+35% (40) Thrust, steal:3 spear:6 crus:6% thru:6% 100hp ablative procc

Seething Ember Shield 50 100%/+35% (35) STR:22 CON:15 QUI:22 CHA:22 10 Charges self-haste [Skald only]

Seething Frostbound Sword 1Handed Sword 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:3.9 100%/+35% (35) STR:22 PIE:15 sword:4 parry:4 Cold 95DD [Thane only] x3(!)

Seething Frostbound Hammer 1Handed Hammer 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:3.7 100%/+35% (35) HIT:48 POW:8 hamme:4 crus:8% Damage Shield 5DPS [Thane only]

Dreaded Frostbound Fang Fist Weapon 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:3.2 100%/+35% (35) Thrust, CON:22 hands:4 parry:4 ener:6% Lifetap 65DD (cold)

Frozen Moon Claw Fist Weapon 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:2.7 100%/+35% (35) Slash, QUI:22 HIT:40 hands:4 parry:4 Cold 95DD

Questions? :)


Originally posted by shanks
Questions? :)

Originally posted by shanks
Icy War Spear Spear 51 DPS:16.5 Dly:4 100%/+35% (40) Thrust steal:3 spear:6 crus:6% thru:6% 100hp ablative procc

wtf is "Thrust steal:3"??? :p


Will try to be there tomorrow, and if I can't then I'll give Fets the loot from my Friday raid asap:

Black Heated Great Hammer (x3)
16.5dps, 4.9spd, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+5 Hammer, +3 Parry, +6% matter, +6% spirit
75 pt AF buff proc

Dreaded Frostbound Fang (x2)
16.5dps, 3.2spd, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+4 Hand to Hand, +4 Parry, +22 Con, +6% energy
65 pt lifetap proc (cold)

Tuscarian Bonesplitters Staff - Bonedancer
100% quality, 35% bonus
50 lvls Darkness, Bone Army, +33 Pie, +13 Power
10 charges of 331 pt direct damage (cold)

Purple Dragon Crystal (note: these stats are after next patch)
100% quality, 35% bonus
+21 Con, +22 Cha, +48 HP, +8 Power

Wintery Seeker's Crown (x2)
102af, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+8% thrust, +8% energy, +8% body, +8% spirit
95 pt direct damage reactive proc

Dragon Shadow Boots
102af, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+3 Hammer, +22 Str +22 Dex, +60 HP
95 pt direct damage reactive proc


Time to show who's boss in the house

Basically I think the time is right to give the royal couple a try. On the usual time on sunday (17:00CET) were gonna give them a go. Because of time issues were gonna start with skellies this time instead of going straight for council and saving skellies for last.

So load up on power potions and bring your guildies down to hagall on Sunday.

* You have to be level 50 in order to roll for loot

* In order to take part in the lotto, you have to remain for it - ie you can't log during the raid if you expect to take part of the lotto. Also you have to be at the same place as the rest of the raid, usually TG entrance. If you get any problems during raid and cant produce a char there it's not my problem. Noone is to roll for anybody else then themselves. I let someone do it last time but it will not be repeated. This is not questionable.

* When lottoing, the raid leader (normally me, but might differ at times) will decide which classes are allowed to lotto for an item if it's not class specific; no amount of moaning will change this

* When lottoing, /random 100 will be used select the lucky winner

* If you participate on a raid up till the lotto and don't win anything, you will be allowed to add +10 to your roll on the next raid (and so on until you actually win something); the modifiers will be noted down in an Excel DB by the raid leaders

* If you have to log early, or go LD, the raid leader might add a +5 modifier for your rolls on the next raid; note that this is up to the discretion of the raid leader

* You may roll for alts, IF 1) your alt is also level 50 and 2) you notify the raid leader prior to entering TG that you intend to roll for this character; note that you may not roll for drops for your present class if you elect to do this

* Follow the raid leader's directives at all times - if you can't abide by what he tells you, you shouldn't come.

* You may not sell loot you win by lottoing - if you find that you don't actually need an item you've won, return it to the raid leader. If you opt to sell it you will be banned from future raids.

* You may only win one drop per raid session - think about what you want before lottoing

* You may only lotto for an item your character is specced for - in other words your Berserker may not lotto for a twohander "for the looks" or any other reason. You lotto for your stated chars current spec, hence if your a Berserker going 2h after the patch you will have to raid for a 2h after the patch. Same goes for everyone, you cant lotto for a item you cant use now. What goes is decided by the raidleader.

* Make sure that you're in the CG - attendance lists are made based on who's in it

* Do not use anon - if you're found to be on anon you won't be accredited a modifier for future raids


so same rules as on raid ? before it starts you tell what char you are rolling for, and only for lvl 50 chars.


Bahhh I cant make it to that lotto in hagall.. I have to work.. any way I can roll for an item not being there ???


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Bahhh I cant make it to that lotto in hagall.. I have to work.. any way I can roll for an item not being there ???

Gonna have to go with the usual rules about rolling, you will have to be there. :(


Originally posted by circeline
so same rules as on raid ? before it starts you tell what char you are rolling for, and only for lvl 50 chars.

Same rules except, there's no modifiers involved whatsoever, that means you dont loose any modifiers for getting stuff here. So roll for what you like, I just wanna get rid of all the crap littering my vault basically. :p


I guess I can't roll for different chars of mine either?

And btw please do the 1h thane hammer before the 2h hammers.


Can't make the lotto either :(

That time is just way too early for UK peeps that work

NM- Just found an excuse to leave early :)


Grrr will start early on work and try to take a break around 19.00 cet

Aule Valar

<< brit who can come :p

just the people who actually work, madmen


Originally posted by shanks
Same rules except, there's no modifiers involved whatsoever, that means you dont loose any modifiers for getting stuff here. So roll for what you like, I just wanna get rid of all the crap littering my vault basically. :p

do u have to have a modifier though?
what if u havent been on a raid.. can u still lotto? ;D

not that theres anything there i want :x


Originally posted by Spamb0t

what if u havent been on a raid.. can u still lotto? ;D

That's a dumb question, even for you gini. :p


i want one of those BD staffs tbfh, im gonna level a dark BD fairly soon.


Originally posted by shanks
19:00 CET on Wednesday the lotto will take place. Gathering will be in Hagall as usual. Be sure you come on a charachter I know have been on the raids, if not you wont get to roll. Be sure that you state the class that you really want to roll for. Below is a list of the stuff that will be lottoed out:

Gah I missed it with a day. Typical


Btw upon returning items that you no longer need, will that allow a bonus modifier for the raid you took part in when getting the item ?


Originally posted by Cap
Btw upon returning items that you no longer need, will that allow a bonus modifier for the raid you took part in when getting the item ?

Yep, will award it with one raid worth of mod, so +10.


IS there gonna be a raid this friday ?? ... i think its the 25th todsay :p .... or just the sunday one with king and quenn and stuff ?


Raid still on, so if you feel like cooling down join us down in TG today. Leaving Hagall 17:00 CET (16:00GMT).

Aule Valar

are there gonna be 2 raids next week?
its nice to know before the time of the raid that its not on ;)


Originally posted by Aule Valar
are there gonna be 2 raids next week?
its nice to know before the time of the raid that its not on ;)

I cant give you a time before I have decided myself naturally.

CG is up on my Zerk. gogo

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