Mabs said:yea lets not bother getting involved
its only some brown people in a country with no oil
The real world is not black and white - good guys v bad guys - whatever way it ends up will be bad.
Not everything is bad coming out of Syria at least
Not everything is bad coming out of Syria at least
Doubt it
Based on that military action seems almost inevitable at this point regardless of what is said during upcoming debates, Assasd's fate is sealed pretty much, it's just a matter of time now (at least that's what I think anyway) either way it's either going to be an invasion that makes him flee/kills him with drone or air strikes or rebels will capture and kill him once it all kicks off.
- The UN special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, said it seemed clear some type of chemical substance was used "that killed a lot of people", in a briefing to journalists in Geneva
I think Assad needs to pay/answer for his crimes if the information presented to the UN is 100% accurate without any shadow of doubt, another Iraq however is not something we need.
Mabs said:absolutely agree, but on balance, even "afghan/iraq bad" is better than "LOL CHEMICAL WEAPONS"
Bit harsh. The French have sent peacekeepers to plenty of countries with fuck-all money or oil in the past, e.g. Rwanda. France's interest in Syria is at least partially post-colonial, meaning lots of second and third generation immigrants living in France.
How did I know that's how you'd think about it? Sucking down the government line.
What proof do we have that Assad fired chemical weapons? Could just have easily have been the "rebels" - that we're arming btw.
It's not like we don't have a vested interest in Assad being ousted...
Tom said:R5Live interviewed a CIA guy yesterday who claimed that the US had intercepted a telephone call, the contents of which were basically Assad ordering his chemical weapons people to do the dirty. And apparently, those people weren't convinced it was a good idea.
Being pro troop but anti war I absolutely positively believe we have no business there what so ever. Even more so because the way the current government has been cost cutting the army the last thing we need is another 10 year commitment to fighting a battle that is not ours.
If there is proof of this it needs to be sent to the UN and they need to take appropriate action, if there is proof but the UN do not act then the proof needs to be made public and UN will need to answer some questions.