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- #121
Originally posted by Aybabtu
Same goes for your post and mine for that matter!![]()
ofc,but since I 'm the one who made the post I felt it was directed to me so I felt like I had to reply.
Originally posted by Aybabtu
Same goes for your post and mine for that matter!![]()
Originally posted by Ialkarn
I guarantee the existence of your reply has brought no knowledge at all, it just increased your post count and it contributed to lag internet.
Good job.
Originally posted by old.Talivar
Ppl think making fotm clone groups with assist trains is ok but strafing isnt. Strafing takes more skills than /assist /stick /spam styles IMO.So until a time comes when ppl on excal daoc make varied groups, dont say FO to ppl with class they think sook,sneer at low rr ppl and gank solo ppl but whine about zergs why the hell should i stand and take in in the ass by not strafing?
Originally posted by Ialkarn
Strafing require skills? explane
explane me how an healer/cleric/druid getting hitted and starting to strafe/moving in circles shows his skills.
Originally posted by old.Talivar
I said it takes more skills than /assist /stick /spam a style and as i said im my earlier post im talking proper strafing not lag abuse so u have to know when to go left when to go right when to walkbackwards ect.The prob imo is it makes the lazy fotm way of assist train ganking not work as quick so all of a sudden the tanks might have to actually do some thinking. Like i said ppl start showing some real skills and a bit of variety and i for 1 will stop strafing.
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
So, I have 3 BMs attacking me. What do I do? I could run from them, letting them do high damage back styles or having a good chance at a 7 second stun.
Or I could stand still, meaning they can do any positional they want on me.
Or I can face letting them style 100% on me and my shield does f*ck all vs dual wield.
Would you like me to sit down as well? Or take off my armour maybe?
Aww but then you wouldnt have any excuse when we trounce you ;(
P.S strafing to avoid damage is about the same level of game abuse as using level 7 pets to interupt, except theres a fairly simple way of hitting folk who strafe a lot.
Originally posted by old.Talivar
Ppl think making fotm clone groups with assist trains is ok but strafing isnt. Strafing takes more skills than /assist /stick /spam styles IMO.So until a time comes when ppl on excal daoc make varied groups, dont say FO to ppl with class they think sook,sneer at low rr ppl and gank solo ppl but whine about zergs why the hell should i stand and take in in the ass by not strafing?
Originally posted by old.Buffer
Ive already posted about this in another thread.
How can i miss an enemy who is standing in front of me, when i attack??(target not in view)
It does not matter wether im stuck,face or using my keyboard to move. They are are in front of me I should hit(skills prevailing). They are using an external game feature(lag, even if its small) to thier advantage.
That is something outside the game context and should be considered an exploit
No one expects an you as an attacked player to stand still. I have no objection to u running to a tank or wherever.
When i duel i alway say no running through etc , cos its crap
Originally posted by hrun
I agree with Talivar. Strafing is a part of the game and a feature that makes fighting (especially "duels") more fun and interesting. The problem is lag and peoples abuse of it, not the strafing itself.
Offcourse strafing and lag will make you miss styles but the same goes for your opponent. Sure it is harder to hit strafers with positionals but with using anytimes as backup it isn't so bad imo. and btw...in group rvr the target your hitting (in the assist train) is often stunned or running away from you (ie not strafing)
Originally posted by old.Talivar
I dont even group rvr.But strafing isnt abuse,strafing is stepping to the side ,if ppl use it in a fashion that combined with lag they cant be hit then its abuse but if they use it so u can him but just cant land styles then they are doing just what strafing is supposed to do. Remember they are vaild keys strafe left and strafe right they are not abuse !![]()
Originally posted by alme
U miss the styles cuz of lag, nothing else. Scroll up when some1 has done it on u and ull c it says "target is not in view", then u hit unstyled. And how do u think ppl strafe if not using the strafe buttons lol ? Think they invented some h4x strafe wtfpwn button ?
Originally posted by old.Talivar
I said it takes more skills than /assist /stick /spam a style and as i said im my earlier post im talking proper strafing not lag abuse so u have to know when to go left when to go right when to walkbackwards ect.The prob imo is it makes the lazy fotm way of assist train ganking not work as quick so all of a sudden the tanks might have to actually do some thinking. Like i said ppl start showing some real skills and a bit of variety and i for 1 will stop strafing.
NP >>>> JHOriginally posted by Asha
Talivar, the biggest abusers of this aren't some random group or intresting new group combo trying to do something different or fun. It's the best mid, most FOTM group on the server.
wtf? heresy!!!Originally posted by old.Talivar
but a tank shouldnt be able to kill a range char 1 on1 any IMO![]()
Originally posted by Amadon
NP >>>> JH
JH, especially Exioce, abuse lag terribly (window drag thingy),
considering 95% of the fights you have against us is you adding onto another 1-2fg mids/albs, I can't see how you figure thatOriginally posted by Vodor
NP when their on a lan yes, when their not on a lan no, you should know this by now as we take your group apart in under 20 seconds now, look at their vid for example and see how long it takes them to even kill the vgn pb groups.
you should see him at the start of a fight, that is WAY more than normal lag - if he lagged that much you wouldn't get out of mpk.Also fyi Exioce plays fullscreen he's just a laggy scottish twat as all our grp know (Lose stick from him alot),
typical response from a skill-less overpowered fotm retard.cry more noob etc etc etc same old same old blah blah blah yada yada QQ lolz
Originally posted by Amadon
considering 95% of the fights you have against us is you adding onto another 1-2fg mids/albs, I can't see how you figure that
NP play better than JH, their healers and tanks are better, they play better as a team, they react better. Deal with it fotm boy.
deal with the fact that JH isn't the best mid group on excalOriginally posted by Vodor
Deal with what Amadon Nolby arnt even a guild on Excal anymore ^^, i'm not going to go into depth but you can cry as much as you want it changes nothing you=our rp cow and nothing more.
what's harsh about that? get a clue fotm retard.Ask Garb how to run a proper group, i know its harsh words from me but you deserve no less.
BULLSHIT!And fyi its rare we crash into a fg fight
BULLSHIT!the past week youve added on us more times then i can remember
BULLSHIT!and i cant even remember a time where your groups actually managed to walk away.
Originally posted by Amadon
deal with the fact that JH isn't the best mid group on excal
even the NP random groups are better
as for being a rp cow, I don't particularly care, I've accepted Mythic's view of 'balance', however I also realise it's got nothing to do with 'skill' of any sort, which is why I don't particularly care. I do care about your healers cheating though. I play from South Africa, with 2 accounts, and I've seen how much I lag, and I cannot honestly believe you think lag from Scotland would be worse than lag from South Africa.
what's harsh about that? get a clue fotm retard.
whenever we've added we've walked away. You've killed us in 1 fg vs fg fight in the last week, every other fight has been you adding onto us fighting someone else, or we/other hibs added and you lost.
you were nothing before you joined JH, and JH is nothing without savages, lag cheating and 20% relic bonus, don't kid yourself that you're skilled.