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- #31
Strafing is great.
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
well its relative really, the better I strafe the less damage I take. Or the tank who /sticks then spams anytime with side/rear backup.
Which is more skilled?
And yeah Asha its not very nice to people we're playing against, but then again neither is running with 4 healers and 3 savages![]()
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
well its relative really, the better I strafe the less damage I take. Or the tank who /sticks then spams anytime with side/rear backup.
Which is more skilled?
And yeah Asha its not very nice to people we're playing against, but then again neither is running with 4 healers and 3 savages![]()
Originally posted by VodkaFairy
lol are you for real?
Let's annoy everyone to hell and back just because they have a small advantage in mainstream rvr atm. If you want everyone to play "fair" then do it yourself.
Not too hard is it? Justifying your own lame behaviour with "BTU DEY STARTET!" is childish and stupid.
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
So, I have 3 BMs attacking me. What do I do? I could run from them, letting them do high damage back styles or having a good chance at a 7 second stun.
Or I could stand still, meaning they can do any positional they want on me.
Or I can face letting them style 100% on me and my shield does f*ck all vs dual wield.
Would you like me to sit down as well? Or take off my armour maybe?
Aww but then you wouldnt have any excuse when we trounce you ;(
P.S strafing to avoid damage is about the same level of game abuse as using level 7 pets to interupt, except theres a fairly simple way of hitting folk who strafe a lot.
Originally posted by Flimgoblin
you could diethat's what people who don't cheat tend to do
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
I ain't going to die to some PF-abusing, CC immune, dual wielding fotm, assist using, anytime spamming tank without a fight.
For the past year (very witty) people have been calling it Dark age of Tankalot, which was true really. But look at the tanks cry when they find they cant kill someone inside 3 seconds![]()
Originally posted by alme
fuck me, didnt know i had a 7 sec stun from behind.
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
So, I have 3 BMs attacking me. What do I do? I could run from them, letting them do high damage back styles or having a good chance at a 7 second stun.
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Guess I have to use smaller words than "or" to avoid confusion you :/
4BM trains have killed my fully buffed shaman inside 1 or 2 combat rounds numerous times, but I just shrug it off as a game and get on with playing it.
Originally posted by alme
And what would we drop in grp to get the 4th bm.
Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Erm, rulke, stop making a fool out of yourself. You obviously have no fucking clue what so ever at rvr balance regarding mid and hib tank groups.
Against a good assist train you're going to have to rely on your warrior and healers. Not on bugs.
And then consider the situation for hibs, with your tanks dealing alot more damage, a savage assist train can kill a tank with red str/con buff faster than I can cast a heal. But that doesn't mean they should abuse bugs.
You're just lame, and if you keep your current attitude no wonder people will use strafing against your groups... its your loss really, but im not going to resort to cheating just because I can't take dying.
Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Damn and the opinion of the long term whiners on this board means so much to me
And when I said assist trains had killed me I meant good ones like BaF, BF and AD, not VGN and LA, which I ruled out with the word "assist"
Wall bugs are not a intentional part of the game. Strafing is intentional, we know it's intentional because of the lower chance for the person strafing to get off a style.Originally posted by Asha
it's not the point if it's easy or a part of the game - wall bugs are a part of the game. No you can't dmg while strafing, but as a healer/support you are doing things just by being up. It's cheating to be able to avoid getting hits like that.
Originally posted by angara-ffs
lol, lets just all stand still or sit down when we get hit!!!11
And to all the hypocrites who say they dont use it:
Liar liar pants on fire....
Originally posted by acei
Strafing is part of the game and is VERY easy to do... i use it in duels, even forced a skald to use his IP because my cleric was about to kill him 1 - 1... and my cleric is rejuv/enh not smite![]()
Originally posted by Hotandsandy
Can't understand the fuss - there's a strafe button and it's been there for ages.
I use strafe all the time with my cleric if Im tanked, I used to use it sometimes with my friar if the need arose. It certainly has kept me alive on one or two 1v1s.
I think it's an essential tactic for non tanks. As someone else said, its not a bug, its intentional - so whats the problem?