News Steve Jobs he be deeed :(


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Hmm even from the graves he manages to piss me off!

Bought about £40 worth of music on my Ipad2 thinking it would be no prob. to get it onto my Pc..Wrong!
and then, well then it just disapeared all together, now I dont have it anywhere, but I can ofcause still "upgrade to the full album" lol!

I knew i was signing a deal with the devil buying one of these things!!!!


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Hmm even from the graves he manages to piss me off!

Bought about £40 worth of music on my Ipad2 thinking it would be no prob. to get it onto my Pc..Wrong!
and then, well then it just disapeared all together, now I dont have it anywhere, but I can ofcause still "upgrade to the full album" lol!

I knew i was signing a deal with the devil buying one of these things!!!!

You should be able to get it back from the iCloud, and re download it back to your iPad


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I love my iMac, its been sitting here doing what it does superbly for years, and I have no doubt that the strength of personality that was Steve Jobs made it happen. Cancer is a blight and all deaths are a tragedy (/me hugs his old mate T)

That said I believe Jobs was an undiagnosed Psychopath. His treatment of people was legendarily awful. He was unable to empathise or care for others, his vision was all that mattered and the people involved were just objects to be manipulated.

Apple has started to take on that persona itself and I for one hope that it steps back from the dark side just a little and becomes a company I'm not actually ashamed to be a customer of.
omgz - TTD :O


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It's his second post in a week. He must have run out of beer money.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg! :D

Icloud = nothing "cant even set it to "music" on the Ipad only icon I see under settings is programs.
No purchased icon o Ipad = cannot redownlaod
cannot reperchase on itunes, "it says I already have them"
but I can ofcause buy the rest of the albums whoopiie! "the songs i didnt want.
goto purchase history = they are all there to see, but cant downlaod or play , goto purchased button, all I see is apps I ibook.



Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
nobody sees the irony of Apple complaining about "theft"?
I don't really get it. Hasn't everyone figured out that all google does is re-engineer existing products?

It's not like internet search or adverts or mobile phones didn't exist before google was doing them.

£5 says Google Cola one day


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tbh I like the re-engineering of things. no offence to anyone in the biz, but imo the *superior* product will always win. protecting a bad product, or trying to keep people from pushing the envelope forward may be good for one's business, but its detrimental to the development of products in general I guess.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
tbh I like the re-engineering of things. no offence to anyone in the biz, but imo the *superior* product will always win. protecting a bad product, or trying to keep people from pushing the envelope forward may be good for one's business, but its detrimental to the development of products in general I guess.

^This. Also known as "building a better mousetrap". When I was doing the corporate strategy module for my Masters about a million years ago, I had to do a whole presentation on how being first to market has historically been the road to long-term failure. Its pretty amazing when you go back through corporate history and realise most of the big winners weren't first; Microsoft, Hoover(!), IBM, Boeing, and yes, Apple, usually riffed off someone else's idea.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
we agreed? wow! soon I'll have you agreeing that space travel should be free for all as well ;-)


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
^This. Also known as "building a better mousetrap". When I was doing the corporate strategy module for my Masters about a million years ago, I had to do a whole presentation on how being first to market has historically been the road to long-term failure. Its pretty amazing when you go back through corporate history and realise most of the big winners weren't first; Microsoft, Hoover(!), IBM, Boeing, and yes, Apple, usually riffed off someone else's idea.

Xerox springs to mind. My higher computing teacher who was a serious Apple fanboy (back in 1997, I'm young you see) took a disliking to me when I pointed out in my computing project that Apple were 'inspired' by Xerox's mouse / window interface.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Xerox springs to mind. My higher computing teacher who was a serious Apple fanboy (back in 1997, I'm young you see) took a disliking to me when I pointed out in my computing project that Apple were 'inspired' by Xerox's mouse / window interface.

"Inspired"? Jobs and Woz nicked Xerox Parc wholesale. In a roundabout way that's another good example of being a follower not a leader; Apple had actually developed a GUI before their in(famous) visit to Palo Alto, but couldn't make it work properly, and their visit to Xerox showed them the way. It also showed what Jobs was actually good at; seeing a commercial opportunity where his peers just saw "cool stuff".

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