Spinesprout II The Movie


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
I'll remember how nerfed mincers are next time I hit a warguard/battlered/ablative mincer for 0 damage, while he melees me back with Malice for 200+ on top of his nerfed DD's.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I enjoyed it, might of been an idea to cut out some of the poorer fights and have a shorter vid. Some of the fights were awesome though. I think you have the same problem with Theodon as me, cant kill the sod, but damn fun trying :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Azathrim said:
I'll remember how nerfed mincers are next time I hit a warguard/battlered/ablative mincer for 0 damage, while he melees me back with Malice for 200+ on top of his nerfed DD's.
Oh well mabye it isnt that bad;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Infanity said:
Was not to keen on it :/

Just seemed to be the same thing most fights etc.. Low rrs and such.

When you fire mallice in the FZ, There is no dialog on screen, When anyone else uses it you make it seem more in favour for you etc.

Too much run through for me to really enjoy it, Ability dumps - well that shits there to be used- you spent the points use it how you liek ;d

Was some good things in ze vid aswell, Like those cocks who tryed to jump you after fight then ran into a fg ;d

Nice effort ;)

Aye, I should have put a message when I use the Malice /use2 - it was at the same time I set my GT while I was flying.

Regarding the enemy using Malice, yeah thats kinda 'sucky' to use against me, as I will just Phaseshift. But then again, in the majority of cases that's the only sensable use of Phaseshift, besides getting away from (caster-)adds and warlocks. Unfortunaly, when I started to record, Warlocks where pretty much extinct after their 1.82 'fix'. It would been nice if I could get a few recordings with a WL dumping on me in Phaseshift, in the end the majority of them is dumb enough to actually do that :p

I wasnt perma-recording, unfortunaly I missed quite a few 'good' fights, even killed 2 Bonedancers \o/

People complaining about 'dumping' should realise that in the majority of cases I fight an enemy who has a distinct advantage against me: Instantly taking away 450~ HP with the enervating-debuff, and more often then not a DoT-mine goes in, coupled with a Lifebane. If I let *ALL* those abilities on my character, Im down an easy 1400 HP. Thats before the melee-damage of assassins. Just for that 'crap' I took Purge3, which helps in 8/10 cases quite fine, but sometimes I gamble wrong. Like against that RR5 Autolytos Shadowblade, who after the purge of me drops a DoT-mine, battler-debuffs me and lands a Frosty Gaze. I won due to shear luck that fight (finished him off with the Desperate Bowman shout).

The 'strafe-comments' are abit... well weird really. Some people say I should strafe more, others dont like my strafing, and others complain about running-through. If you see at my styling, you can see I dont really even try landing side-stun actively, except at the beginning where I jump them. I try to approach from the side. Alot of enemies strafe/run-through against me so they allow me to side-stun them, for example Speedup eats Side-stun coz he runs-through/strafes me.

About the ability-dumping. There's quite a few fights where I dont 'dump' anything, except Purge, for the reasons I mentioned before. Im quite conservative with my dumps, I try to limit them, so I keep toys up for another fight. For example, I did a dump on Papasan, but after the fight I had still IP and Purge, which allows another fight to win against a high-RR assassin. Also, its the nature of the beast: Archers are timer-beasts, and assassins are more of raw damage, little timers. Assassins in general have way more RA-points available for 'damage enhancing' passives like MoPain, AugStats and such. Look at my RA-list, only AugSTR2 and MoPain2, despite being RR9 :O And in the end, I dont see assassins use a shit-style instead of Hamstring, 'to avoid winning'. Same goes for me --> I use abilities to win.

I do agree however that MoS4+ is abit silly in the hands of an archer, if you look at it from an assassin-perspective. It comes with a price tho, if I had MoS3 I could take AoM3 for example, or MoPain3 with those points. It's a matter of preference, however keep in mind that once ur engage in melee-fights, all points spend in MoStealth are essentially useless. If you find me with IP2 down, fighting me with legendary weapons and I dont get the perfect jump on you, Im down 15+10+20 = 45 RA-points. Those dynamics are also the reason why Im pretty much forced to 'dump' on high RR assassins, because simply they got better styles, and a fuckloads more on passive RA's.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
I'll remember how nerfed mincers are next time I hit a warguard/battlered/ablative mincer for 0 damage, while he melees me back with Malice for 200+ on top of his nerfed DD's.

Mincers are the same as archers in that aspect ---> they rely on timers. As assassin, I often find myselves vanishing away from that. Battler + Warguard equals melee-immunity on minstrels pretty much. Vanish means a safe get-away, as they just blown an item-timer on Battler, so they cant stealthlore. If you didnt spec Vanish, u can try to battler him back, and rotate in some prepoisoned weapons. I found it quite hard to win that as assassin, also because they get shouts to reduce DoT-damage on them.

My 'defense' as archer against WG+Battler is the /use2 on Braggarts Bow, a like 70% chance to proc a 50-60~ dmg DD on each successfull hit. Combined with dualwield-mechanics, that can add up rather nasty. I remember a fight where Matriarch dumped Battler+WG on me. I countered with Braggarts Bow and won the fight , without using even FZ. I had to IP, but he IP'ed aswell.

All 3 stealthers have their pro's and contra's I suppose. In the stealthwar, a ranger might be King of the Hill, but assassins do better against visibles from my experience. There's no way I can beat Bradlex on my ranger, but on my nightshade I can give him a good run for his money :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Well good comments from you and stuff ;d One thing i can say is work on your roleplay plan :E I usually like those smal clips in movies this one was boring.. Make some action in it ;D

6.5/10 anyway ;d


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Valgyr said:
We are nerfed bigtime after DR tbh as every stealther and his grandma runs with CL resists:( as it effects both stun duration and DD dmg

Dont affect Stun duration. its a CL resist not determination.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bahumat said:
Dont affect Stun duration. its a CL resist not determination.
yes it does, if its spell stun


Feb 22, 2006
Puppet said:
Aye, I should have put a message when I use the Malice /use2 - it was at the same time I set my GT while I was flying.

Regarding the enemy using Malice, yeah thats kinda 'sucky' to use against me, as I will just Phaseshift. But then again, in the majority of cases that's the only sensable use of Phaseshift, besides getting away from (caster-)adds and warlocks. Unfortunaly, when I started to record, Warlocks where pretty much extinct after their 1.82 'fix'. It would been nice if I could get a few recordings with a WL dumping on me in Phaseshift, in the end the majority of them is dumb enough to actually do that :p

I wasnt perma-recording, unfortunaly I missed quite a few 'good' fights, even killed 2 Bonedancers \o/

People complaining about 'dumping' should realise that in the majority of cases I fight an enemy who has a distinct advantage against me: Instantly taking away 450~ HP with the enervating-debuff, and more often then not a DoT-mine goes in, coupled with a Lifebane. If I let *ALL* those abilities on my character, Im down an easy 1400 HP. Thats before the melee-damage of assassins. Just for that 'crap' I took Purge3, which helps in 8/10 cases quite fine, but sometimes I gamble wrong. Like against that RR5 Autolytos Shadowblade, who after the purge of me drops a DoT-mine, battler-debuffs me and lands a Frosty Gaze. I won due to shear luck that fight (finished him off with the Desperate Bowman shout).

The 'strafe-comments' are abit... well weird really. Some people say I should strafe more, others dont like my strafing, and others complain about running-through. If you see at my styling, you can see I dont really even try landing side-stun actively, except at the beginning where I jump them. I try to approach from the side. Alot of enemies strafe/run-through against me so they allow me to side-stun them, for example Speedup eats Side-stun coz he runs-through/strafes me.

About the ability-dumping. There's quite a few fights where I dont 'dump' anything, except Purge, for the reasons I mentioned before. Im quite conservative with my dumps, I try to limit them, so I keep toys up for another fight. For example, I did a dump on Papasan, but after the fight I had still IP and Purge, which allows another fight to win against a high-RR assassin. Also, its the nature of the beast: Archers are timer-beasts, and assassins are more of raw damage, little timers. Assassins in general have way more RA-points available for 'damage enhancing' passives like MoPain, AugStats and such. Look at my RA-list, only AugSTR2 and MoPain2, despite being RR9 :O And in the end, I dont see assassins use a shit-style instead of Hamstring, 'to avoid winning'. Same goes for me --> I use abilities to win.

I do agree however that MoS4+ is abit silly in the hands of an archer, if you look at it from an assassin-perspective. It comes with a price tho, if I had MoS3 I could take AoM3 for example, or MoPain3 with those points. It's a matter of preference, however keep in mind that once ur engage in melee-fights, all points spend in MoStealth are essentially useless. If you find me with IP2 down, fighting me with legendary weapons and I dont get the perfect jump on you, Im down 15+10+20 = 45 RA-points. Those dynamics are also the reason why Im pretty much forced to 'dump' on high RR assassins, because simply they got better styles, and a fuckloads more on passive RA's.

just one point to make..... you complain so heavily about assassins which is right, but you have DUAL WIELD!!!!.... try complaining playing a class without because really as a ranger you have it so much easier


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
If you are going to do an intro with some acting and such, please don't mess with the camera so much and have more planning! :p coolio idea, but the camera moving like a hyperactive ten year old makes it a bit bad :[


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The fights are nice, but the remarks aren't ! Less remarks, better quality and the next one will be nicer to watch :]

<posts a link to torero sung by pioja>



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
really sad that almost all the ppl posting movies here have to sit an defend them self over an over again.. :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
SoulFly said:
If you are going to do an intro with some acting and such, please don't mess with the camera so much and have more planning! :p coolio idea, but the camera moving like a hyperactive ten year old makes it a bit bad :[

Hehe, I agree entirely. When i watched it, it annoyed me quite abit. The problem was really that with the Darkness Rising-client, in full eye-candy, my PC lags like fock when i turn on FRAPS. I made the intro in DR, to show the new chars and to enter the Veil Rift, but i never use it beside that, for recording its absolutely horrible on my PC :<

I actually took the best one in, the other one was just a slide-show lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Nice vid puppet, u have to let my thane duel ur op'ed ranger :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Enjoyed watching the movie Puppet, nice usage of styles and abilities, dont see why people complain about "RA dump", quite enjoyed the fights where alot of abilities were used. Nice going :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
That 1st song was bad, Queen did it alot better other then that was a ok vid.
Got to ask tho you put that roleplay stuff in and your last name is Darkelf i dont get it ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
Nice movie mate !

Thought the intro was a bit slow, but the action was very nice to see.
Funny stuff in it like FZ eachother made it nice to watch.
Liked the comments during the fights aswell...

Good stuff :>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Azathrim said:
I'll remember how nerfed mincers are next time I hit a warguard/battlered/ablative mincer for 0 damage, while he melees me back with Malice for 200+ on top of his nerfed DD's.
200+ lol, mincers got pretty crapy melee dmg just that they can take alot of dmg because of the wg, wh,battler etc.

Nice video puppet!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bondoila said:
200+ lol, mincers got pretty crapy melee dmg just that they can take alot of dmg because of the wg, wh,battler etc.

Nice video puppet!

a slash minstrel with aug str and 101str in template tend to hit SBs (+10% dmg u know) for 200+ if they aren´t debuffed.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Puppet said:
It's hard finding enemies of equal RR, as Im quite high RR on my ranger. 'Dumped' on Papasan a FZ and a Battler (and Phaseshift), but no IP nor Purge. I dumped heavily on Frag, but 'to compensate' I also used almost nothing on some other quite high RR's (Caeli, Narzu, Dmoskus and more).
Found out the hard way that the new nifty /use buttons from UI with pretty colors doesn't work on weapons if you envenom em. ;) Guess it tries to use the venom 'charge' instead of the actual charge. I'm back to using my old setup now though, so shouldn't stand like a fool for the first 8 seconds of the fight this time. :) Having 10 secs left to purge hurt me there aswell, that sidestun really is silly for a Mos4+ archer/skillstrafers.

Decent vid atleast. Nice to see that you sometimes leave DC bridge aswell. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
a slash minstrel with aug str and 101str in template tend to hit SBs (+10% dmg u know) for 200+ if they aren´t debuffed.
Maby vs slash vun targets,not debuffed and with high slash spec. But not keeping your target debuffed aint that smart.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bondoila said:
Maby vs slash vun targets,not debuffed and with high slash spec. But not keeping your target debuffed aint that smart.

Not always u have extra envenoms ready


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
the movie was ok, good ranger tho no doubt.
only "annoying" thing is that 90% of the time ur just camping dc, while so many hibs around xD.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Bondoila said:
200+ lol, mincers got pretty crapy melee dmg just that they can take alot of dmg because of the wg, wh,battler etc.

Nice video puppet!

i did 200-300 damage with out crits on my mincer :p around 350 with crits so with battler+wg it was pretty up :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Just watched the vid.

Certainly some really good fights in there, and it kept my attention all the way through.
I liked the double FZ fight and the one against Theodon, Papasan and a few of the others, but, after a while, I was hoping that the people would kill YOU, simply because it looked like you were having far too easy a time killing them :>
MoS4 on a melee Ranger is EVIL, you can literally pick and choose all your fights, which must be nice :) Of course you pay the price with RA points, but bloody hell - we assassins are sitting ducks :> You see us miles away!
Some of your comments in-vid seemed a bit silly though.

Hope you play your ranger somemore and put more closer fights next time and more fights where people add / duo / trio against you - now that would be cool, as I think you'd still win :>

Not looking forward to running into you out there :>

Oli - Illu

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