SotL - Who they really are?



I did a /who lyonesse during the relic raid I saw 2 or 3 in lyonesse, all 45+. I'm not saying this happens all the time but its just a counter-reply.


Sheesh, here we go again.

Instead of commenting on the numbers of SotL at todays raids can't we just be happy that it was a job well done by the REALM OF ALBION.

Psi, seeing as you haven't played much for a long long time you'll have missed many of the times that SotL have 'made the effort to be there'.

Looking at GC when i came on it seemed a lot of members weren't aware of todays plans (neither was I). No moans about 'not being invited' , just a 'hey ! well done !' to all those that attended. How it should be really.



old.Gombur Glodson

I am a bit confused now :confused:
is that now about sotl not joining the raid? Or am I mistaken?

I can only speak for myself when I say that I didnt know about the raid and had a lot of work to do today so therefore I didnt join you.

Besides I think Laird did a superb job organizing a successfull raid.


Flame ahoi. Please flame me. I'm not saying that everyone should be there regardless of real life, but I'm saying that ppl who who in game should have helped out and that goes for all the 60 odd ppl that were in lyonesse. Some sotl did come to the second raid, and thats probably why we actually managed to acheive that little bit more that little bit more quickly.

old.Gombur Glodson

I still dont know what your point was or what you wanted to state, can you be so kind to clerify?


there we go.. I editted it for you, I thought you had work to do instead of watching the forums like a hawk.

old.Gombur Glodson

ah ok now I know what you meant.

when I say work I mean chores around the house ect and therefore I have Irc running in the background on my computer, I then see our bot on our priv channel saying that the scabbard has gone neutral. Not knowing if it was hibs or us I go ingame to see what it was.
I didnt stay for so long, and I only log in for a very little time to see how they are doing since I dont have that much time to play (perhaps 30 mins at max) and I think you know that I would be dumb to run from lyonesse (where I was logged) and all the way to odins or sauvage.

I can also inform you that most other members of sotl did not know about this raid


The only members I heard so much as mention this raid were myself and Boney. Boney said he wouldn't be able to attend and I'm at work (and when I say work I mean the sitting in an office watching computers crash kind of work) so that leaves probably no one in SotL aware that the raid was happening.


/em pats his "FlameBait Alert!" title on alliance forums.


Originally posted by old.Psi
Just for the record, the highest Lords Of England leveled faster than the Servants (with the exception of Soulfly) and we had the most lvl 50s at one point before they all started hitting 50 left, right and centre :p

I can see why people would dislike SotL, it's human nature to be jealous of people that are stronger, and therefore make excuses to dislike them.

However, the majority of SotL are all great people (with a few exceptions, naming no names ;)). They can play the game how ever they want.

And as for the recent relic raid, other people made the effort to be there, and I know that theres not much that can be done if you have work, as several LoE members also had work and couldn't be there, but SotL has 30+ members afaik, surely more than 2 or 3 of them could have been there if they had wanted to be?

I hope you still wub me? :(


<3 kr0n

Let joy be unconfined for my export just worked after 2 hours 35 minutes. Provided this next one works I shall be off home before tomorrow morning!


BTW today is the hottest day the UK has had all year so please forgive me if I was in the garden drinking a beer and having a bbq :)


Bah damn Revz, I'm still at the 'Setting fire to my desk and running around screaming and tearing my hair out' stage, and he's just wandered off home :(


I dunno where you live but its pissing it down here.


I was trying to stay out of this discussion but feel a couple of things have to be said:

I have enormous respect for SotL and what they have achieved in the game. I've known a couple since the beginning of closed beta and several of the rest quite a long time also. The couple of times I have criticised them have been about not spreading the word about the first few relic raids enough but this was not a severe criticism nor did it flame the guild.

Today SotL might not have had many there on the early raid but not all guilds did either. When it started I think I saw one person of theirs in Lyon xping. I'm sure other guilds had many missing also. This morning raid was planned in the command cg last night during/after our last raid and was a continuation of yesterdays raids. If SotL or any other guild weren't there and didn't know about this morning then I can only apologise as it was an oversight. Great effort has been made in the last couple of days to include every guild possible.

When we returned to the relic keep for the mid str relic we would have been following Boney except he kept on going LD so I led instead. Once I had the relic my group and one of SotL gave me an escort at Mach 5 to the AMG and then on to Excal.

There has been far too much undue and uncalled for flaming of SotL IMO - There are some people out there who seem to be wanting to stir it up against them.

As for killing the epic mobs - well I just have to try and drag the guild out there to get one or two of the little ones before you kill them again ;p

I sincerely hope that SotL keep doing exactly what they have been and continue making the realm a safer and stronger place.


im not really seeing a point to this, altho it does shed light on the old "bah, people using the SOTL tactic" saying when refused into a group. the way i see it is, if you dont need someone, you dont invite them, but surely people already understand this? why would a group of 7 invite a tank if they dont yet have a healer? or why would a lvl 30 have a lvl 25 with them while soloing blues/yellows? i see the points your making in the post, but i dont see why you need to make them if you dont care about peoples thoughts/oppinions and if sotl are just getting on with there own thing.

personally i dont even try grouping with people of certain guilds, i flag as looking and keep a check for leaders needing more players, and join what i get the chance to join, cant really be picky (especially in a time where most chars my lvl are alts so there are less of them and less chance of being online(but i guess that my fault for not finding a char that i dont get bored of so quickly)).

i do have respect for SOTL, youve used your heads and its payed off. balancing classes and lvls is a great thing for the guild as a whole, makes life alot easier for your members (i recall most my time spent in PL groupless, or grouping with people out side of the guild due to an unbalanced amount of classes and too many people not wanting to group with people they hadnt grouped with before (whether they thought others where noobs or thought that they wouldnt pick up on tactics they had used with there closer friends) which at the begining of beta left most the guild lagging behind while the select few that grouped together powered off rather than the guild working as a team). also lvling during the start of commercial was one of the best ideas, i tried saying this a number of times (cant remember if i was in PL at the time, Shadow Brothers, or just on forums) as the mids clearly out numbered and out lvled us at the time, but everyone wanted RvR action straigh away thinking it would be like beta.

to sum things up, i do not and have not thought of sotl as a bitchy, rude or almost "snobby" (refering to the "we wont group with you" thing) guild, more like wel orgonised and well played, it just seems abit like this thread is aid of fishing for compliments and is kinda pointless

[if half of this doesnt make sense its because im half asleep :\]

Orin Askhammare

I'm not in Alb, but there are some parallels. Above 40 it's hard to xp. I'm in a very small guild myself, we have I think 7 40+ members who obviously are not all on at the same time all the time. The best xp in middie is in Malmohus usually as there are precious little raids into Raumarik. I've been stuck around the 41-42 level for a while (2 months) now and have been playing alts which in itself is a lot of fun.

My guild is great, lots of fun since we've all known each other for a while and I wouldn't want to leave them ever. Getting xp however first requires me to get into Malmohus. Large guilds can manage this easily with little way for me to find out about an entrance. I have never met a group going into Raumarik so far to be honest, must also happen within the larger guilds. If you do get into Malmohus it usually means logging in your main, be put as #75 on the list and then log to play an alt and pray you get some action this night :)

The picture I painted here is slightly worse than reality maybe but I can understand people getting a tad envious when you see people going DING DING DING DING around you that were lower level than you for a long time when you do actually spend a lot of time online on the server. People are struggling for xp groups 40+ and see alts pass them by. This can't be right either. It is probably a better idea to level main characters than alts as that means an extra level 50 for your realm.

40+ seemed like hitting a brick wall for me. Don't know if it's the same in Albion. Maybe it is.


SoTL are the most powerful Guild in Albion. They're also the most active on the frontier. When we've found ourselves threatened in the past, we've had invaluable help from SoTL, and we're now at the stage where we're starting to be able to return the favour.

SoTL and the Templars have a very different way of playing the game, but we respect what they do in the frontier a great deal. Moreover, this stuff about Barfog is rhubarb. The Templars and Griffons, both alone and together, have knocked of the epic beasts on a fair few occasions now, and not once have we ever spoken to SoTL about it. Nor would they dream of asking us to.

SoTL are good people (even if my healers keep going to join them !!). I suspect any aggro they get is based entirely on jealousy. But when every last muppet is lvl 50, SoTL will still be one of the most effective guilds out there.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
one word - pygmy goblin tanglers

:clap: :clap: :clap:

And of course Witherwoodes, can't forget the giant trees of doom :D


I have to say that I had never even heard of SoTL until last night when I was playing with a, I suppose the word would be abrubt character. Someone suggested that he was probably an Alt of a SoTL character.

I do not think that this was based on jealousy as Aeth suggests, but probably more akin to a master trying to work alongside an apprentice and then expecting the apprentice to work to the same quality and speed as the master.

I undertand that he may not have been a SoTL ALT character but nevertheless, he appeared to fit description (at least as far as much of the party thought).

Like I said, I've never seen them, played with them or heard of them so I cant say one way or the other but I have definitely got the impression from round the realm that they are 'abrupt'. This isnt necessarily a bad thing but I suppose could often be mis-construed as rude.

All this said, if they are doing wonderfull things in the frontier then good on em - we need all the frontier warriors we can get!


Tuppence Alert!

I haven't had many dealings with SotL, but those I've had they have been fun and the tree group Amra asked me to join while I was doing some crafting was a great success, the group chat was alot like my own guilds when we xp, poking fun at each other, making jokes, hitting the same mob (mostly :D), chatting and generally having fun. Even though I was the lowest lvl and had never done witherwoods before, they welcomed me and we got on with it (and I wasn't the only none SotL in that group either). Personally I just think they are like every other guild, they play the game to have fun, chat with their friends, die to Mordred every now and then (just kidding guys ;)) and maybe go stomp on a few Hibs/Mids heads.
Where this so called bad rep comes from I don't know, but there are always people who aren't happy with their lot and think if they were in the position of someone who is more successful then everything would be sunshine and roses.


I personally think Sotl are a top guild. I have met some really nice people, and people i class as being friends such as Niar and Perian. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting all of them and although I haven't i'll take them as i find them. Sure they may be people in any guild that people don't get on with. Thats life as not all people gel. I do agree that Sotl have helped Albion tremendously and in my eyes are good people. I have a lot of respect for them and am pleased to have them as realm mates. Keep doing what your doing Sotl you do a great job.


I was the one who said "I'll remember this, Layl". At the time I disagreed with <8 member groups as I thought it was a bit selfish and still do.

In AD&D terms I consider you Chaotic Neutral therefore there will always be discord between us. :)

In my opinion, SOTL has a slightly poor reputation from being elitist or "service-to-self" as opposed to good-natured and "service-to-other". Not all members are the same of course, but the stain is there. In fact I think most of them are great player characters and seem to be generally nice people underneath the character too. Until other SOTL members show me negative qualities I will treat them with respect and give the guild the benefit of the doubt.

I myself have a reputation for living in the clouds, talking crap and being occasionally short-tempered so I'm not perfect myself. I once kicked Mckfly out of a tree group for refusing my repeated polite plea for him to heal chant which he ignored. I over reacted in that one.

These are my opinions of in-game characters and does not represent my real life views.

Play the game how you like. Lets roleplay the reaction they deserve.

And I'll still resurrect Layl, if he accepts it, in an attempt to turn him towards the light :)


Some of you people would be best satisfied if mythic made it impossible to draw a weapon without 8 poeple in the group

8 is the maximum, not the requirement, if we could have 80 people in a group would u still whine?
Just because you CAN have 8 in a group doesnt always mean its the BEST
Its just the way it is in lyonesse


Well in my opinion, best is not always as important as fun and generosity.

Brannor McThife

Thanks to the poster of this thread, it explained a lot to me, and, as I've said before, I don't know any of you, and now have a better picture of who SotL is. Respekt. :D slipped out.

No, seriously, I now fully understand why people were/are "jealous" of your guild. I also understand that some ill feelings have been generated by people jumping ship from other guilds in the past.

As for me in Alb, I like the little guild I'm in, and no number of extremely rare drops could get me to leave. ;)

Although, when I get to L45+, I wouldn't mind grouping with one or two of you, and, of course, doing a raid or two with SotL, just for the experience.


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