Getting a Legendary weapon is painful but here`s a quick run down...
3 Items from an LGM SC 3 gems
3 Items from an LGM Alchemist 3 lvl47 Tincts
1 Eceptional weapon of the type you wish to use
## Quantity of metal
1 Special magic ingrediant that is dependant on the type of damage you wish to inflict, And getting these are no cake walk.. I saw one drop from a mob who could chain mezz with more range than an alb sorc.
Then with all those things your friendly Weaponcrafter makes the recipe, 1080 for a Bow so it`s yellow at cap which results in anything from 94%-100% quality... Expensive but probably worth it in the long run.
Artifact weapons are way ahead of the game compared to these but then given the rarity they will have and the weak starting stats.. Hehe hell you have to fight with terrible damage to level them up at first, Worth it thou from the very few screens of weapons I have seen.
Artifacts start out as dumb items, To build them:
1x Artifact of choice Ring, Belt, Weapon Say "Bow of fools"
1x 1 of 3 bow of fools story
1x 2 of 3 bow of fools story
1x 3 of 3 bow of fools story
Once you have these you have a good weapon but with lousy stats, But by using the story scrolls to form the whole history of the weapon you then take this to the arbitur and he clues you in on the weapons true potential, This is listed in full on the item delve, Each step the item grows is a level say at 2 5 7 10, and they start at at 0 and raise to 10.
Most have quirky ways to gain xp also.. but none I`ve seen so far raise by killing mobs, Xp from mole whacking will give you squat, Mainly it`s Rvr conditions with a twist, I`m sure most have seen the Band of stars bracer which only gains with night rvr, Another 2h axe only gains from male enemy characters being killed.
Band of Stars starting stats
Band of Stars identified, Note this is now not a leveled artifact merely by being taken to the arbitur, You get the stats not the goodies till you have leveled the item
Hope this helps, Rvr will not be the same.. Hopefuly better but only time will tell.
3 Items from an LGM SC 3 gems
3 Items from an LGM Alchemist 3 lvl47 Tincts
1 Eceptional weapon of the type you wish to use
## Quantity of metal
1 Special magic ingrediant that is dependant on the type of damage you wish to inflict, And getting these are no cake walk.. I saw one drop from a mob who could chain mezz with more range than an alb sorc.
Then with all those things your friendly Weaponcrafter makes the recipe, 1080 for a Bow so it`s yellow at cap which results in anything from 94%-100% quality... Expensive but probably worth it in the long run.
Artifact weapons are way ahead of the game compared to these but then given the rarity they will have and the weak starting stats.. Hehe hell you have to fight with terrible damage to level them up at first, Worth it thou from the very few screens of weapons I have seen.
Artifacts start out as dumb items, To build them:
1x Artifact of choice Ring, Belt, Weapon Say "Bow of fools"
1x 1 of 3 bow of fools story
1x 2 of 3 bow of fools story
1x 3 of 3 bow of fools story
Once you have these you have a good weapon but with lousy stats, But by using the story scrolls to form the whole history of the weapon you then take this to the arbitur and he clues you in on the weapons true potential, This is listed in full on the item delve, Each step the item grows is a level say at 2 5 7 10, and they start at at 0 and raise to 10.
Most have quirky ways to gain xp also.. but none I`ve seen so far raise by killing mobs, Xp from mole whacking will give you squat, Mainly it`s Rvr conditions with a twist, I`m sure most have seen the Band of stars bracer which only gains with night rvr, Another 2h axe only gains from male enemy characters being killed.
Band of Stars starting stats
Band of Stars identified, Note this is now not a leveled artifact merely by being taken to the arbitur, You get the stats not the goodies till you have leveled the item
Hope this helps, Rvr will not be the same.. Hopefuly better but only time will tell.