Well im getting fed up.
Idiots like Pau who one minute wont add, next time cos you shit all over him he pa's you when your 1v1 piss me off.
Other idiots like Dubya who need the holy realmpoint and chase you down to add also fuck me off. along with headhuntering and co and the 8man ranger group.
Server is bollocks and goodnight
Comming from you this is priceless.
After sawing you adding, stunning for your fg scouts and all tah shit in irvr zone i just can say go get a clue. What goes around comes around.
Don't like how it works on irvr zone go play somewhere else but please don't be an hypocrit.
OT: Solo zone yes, but cba to install IRC. Just choose a zone and i'm pretty sure most of the other players will respect it, just need to be away from normal players passage. And plz no duelling circles, i mostly solo on sb so i need the surprise element to jump on someone else to get a chance to kill it.
PS: Be nice with me on sb, didn't played it for 6 month and very very rusty
I will not write the solo zone on FH as I know there's to many fuckers around who will try their best to ruin it
I have made an IRC channel for the solo zone: #dyvet.solo @ quakenet.
I know most people who hang out there ain't trying their best to fuck it up so it will work if people can bother installing irc. It's for the greater good of the solo community anyway.
I'm going to ask a GM to help me a bit with the solo zone, asking him if he can be so kind to keep an general overview and spawn guard wherever duelling circles occur.
If I can get his help for this, then I think things will be easier.
Well, if you post it on FH you will get more people on it, publicity ftw. But i can understand your fear even tho i don't share it. I think most of the players will respect a solo zone, and will stay in irvr zone, that will fit more they playstyle.
Anyway i can always ask some friends that use irc to tell me where the solo zone is, so for me it's really the same.
You might not share the fear, but judging from my past experiences small groups WILL come to destroy, basically because it's alot of rps for them without any hassle at all.
Well im getting fed up.
Idiots like Pau who one minute wont add, next time cos you shit all over him he pa's you when your 1v1 piss me off.
Other idiots like Dubya who need the holy realmpoint and chase you down to add also fuck me off. along with headhuntering and co and the 8man ranger group.
Server is bollocks and goodnight
All except necros!btw, make it a solo zone not excluding classes , casters and all should be welcome! I dont mind what im fighting tbh, as long as its not the same class 24/7
And tell me how to install irc, then tell me if there is any risk of viruses etc, and providing there is little chance of that ill install it
btw, make it a solo zone not excluding classes , casters and all should be welcome! I dont mind what im fighting tbh, as long as its not the same class 24/7
And tell me how to install irc, then tell me if there is any risk of viruses etc, and providing there is little chance of that ill install it
Comming from you this is priceless.
After sawing you adding, stunning for your fg scouts and all tah shit in irvr zone i just can say go get a clue. What goes around comes around.
Don't like how it works on irvr zone go play somewhere else but please don't be an hypocrit.
OT: Solo zone yes, but cba to install IRC. Just choose a zone and i'm pretty sure most of the other players will respect it, just need to be away from normal players passage. And plz no duelling circles, i mostly solo on sb so i need the surprise element to jump on someone else to get a chance to kill it.
PS: Be nice with me on sb, didn't played it for 6 month and very very rusty
Sure ^^
Artemisia same sb who just hits you once infront of zerg then fucks off?
Agree and agree! I remember I've tried to install that crap but never got it working, guidepls?
I played with sb for 30 min at 2-3am for the first time in 6 month last saturday night, long after your mom called you to go sleep, so explain me where was the zerg and you...?
hypocrit and liar, ain't really nice m8 in rl are we..?
haha :d
Fucking ace mate, Made me laugh the lot. keep giving me realm points and FYI i play quite late due to work ^^
Ask any of the known soloers if i add/zerg and im sure you will be upset you hopeless cnut.
And the names that are logging in on that server is to the right, right?
Looks like i'm the only one there.
Most likely!wrong network? wrong chan?
Yeah right. Cba to keed arguing with a "pauvre mofo" (couldn't find appropriate english expression). Keep that way, and waiting desesperatly to give you rp's, no rly..
OT: Bah, will take a look at that x-chat, to see if i manage to go thru.
Ffs, Quicknet looked like Quakenet!you need to be on Quakenet!