Bordering on Civil War? Join the EU? - I just think in the next election, he won't be voted, and they'll join the EU with a less nut-case of a president.
You're more or less implying that Americans support the work of the NSA.
They wouldn't be able to do that in the EU.Let's get 'em all in the EU, Gwadian will be so pleased
Not the intelligent ones I've been spending time with.They do.
They wouldn't be able to do that in the EU.
So yep, let em in and protect the turks from their government - you know, the thing the EU is mainly about...
98% of Turks are Muslim..your religion is embedded in your I'd chip, Christians widely report discrimination, making life almost unbearable, but I'm sure it will all fix itself on the day.They wouldn't be able to do that in the EU.
So yep, let em in and protect the turks from their government - you know, the thing the EU is mainly about...
Not the intelligent ones I've been spending time with.
They wouldn't be able to do that in the EU.
So yep, let em in and protect the turks from their government - you know, the thing the EU is mainly about...
98% of Turks are Muslim..your religion is embedded in your I'd chip, Christians widely report discrimination, making life almost unbearable, but I'm sure it will all fix itself on the day.
They wouldn't be able to do that in the EU.
So yep, let em in and protect the turks from their government - you know, the thing the EU is mainly about...
It's the job of the ECHR to protect Turks from their own government. That isn't a government.I'm still intrigued how the best solution to protect people from their government is more government.
Go back and read it. It's 54% disapprove m8.54% of Americans are just fine with the NSA. So a majority.
Disagree.As stated before, America isn't the example for the EU to use to convince people about the benefits of a union.
You know I'm as pro-EU as they come, but I genuinely don't know why the EU is even thinking about Turkey.
Party lines, 2 years old, excludes those who replied don't know, etc.
I tend to think Americans are often caught between a rock and a hard place, distrusting their government on the one hard but often running to it in times of disaster thus they flip easily and tend to be prone to contradictions.
As stated before, America isn't the example for the EU to use to convince people about the benefits of a union.
Business - a very well educated workforce with high unemployment. France and Germany don't want them in. Germany due to 3 million Turks in Germany suddenly getting access to benefits they cannot currently claim. French because the Merk says so.
It is irrelevant to me as I knew what I was voting for before this attack but read some of the stuff the "Vote to leave campaigners" are writing. Surely polls will suggest more support for them in the coming days/weeks.I fail to see how being outside the EU would help
So sorry to hear about Brussels this morning but it has brought out the politicians to add more fuel to the UK leaving Europe. It does make me wonder if today's attack will have a swing on those who were in two minds about voting to leave.
This world is so fucked up.
My point is that it seems that people will be swayed by this, heck, I am reading that Trump's odds on becoming President just went from 5/1 to 4/1 due to his comments made today. Regardless of where the terrorists were born, lived or worked, public opinion will change.The men who did this are almost certainly local. Just like 7/7. And the next attack on British soil will probably be locals as well.