Kokelimonkelmedisin said:there was however realm points from day 1
fionnel said:They said they would give rewards for pvp eventually (at Blizz's pace ofcourse...) but i remember they mentioned somewhere that these would be things you would have to constantly upkeep. What i understood to make an analogy with daoc, is that if you were something like rr9 for example and stop pvp'ing for quite a while you would lose your 'rp's'. Dunno how it would really work out.
The PvP rankings will change regularly to reflect the best PvP players on the servers each week.
Yoni said:- Blizzard not offering those who are on very full servers the ability to move with their guild and characters to a less populated one.
this one stays on my listTristessa said:+ /train
Sendraks said:+ QUests - probably some of the most interesting and well written quests of any game I've played. Yes there is some travelling involved, but if you read all the material supplied it sets it in context and makes sense. Legend of Stavalan is a good example of this.
- Crafting - for the higher level crfating recipes you have to travel a feck of a long way.
Sendraks said:+ QUests - probably some of the most interesting and well written quests of any game I've played. Yes there is some travelling involved, but if you read all the material supplied it sets it in context and makes sense. Legend of Stavalan is a good example of this.
- Crafting - for the higher level crfating recipes you have to travel a feck of a long way.
Garnet said:Thats a good quest, its fun being suddenly attacked from a ghost stalking you around each step
Falcon said:- Levelling in general feels far too slow and grind-like, have tried questing and just farming, perhaps DAoC: Catacombs just spoilt me but level 15 - 20 in WoW is already feeling like lvl35 - 40 in DAoC
Ethiraseth said:- no community, everyone seems to be soloing.
- grouping seems to be almost non existant
Well exactly, the key being without Catacombs or PLUrme the Legend said:That isn't true.. I am lvl 41 in WoW atm and levling is much faster than DAoC, I would say that lvl 35-40 in WoW felt like lvl 24-29 in DAoC. (Without Catacombs and not PL ofc).
Vantros of the Delerium said:As for groups in WoW they are easy cos alot of people want to form groups all u have to do is make a group up and it works fine you could infact lvl from 20 upwards just farming instances in groups.
The only thing i find tedious in WoW is lvl 1-20, those are by far the slowest lvls, because of no instances.. as soon as u hit lvl 20 its easy to get it sorted.
Falcon said:- Repetitive, levelling through questing is fun for the first 5 - 10 levels then gets horribly dull, too much running at a too slow movement rate
Falcon said:- Levelling in general feels far too slow and grind-like, have tried questing and just farming, perhaps DAoC: Catacombs just spoilt me but level 15 - 20 in WoW is already feeling like lvl35 - 40 in DAoC
Falcon said:- I still feel DAoC is the much better game right now, certainly since Catacombs, the problem is most my friends are playing WoW so I don't have many people to chat to in DAoC anymore leaving me with a choice of being bored in WoW or bored in DAoC
Sinnica said:no :touch:
Gat_Decor said:You'll soon tire of doing the same instance over and over though, i think i've completed most instances up to Scarlet Monastery 3 times (Deadmines, BFD, Stockades etc..) ok so the drops can be good but you aint gonna get much XP from Deadmines at lvl 37 are you ?
Filip said:imho daoc is dead .. they never managed to renew the game or realise what their customers wanted.
but on the other hand i find WoW just as boring. I didnt play beta and therefor desided to make a priest (burning legion horde)
in the hopes that i would make it easiere to get groups..
but i was mistaken. Grouping is rare becuase of the questing system .. you need the same quests .. which means now you got 3 criterias to fit to make a group ..
same lvl's, correct class's and finally same quests... which means less groups
and when it is possible to make better exp solo just questing form the min you log on untill you log off then grouping suffers even more..
im lvl 23 UD priest at 2d 12 hours played ... and ppl dont PM me for groups at all .. i often has to group with lower ppl or random ppl who are new to mmorpg's
i would be lvl 40+ with no PL in daoc .
and when you consider that there is 60 lvl's then the time sink is even bigger..
but if you like to solo quest and read the stories then wow is a nice game i guess...
i just play computer game for the social stuff and the PvP ... if i want to read a storie i read a real book ... by an author i like not some computer geek designer..
so from my point of WoW is lacking a lot...
but the interface and all the fancy pancy is very good no doubth ...