Sim City


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
That is one thing i don't like about "must be online", or drm, or microtransactions. People get hang up on them and forget to judge eachother as god meant them to; about features.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It would be perfectly fine as an option but these days where everything has to be online or social is just getting silly. I don't play this sort of game to be social, I play it when I want a bit of peace and quiet just to potter about.

It just sounds like farmville with cities tbh.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeap. Best way to do it is to drop online requirements from soloplayer, but then make sure that it's kept 100% seperate from online play.

Best of both worlds.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
That is one thing i don't like about "must be online", or drm, or microtransactions. People get hang up on them and forget to judge eachother as god meant them to; about features.

So true, every negative review i have read from players (although should i expect anything else?) has been about the always online DRM or the fact they have to use Origin, not many reviews with a negative score 1/10,2/10,3/10 actually review the features.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Why might I want to play offline? Commuting. Trains with patchy network coverage and underground with no coverage at all. Might want to sit outside in the garden and play it, where the wireless can't reach.

There's a tonne of situations. Stop being so ignorant to the fact that just because someone has an internet connection, it doesn't mean they will always be using that to play their games.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So true, every negative review i have read from players (although should i expect anything else?) has been about the always online DRM or the fact they have to use Origin, not many reviews with a negative score 1/10,2/10,3/10 actually review the features.

That's because there are no proper reviews out yet until the embargo, so people can only post thoughts from beta or other access. But don't let things like logic get in the way of you deciding this game is brilliant already without seeing any real reviews or having played it properly yourself. I'm withholding judgement until I see reviews etc., just airing major concerns.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Considerable amount of reports on the US release saying the servers cannot handle it at all. People having to queue up to play a game they've already spent $60 on.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Queueing to play a single player game? That's pretty dreadful if true.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So true, every negative review i have read from players (although should i expect anything else?) has been about the always online DRM or the fact they have to use Origin, not many reviews with a negative score 1/10,2/10,3/10 actually review the features.

Not saying they shouldn't judge those features if they so feel, just that it should ultimately be about the game....BUT...if as said above you have to queue to a game that shouldn't be always online(singleplayer for example) then it's a valid point to bring forward to players so they can judge for themselves if it's worth it.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
tbfh the problem with always on DRM can be done to death on its own, however when paired with EA who regularly turn off servers for old games, this game is now a total non-starter for me.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yep good point, the game will become completely unusable after about 5 years, even if you still want to play it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
So true, every negative review i have read from players (although should i expect anything else?) has been about the always online DRM or the fact they have to use Origin, not many reviews with a negative score 1/10,2/10,3/10 actually review the features.
Why wouldnt major reviewers focus on always online DRM? It's a major, recent shift in philosophy that does affect the paying customerbase. I'd rather they didnt just be quiet about, as it would seem a lot of customers are against such a change.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It's a pretty damn ridiculous to experience lag issues on a mostly singleplayer game due to their onlineservers


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think I will just wait for the pirate version to be stable and then buy it.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I think you could say there has been a slight user backlash - :p

User backlash from angry people who don't like online DRM no matter how good/bad the game is feature wise?

So a 0/10 score is credible because they don't like DRM?

If you base your buys off metacritic user scores i feel sorry for you, the fact is if you look for threads on forums from people that have actually played the game the general feelings i have read is that they have enjoyed it the main gripe being how small the city zone.

Still a 0/10 because of DRM from someone who has NOT even played the game is credible.

0/10 from the EA haters?

0/10 because they have to use Origin?

The one guy who put a positive review got unhelpful clicks from overzealous haters of the above.

Credible reviews from people who probably never even played the beta or bought the game in the first place.

They should make another game where you are a developer/publisher releasing games while trying to pleases the masses of the internet retards who think they are owed something.
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FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
User backlash from angry people who don't like online DRM no matter how good/bad the game is feature wise?

So a 0/10 score is credible because they don't like DRM?

If you base your buys off metacritic user scores i feel sorry for you, the fact is if you look for threads on forums from people that have actually played the game the general feelings i have read is that they have enjoyed it the main gripe being how small the city zone.

Still a 0/10 because of DRM from someone who has NOT even played the game is credible.

0/10 from the EA haters?

0/10 because they have to use Origin?

The one guy who put a positive review got unhelpful clicks from overzealous haters of the above.

Credible reviews from people who probably never even played the beta or bought the game in the first place.

They should make another game where you are a developer/publisher releasing games while trying to pleases the masses of the internet retards who think they are owed something.

Are you completely blind to the fact the servers aren't letting numerous people connect to play a SINGLE PLAYER game? Yes it's to do with DRM not being liked... because it's not fucking working half the time!

Seriously, why do you think this game is so in need of defending, when you haven't even played it yet? You're embarrassing yourself.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Are you completely blind to the fact the servers aren't letting numerous people connect to play a SINGLE PLAYER game? Yes it's to do with DRM not being liked... because it's not fucking working half the time!

Seriously, why do you think this game is so in need of defending, when you haven't even played it yet? You're embarrassing yourself.

I played Diablo 3 at launch i know all about the issues of Online DRM but the fact is apart from the initial launch hours i was never really restricted from the game, did that form the base of my opinion for the game? No.

Are you really defending 0/10 reviews off people who probably have never played the game? not one of them mentions the actual features of the game the good and the bad.

It's all the DRM/Origin/EA haters, even the guy posting a 5/10 review got unhelpful clicks.

When or if i play the game Friday i will be sure to post what i think about the game features good and bad my entire opinion of the game won't hinge on the DRM/Origin/Publisher of the game.

If the game is an entire bag of shit i will post that.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not defending anything, I'm being sensible and gathering information from a variety of sources. I already said earlier I'd hold reservation until more information came out, but it's very hard to ignore the huge amount that's already gone wrong.

It's nothing to do with being a DRM hater, it's everything to do with DRM preventing users playing. That's a major, major flaw. If you can't sign on to play the game, of course the initial rants and opinions are going to be based on that... they have NOTHING ELSE to base it on!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I'm not defending anything, I'm being sensible and gathering information from a variety of sources. I already said earlier I'd hold reservation until more information came out, but it's very hard to ignore the huge amount that's already gone wrong.

It's nothing to do with being a DRM hater, it's everything to do with DRM preventing users playing. That's a major, major flaw. If you can't sign on to play the game, of course the initial rants and opinions are going to be based on that... they have NOTHING ELSE to base it on!

I can appreciate that and no doubt come Friday I'll be fucking fisting my own arse because i can't play the damn thing, I'm gathering my own information also reading various forums and posts from people who have played the game, some major critic reviews are now also starting to appear so far it's a 91/100 on Metacritic but obviously they got to play the game a week ago with the servers to themselves.

If you can actually find any threads through the shit bag on forums from people who have played the game to me so far it looks pretty good.

Like i said IF i get to play Friday and it's a bag of shit design/features wise i will post that.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm still optimistic personally but I go in to this game realising it might be bumpy on Friday, not as if that would be a first any way, and not to expect exactly the same game as SC4.

I did read a comment from EA that stated they might be able to increase the map size in the future any way.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I agree about the city size, it does seem like a forced limit and is a step backwards from previous sim city games where you had so much more room.

As Wazz says, its probably a DLC thing.

same with a number of other features surprisingly missing like subways.

things like that, EA on the box, always on DRM, and the fact that with the way you have to work with other people to get the most out of your city means its off my shopping list im afraid. I want to play a game not join some fucking city building social network.

just feels like your paying money for what is essentially a facebook game.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Mmm, they painted the limited city size thing as an attempt at encouraging quality rather than quantity so I'll be annoyed if they release a DLC down the line which increases the size limit.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I believe the EA comment was more to do with keeping the game size playable on most computers, thus is tech continues to progress the possibility of increasing the size would become viable.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Got a tweet from plugging SimCity 2000 for $5.99, much more tempted to buy that.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Even regarding what i said earlier about drm always online etc, this is just poor and as said should be warned when making reviews.

In these kind of cases it's a very valid concern.

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