Sign the petition for a third European English speaking server.



Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Dude, we pay the same ammout as the french and the germans on a monthly basis, and yet we are limited to only 2 servers while they get 3 and 5 servers themselves.

So what you suggest is that we pay TWICE as much as them, and what do we get them??? STILL LESS servers than the germans.

i hope you realise that goa is actually laughing at all the idiots that are paying twice as much for less service.

does it hurt when you sit down?? Mr GOA fan-boy??

The french and german server population is greater than the english server population - hence more servers. It would simply not be viable to implement a 3rd english server.

Yeah ok so its nice to be able to play on an "English" server and play in all 3 realms, but unless more people start playing its just not going to happen. Insulting people will not change that.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Dude, we pay the same ammout as the french and the germans on a monthly basis, and yet we are limited to only 2 servers while they get 3 and 5 servers themselves.

So what you suggest is that we pay TWICE as much as them, and what do we get them??? STILL LESS servers than the germans.

i hope you realise that goa is actually laughing at all the idiots that are paying twice as much for less service.

does it hurt when you sit down?? Mr GOA fan-boy??

I can tell that your delicate grasp of English and the subsequent employment of it is VERY important to you. I can see why a third English server would appeal to it.

What you are suggesting is that EVERYONE pays for what you want.

The reason there are three DE/FR servers is because they NEED three servers. They are running at a capacity far in excess of the EN servers.

There are not three DE/FR servers simply so the beloved mainland Europeans can play in all realms.

Playing in all three realms in one language is your ONLY given reason for a third server. Ha! It doesn't hurt when I sit down, but I bet it burns when you iron your clothes.

Trying to insulting me using the poo word...~shrug~...try using it on GOA. Maybe they'll be really prone to that kind of stuff and give you what you want.

But it'll be a cold day in your ass before it happens, I bet.



Back a while ago ( probably last June or so), a small number of people went to ocarine and set up a luri invasion guild as a bit of fun ( which lasted only a few days/weeks ... sorry to anyone in that guild if its still going :) ).

Anyway, if you feel really strongly about this issue one solution would be to find 9 others people. Then go to each of the 3 realms in Orcaine/darkmore or logres and set up a guild ( This can be done with 10 people and at the end you end up with 3 guilds as people /gc disband after each one is setup). So, in the end you end up with a guild on each of the 3 realms. Then post on boards e.g. this one advertising english speaking guild(s) on Orcaine/darkmore/logres for people who would like to try a third realm.

Possible rules:
Anyone who wants can be admitted into the original guild.
Any guild who is willing to speak english on /as can join in an alliance with the original guild.

What would hopefully happen ( if there is the demand for a 3rd realm ), is that people would initially join the first guild and then as people make friends ( or enemies :) ), they would split into a number of english speaking guilds and you would have an english speaking community on one of the foreign speaking servers consisting of a few guilds so people with different priorities can be in different guilds.

Having said all that Im not sure of how much interest you would get. The only people who would be interested in this are people who have already gotten high level chars on 2 servers and want to start again. Personally, all my chars are on one server and I cant imagine starting again even on a second :).

Anyway, maybe targetting the new German server might be a good idea as you would then have some people who would like to start again on a reasonably new server. ( and if they could find others who wanted to too then they might. )

The obvious disadvantage is that quests etc would be in a foreign language ( but probably someone in the guild would have some knowledge of the foreign language ). Also, you wouldnt get new players to the game as they would obviously start on one of the official english servers, but tbh, you are targeting players who already have chars on 2 servers and want a third so they would probably read boards anyway.


That all sounds too complicated for the proponents of the third server. :p


Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by lairiodd
I do like your suggestion, and i'm glad that you have made it in a mature way (unlike some other people on here).

The problem with this, as you have suggested is that all the quests will be in german, and i know for sure that I can't speak german.

IHO the idea of an RPG is to role play, and do the quests, not to just lvl your char, how boring is that :)

Oh well, i know that I've make a lot of enemies here with this petition, but i don't really care at the end of the day, i've tried to make my point, and stand up for all the people that would actually like a 3rd server.

That is all I've got to say about this now, I give up, i'm not going to close the petition (not that i have the ability to anyway) but i'm not going to promote it anymore, if more ppl sign and we get - say 3000 signtaures - i'll present it to GOA, if not, it don't matter.

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Apathy
What you are suggesting is that EVERYONE pays for what you want.
It's not what only I want, but many other people, i'm just the person that has decided to do something about it.


I have a suggestion. If you want multiple english servers so you can play 3 realms then play on the US servers instead of paying GOA. Then you get numerous servers including roleplay servers and co-op and all in english (of sorts).

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Danyan
I have a suggestion. If you want multiple english servers so you can play 3 realms then play on the US servers instead of paying GOA. Then you get numerous servers including roleplay servers and co-op and all in english (of sorts).
Yeah i know about this, I'm a games reviewer and as such received a copy of SI from Lunch PR (wanadoos PR company) for a free month on the american servers a month b4 SI was released, and it was great.

I would move over to the US servers (as I know a number of other UK people have) but I would be leaving my friends behind (friends IRL who got the game on my recomendation).

But as you say, this is a suggestion for other people who are interested in playing all 3 realms :)


aye 3rd server

i vote yes to a 3rd english server


old.pala hellraiser

Well I am all for a 3rd english speaking server. As some of you have said they're aren't the players at the moment to fill a 3rd server however I feel that as Ninth pointed out we pay the same as the Germans/French and we get 2 servers only. Now yes they have more players and NEED these servers but the fact is we pay the same and so should be able to play all 3 realms like they can. If a new server was implemented now, it would mean that current players would make alts on the new server bringing down the population of each server which in my eyes would be great, less zergs in RvR (which people constantly complain about).

At the end of the day we pay the same and get less, bad business.


As far as GOA are concerned, we (As in people who can only speak English.) do NOT pay the same as the German/French players. Why? Because there are at least three times as many of those people.



Originally posted by Flimgoblin

I'd sign... but I probably need purge to beat you in a duel ;)

oops, missed that part

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Apathy
As far as GOA are concerned, we (As in people who can only speak English.) do NOT pay the same as the German/French players. Why? Because there are at least three times as many of those people.

But regardless of what you say, the fact remains that we as induviduals pay the same ammount on a monthly basis as the germans and french, and get less for it.

Like i've said before, GOA is actually laughing at the people who pay for 2 subscriptions.


you are getting EXACTLY the service you are paying for.

Access to DAoC game servers.

NOWHERE does it say that they have to provide you with the opportunity to make alts in all 3 realms.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
But regardless of what you say, the fact remains that we as induviduals pay the same ammount on a monthly basis as the germans and french, and get less for it.

Wrong again. German and French players pay €10 per month. That works out at almost £7. English players pay £6 per month.

Paying for 6 months at a time (As I have done for my own accounts in GBP and in Euros for a friend's account.), the German/French players pay an extra £5 or so.

You clearly don't have a clue what you are on about and, as I said before, your entire argument is simply "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I WANT TO PLAY ON ALL THREE REALMS!!!!".

Which is just stupid. GOA may be laughing at the people with 2 subs, but I think they'd get a lot more comedy value from your stupid request and reasoning.



To make it even simpler for you, French/German players pay €10.00 per month. We pay around €8.70.



Originally posted by Apathy
To make it even simpler for you, French/German players pay €10.00 per month. We pay around €8.70.


actualy thats a bit wrong i think, first of all a large part of the english player base is living in europe (Belgium, Holland, Scandinavia, Spain ) They do pay 10 €/month.
I think the 6£ price is just cause they dont change price with currancy changes.

For the rest yeah shame we cant explore the 3 realms

But peak english population is around 4800 so 4800/3 = 1600 ppl per server peak time, thats 400 per real

or just 2 good populated servers and one empty


Would not mind Co-op server but third normal server would be silly with this amount of players in prydwen and excal :rolleyes:


Personally I'm just glad I'm not French or German. I can live with two servers :):):):)

Also £6 pound a month is dirt cheap imho for what we get. That's £1.50 a week for god knows how many hours of play time.

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Apathy
And??? i think it's only fair we have access to all 3 realms.

Look, why don't you just go have a seat - shut up - and let some of the people with other opinions have a say :)


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Look, why don't you just go have a seat - shut up - and let some of the people with other opinions have a say :)

*bring bring*

Hello pot? this is kettle. You're black.


Would those "other opinions" be the ones of people who opine "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I WANT TO PLAY ON ALL THREE REALMS!!!!"?



<sits back and gets some popcorn>

Just get this into your thick skulls.. there are not enough players to justify 3 servers.... yet :)


Usally when someone brings up there opinion for asking for something nice...
Say a 3rd English server...

Sure it would of been nice to me, 3 months ago, but i now have 2 Accounts..
But you are right, not haveing access to the 3 Realm from a game you pay to play, becuase GoA won't open a 3rd Normal server..

But there also the fact that the English servers have increased since SI, but not super...

And, you can't talk about things that need a IQ of 60+ on the boards, with out some Eskelblour fuckwit popping in..

(not saying everyone from Eskeblour is bad)

old.pala hellraiser

lol yes its quite simple, not enough players for a 3rd server just yet for them to be filled, but remember if this petition does get enough signatures it won't be presented to GOA for a long time. Also many of you have said if it was a Co-op server then that would be good, well yeah I agree and a third English speaking server dosn't neccesarily mean a standard server if enough of us showed we wanted it to be a Co-op server.


I think you've answered the problem here.

Originally posted by Sloth
Sure it would of been nice to me, 3 months ago, but i now have 2 Accounts..

You want to play on all 3 realms, so you have been forced to pay for two subscriptions.

Those of us who are happy with only 2 english speaking servers only have the one subscription.. Your comment about Excel is kinda true, for me there is only ONE english speaking server and thats "Prydwen"


ho ho ho..

I can take it when the folks in the roleplay guilds mock the l33t d00ds on excalibur (of which there are plenty)

but please, the difference is a lot less than you seem to think.


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Instead of making a 3rd server they should stop ppl joining Alb/Excal.
I know that they already stated they cant and wont, but the balance of numbers on Excal is grdually getting worse, especially in RVR situations.

Actually, the current balance is better than it was several months ago...

As much as I hate it, France has the highest player/server ratio at peek times atm, and the UK servers still have the lowest :(


i would like a third server, excal is really going down hill atm


i recently had to delete my alb pryd chars to try out mid pryd.

i would like a 3rd server to be available for the english speaking gamers. it would be pretty empty but thats not such a bad thing,and would give us plenty of choice.

atm choosing 2 of 3 realms is restrictive.

if i had free money, id sort a 3rd server out :) dont know about goa, they have other priorities.

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