Sign the petition for a third European English speaking server.



Yeah, let's get a third server. Let's divide the allready thin playeramount into three different servers. Good idea! Excellent! 1000 players on one server is quite enough. Ofcourse we want to try even harder to find a group, with another server it would be easy as finding a pumpkin in the middle of africa. This is the best idea i've ever seen re-entering the atmosphere of BW.


Too sarcastic?

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Not everyone can afford a second account, why should we give more of our hard earned money??????

Why should goa pay for a third Englisg server?????


Still silly to set up a 3'd server when the 2 that is up aint even close to get full

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Erekrose
Who is this WE you are talking about?
the 60 odd people that have already signed the petition.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
the 60 odd people that have already signed the petition.

If you get 600, you're getting somewhere. Not that GOA would listen, maybe at 6000 people, good luck :)

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by the_chimera

If you get 600, you're getting somewhere. Not that GOA would listen, maybe at 6000 people, good luck :)
This we realise, which is why i'm posting messages like this on forums like this to drum up some support, but it's obvious that a lot of people here want to cut of there own nose despite there face.

Everyone looks at the petition as evil, this is not the case, the petition if - nothing else is just a way of showing GOA that a 3rd server is wanted (even if not needed) and they may take the steps to not only provide a new server, but also the means to populate it.

Let me ask you all a new question, are you all oposed a new european server such as a CO-OP or a roleplay one.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension

Everyone looks at the petition as evil

I simply find it useless. Evil is something me... muahaha....MUAHAHA!!...ahem. I mean. Needles. Useless. You know.


roleplay ones apparently don't work anymore in the US :)

(and prydwen is our unofficial roleplay server... and is probably as roleplayey...)

All that we'd gain is some name-restrictions (hrm not necessarily bad)

a Co-op server would be superb :)

A third normal english-speaking RvR server would just flop miserably, and hurt the other two servers in the process.

(until a time when we have enough people to support it - in which case they'd add one in anyway)


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
This we realise, which is why i'm posting messages like this on forums like this to drum up some support, but it's obvious that a lot of people here want to cut of there own nose despite there face.

Everyone looks at the petition as evil, this is not the case, the petition if - nothing else is just a way of showing GOA that a 3rd server is wanted (even if not needed) and they may take the steps to not only provide a new server, but also the means to populate it.

Let me ask you all a new question, are you all oposed a new european server such as a CO-OP or a roleplay one.

You're looking at it the wrong way. No-one is as such opposed to a new server, I'm sure everyone wants to try out the new SI classes etc. BUT most people have a level 50 (or several, the lucky bastards :p) on prydwen or excalibur, a character/characters they've spent a lot of time levelling up etc. so they can extract the maximum enjoyment from the game. These people, therefore, are not going to support a server that will remove friends/victims from their server and detract from their overall enjoyment of the game. Sorry mate, but the only real chance we have of getting a third english server is a Co-op or the new type coming out in the US (hopefully the realm-invasion server) because, prior to SI coming out, this game was dropping players daily, and given a month or two it'll start losing players again (another round of applause to GOA for inspiring new people to sign up for DAoC)

The only real people who might vote on a new server, are people like me, who've never had a level 50 because they have the attention span of a flea, and like trying out all the classes. But then, I'd prefer to have the choice between skirmishes and huge battles when I do eventually level on of my many characters to 50, than little skirmishes only.


For whats its worth id like a new server also. It is a good point that the english servers arent near their capacity however lets face it we should be entitledd to play all 3 realms without having to delete characters u have worked hard on or go on camlann.

skerit XP

I'd rather have a petition for anyone who ever starts another thread about 'GOA sux' should be banned forever of these forums, it's getting rediculous!


i'd like a third server, because i don't want to have to delete my 40 theurg on pryd to play mid =/

Ninth Dimension

Well i'm glad to see that a few people are brave enough to step up and say that they would like to see a new server. Thanx for the support guys.

If i'm 100% honest with you, i almost know for sure that GOA will not give us another server, but i was so pissed off when the germans got a 5th one and heard that the french where soon to get a 4th one that I decided I wanted to do something about it.

If I buy a game, i want to try every little part of it, but this goes one step beyond, with this game (and yes i know other MMORPG's do also) you have to pay monthly to play. If i'm forever forking over my hard earned cash, i expect access to every part of the game, that means all 3 realms.

Now I understand that a lot of you are GOD'S at this game, with 4+ lvl 50 chars that don't want to loose your mates/victims when playing or taking forts/relics, and yes, i've only been playing the game for 3 months, but that does not give me any less say.

All i'm trying to say is that even if you don't support the petition, you can see my point of view?? we pay for 3 realms, we should have access to 3 realms.


Has very little to do with bravery, but you should have seen my p-meter these last few days... hardly been green for longer then a minute at a time, so if both english servers hit 3k (or excal at least) playing will even be more laggy-er.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Now I understand that a lot of you are GOD'S at this game, with 4+ lvl 50 chars that don't want to loose your mates/victims when playing or taking forts/relics, and yes, i've only been playing the game for 3 months, but that does not give me any less say.

All i'm trying to say is that even if you don't support the petition, you can see my point of view?? we pay for 3 realms, we should have access to 3 realms.

I've been playing the game many months now (though I don't have a 50, crap I'm slow :p), and I don't want another english normal server. The way to go isn't "Open new server, and people will come and populate it"; it's "Make people come, and if many do, then open a new server for them to stay". Servers cost money, and GOA is here to make money. So I don't want another normal english server, but I won't be against a cooperative english server (or the nice Home Invasion server or whatever new server type Mythic develops).

On a side note, I want you to look things from other point of view: Does GOA need to open another 2 PvP servers (a french and a german one)? They should be allowed to play that server type in their language, as they pay the same than us. But what's the problem? That there isn't enough population for these.


Absolutely no to this, annoying or not, 2 servers are all we can handle. You'd have to be totally at loss if you don't understand why french and german servers are being put up and not english ones, thers a reason for it. Live with it.

Ninth Dimension

there are a lot of people saying no, but there are still a lot of people signing the petition. maybe not enough to make GOA listen, but more signatures than there have been No votes on this forum.


Yes to a 3rd server - _WHEN_ the population requires it.


Yes to a roleplaying server. Prydwen might be the "unofficial" one, but lets have an official one. I reckon there would be a fair few Germans and French who wouldn't mind speaking English to play on a rpg server, so population decrease might not be a problem (and as far as GOA is concerned - it might even ease the pressure on their oversubscribed servers a little)


Forget a 3rd server, just promote the english servers some more, im sure there are plenty of new members out there, even with SWG around the corner people still want a fantasy based MMORPG, i for one will keep my DAOC account going, even when playing SWG.


Sod off with this third English server crap! Sure, if GOA markets the game aggressively in Britain then we may see a need for such a thing in the future but as things stand now, it is a waste of resources! All players would be subsidising this server with their monthly payments...just so a few hundred people at most can start MORE alts in the third realm.

No need!

If you disagree with the idea of a third English server, sign THIS petition!



Originally posted by Apathy
Sod off with this third English server crap! Sure, if GOA markets the game aggressively in Britain then we may see a need for such a thing in the future but as things stand now, it is a waste of resources! All players would be subsidising this server with their monthly payments...just so a few hundred people at most can start MORE alts in the third realm.

No need!

If you disagree with the idea of a third English server, sign THIS petition!


Constructive Criticism at it's finest :rolleyes:


It doesn't GET any more constructive than "Don't waste my money on frivolous rubbish when there are REAL PROBLEMS that need sorted first.".



The cost of implementation and maintenance of another much do you think that will cost? And by maintenance, don't just consider the once-in-a-blue-moon hardware upgrades that Mythic do. Time spent fixing it. Time spent patching it. Employing extra staff.

The few people on this third server are going to require the exact same level of service (Low as it is.) as people on the more fully populated servers. The English "servers" all appear to be on one machine...if there is a problem with the new "server", will the others suffer too? Probably.

Think, then, where this time and money and effort could be about faster translation of patches? How about faster bug resolution? More Customer Support?

We get what we pay for. And currently we pay £6 a month for something that is fairly shitty. The more extraneous things we demand will aid only to water down our shit. We'll end up with diarrhoea. Yes, Diarrhoea Age of Camelot.

Sixty people who already have accounts and play on a server anyway are not an important factor in this. Enough NEW players to populate a new server with it being their MAIN server, this is what would be needed. Unless we all want to start paying more per month so a few can have their third realm alts.

But why do that when those people can go buy a second account and actually PAY for what they want rather than getting it for free. Or, really, at the expense of everyone else.


Ninth Dimension

tell me something, how can you talk with goa **** in your mouth like that??? :)

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by Apathy
Sixty people who already have accounts and play on a server anyway are not an important factor in this. Enough NEW players to populate a new server with it being their MAIN server, this is what would be needed. Unless we all want to start paying more per month so a few can have their third realm alts.

But why do that when those people can go buy a second account and actually PAY for what they want rather than getting it for free. Or, really, at the expense of everyone else.

Dude, we pay the same ammout as the french and the germans on a monthly basis, and yet we are limited to only 2 servers while they get 3 and 5 servers themselves.

So what you suggest is that we pay TWICE as much as them, and what do we get them??? STILL LESS servers than the germans.

i hope you realise that goa is actually laughing at all the idiots that are paying twice as much for less service.

does it hurt when you sit down?? Mr GOA fan-boy??

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