Sign the petition for a third European English speaking server.



I’m sorry if this post is considered in anyway rude or out of line, but my guild and I have started a process for a third European English speaking server to be added to Dark Age of Camelot by

Anyone that plays on the European servers know full well how annoying it can be to only have the ability to play two of the three realms without having to join ether the PvP or one of the foreign language servers. It’s ether this or delete all the characters you have spent ages building up just to experience the third realm.

Because of this The Army of the 12 Monkeys playing in Midgard on Excalibur have decided to start a petition asking to implement a third English speaking server. Below is the body of the petition and the link you need to visit if you want to support us (which we hope you do).

By signing this petition, we the undersigned are expressing our request for a third English speaking server to be implemented by for the game Dark Age of Camelot.

At present the game is split into three realms offering different styles of game play, however a rule implemented by the game requires you to choose a separate realm per server you play on. At present there are only two English speaking servers meaning that anyone wishing to play the third realm are unable to.

Due to this many English speaking people choose to play on the Player verses Player server, however this offers different rules to the main game, and most people do not find it enjoyable.

We understand that English speaking customers are in the minority, with French and German players taking up the majority of's user base, however we find it unfair that both French and German players with three and five servers respectively allow them to fully experience all three realms.

With these points in mind we urge all English speaking players to sign this petition and help us get the third server we can all appreciate.

Should you wish to join us in the promotion of this petition, please ether direct people to the URL above, or our guilds home page http:/// (which might be a bit easier to remember) which has a link to the above URL.

We thank you for your time, and hope that you help support us.


And anyone that's played the PvP server knows full well how annoying it is to have a server with 600 people on it at primetime.
/doesn't sign

It won't happen, there's no demand for it. You think GOA will put up another server with all the staff, hardware and bandwidth costs that entails just for your lvl9 valewalker?


*agrees with landshark*

say no to dead servers ;)

now if you were to petition for more advertising in the UK/non-french/german-speaking parts of europe, extolling the virtues of the european servers in order to drive up subscriptions and create a need for a third server I'd be all for it.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
It won't happen, there's no demand for it. You think GOA will put up another server with all the staff, hardware and bandwidth costs that entails just for your lvl9 valewalker?
This is not just for me, this is for everyone, we understand that people won't like the idea of a less populated server, but we feel that drop in people population on the other 2 servers will not be that bad, and that that SI has been released, bring in a 3rd English server might engurage many more people to start playing again.

As for a lack of population on the PvP, maybe that's because only a select few enjoy PvP style gaming, i know myself and MANY MANY other people don't like it.

You pay for 3 realms, you should be allowed to play 3 realms.

Anyway, saying that, I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone here, if you like the idea, sign the petition and tell you friends, if you don't like it, don't sign it - simple as that :)


take a second account (like i did)
no to unpopulated servers


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
now if you were to petition for more advertising in the UK/non-french/german-speaking parts of europe, extolling the virtues of the european servers in order to drive up subscriptions and create a need for a third server I'd be all for it.
I do like that idea, but maybe if we can get enough people to sign the petition maybe the extra advertising done my GOA will increase anyway.

No one likes the idea of a dead server, but as i've said before, we don't believe that will happen.


Originally posted by old.windforce
take a second account (like i did)
Not everyone can afford a second account, why should we give more of our hard earned money??????


the other option is to learn a second language of course :) (or third or fourth depending on where you're from)

If you can get a good group of friends together playing on one of the french or german servers can be fun :)


now if you were to petition for more advertising in the UK/non-french/german-speaking parts of europe, extolling the virtues of the european servers in order to drive up subscriptions and create a need for a third server I'd be all for it.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

agree wholeheartedly


If GOA opened a third English server with the player population as it is and you rolled there, in three months you'd be starting a new petition to try and get GOA to transfer your characters to Excalibur or Prydwen. A new server now just could not attract enough players to be viable or fun.


As GOA have shown recently with the german servers, if the demand is there they will open new servers. So no to the petition for a third server. Yes to the more advertising petion though. ;)


Instead of making a 3rd server they should stop ppl joining Alb/Excal.
I know that they already stated they cant and wont, but the balance of numbers on Excal is grdually getting worse, especially in RVR situations.


Rather puts my votes on a coop server if they ever want to implement a new server. At least it's a new server type that can prolong the game for some players without creating a completely new server 'just' so we can play alts on 2 other realms.


I dont think the demand would justify a third server. In all likelyhood it would just dilute the (already pretty thin) service we get on prydwyn/excal. Obviously (as previously stated) if Goa could get more english speaking custom, the costs could easily be covered.

I dont think goa do too bad a job considering the complexities of the pricing/support structure. I've enjoyed my gaming experience with very few issues and think its pretty much ok as it is.

So unfortunately I cant really agree to sign..


Advertising? GOA? Clearly that word is missing from their dictionaries.

Ninth Dimension

Ok, here is how I see it

- What I think we all want is a 3rd server, it would enable everyone to play all 3 realms without the need to hide all the time on the PvP because you are worried that someone is going to jump out and kill you.

- You can’t be happy at having to pay for 2 accounts to play the 3rd realm, I mean come on, that is just silly. And not everyone can afford it – why give GOA more money and them give you nothing in return??

- Now a petition asking for a 3rd server is not a bad idea so much, all we are doing is stating that a number of people that play the game would like one, the means by which GOA go about to get it is up to them.

- to a certain extent, it’s GOA responsibility to populate a 3rd server (should we get one) while keeping the other 2 at a reasonable population, if the answer to this is a more aggressive advertising campaign then so be it.

- Our petition has already been started, and we do have a number of signatures (not a huge number we admit, but it’s growing) – all it is doing is stating that we want a 3rd server.

- the petition is not evil, it’s not trying to lower the population of any of the servers, it’s just asking for what we think is fair.

Basically, if you can understand all the points that I have made above, then you must surely understand what not only we want, but almost all players of the game.

If anyone can think of ideas on getting GOA to listen, please let us know, I’m not trying to start a war here, lets all work together and make it a better playing experience for us all.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Ok, here is how I see it

- What I think we all want is a 3rd server, it would enable everyone to play all 3 realms without the need to hide all the time on the PvP because you are worried that someone is going to jump out and kill you.

I dont want a third server, prydwen is already too quiet

Ninth Dimension

Originally posted by mavericky
I dont want a third server, prydwen is already too quiet
Maybe i should re-phraze that then - what we all want is the access to play all 3 realms - that's the point i'm trying to make.


Originally posted by Ninth Dimension
Maybe i should re-phraze that then - what we all want is the access to play all 3 realms - that's the point i'm trying to make.

I'd like that too, but not at the expense of the quality of gameplay on the current two servers.


Hmm where is the petition to sign that GOA should not open a third English speaking server? I would have singed that one, becaus we shall not have another English server until the old once have a population over 3400 at prime time!

Start a third server and destroy the game! Becaus that is what will happen if they do.


Originally posted by Gandir
Hmm where is the petition to sign that GOA should not open a third English speaking server? I would have singed that one, becaus we shall not have another English server until the old once have a population over 3400 at prime time!

Start a third server and destroy the game! Becaus that is what will happen if they do.

yeah right

An end to the zergs.
What a shame.



GIFV! 3rd english server, perhaps Roleplay or Co-op!


No to a 3rd Server

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES to advertising


In last weeks news they said they would not be opening a third French server until Orcaine is 3k+ at primetime ( in otherwords ALL French servers are close to the limit). At this moment in time 3/5 German servers are above this limit and 2/3 of the French are too. Excal is 2.5k and Pryd is 2k. To get another server we need 1k more in pryd and 500 more on excal. or another 33% more people to play on the english servers


i would like to try a third relm, but there just arnt enough people playing at the moment to justify one, the servers are too quiet as it is. prohaps a co-op server would be possible as the other europien servers are getting full (could have the same problems as PvP though), but another standard one just aint possible at the moment.


when the next wave of mmorps come out the server population is gonna go into freefall anyways..


we need more promoting the game to new people, not more places for the existing people to run off to...
to a third server with current population, and
to getting more people interested in camelot to create demand for a third server

[ edit ] ok, i give up, what crap version of vb is this??? :tup: and :tdown: don't work, and i can't include the images for them either? geeez! [ / edit ]

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