SidiRaids: Falcor vs. Aligro



1. Lotto rules are being posted, everybody can read them and then think about if he/she can live with them or not.
The entire rr5+ and "who deserves what" discussion is ridiculous beyond belief because so far, there are no logical explanations, why the ammount of rp´s (and ONLY the ammount of rp´s, nothing else) should have any influence on the right to lotto for an item. I`m still waiting for the explanation why an unguilded rr5+ char is more effective and deserves a Sidi drop more than a rr3 char in a RvR guild.
But that´s the way a good percentage of people are thinking so there´s nothing we can do about this except trying a compromise... and that´s the apoc rule. It doesn´t help either side to continue repeating the same arguments over and over. Just accept the rule or don´t.

2. The Falcor/Aligro incident is floating around for ages now. I really think that there would have been better ways to handle this, but in the end, it´s a thing between Falcor and Aligro and if (for whatever reason) neither Falcor, nor Aligro want to share detailed informations about the circumstances here, people should be very careful with judging any of them.

3. Running an event as large as a Sidi raid always causes problems because there are so (=too) many different sides and expectations to satisfy. Falcor is in a no-win position. Whatever he does, he´ll earn critics and flames because people fail to see and understand the concept of compromises and the fact that it´s impossible to fullfill everybodys expectations at once. Maybe put yourself into his poisition and think about how you would handle the situation? Or even better: try it "live" and start leading a raid yourself?


Originally posted by thorwyntf
3. Running an event as large as a Sidi raid always causes problems because there are so (=too) many different sides and expectations to satisfy. Falcor is in a no-win position. Whatever he does, he´ll earn critics and flames because people fail to see and understand the concept of compromises and the fact that it´s impossible to fullfill everybodys expectations at once. Maybe put yourself into his poisition and think about how you would handle the situation? Or even better: try it "live" and start leading a raid yourself?

This is what ppl dont understand :/


RR5+ loot rule is lame utterly lame aswell

Acutally the rule dont effect me either BUT just idea of it suxx.

What idiot asks there realm mates to help out and bash mobs in sidi,But hey you cant get apoc's....ya i know i heard some say dosent matter to them cuz"It does not effect me" big diffrence in a rule that DO and DONT.

Do RR5 ppl do more on this raid than a R4L8? and so on.Im rr7 my self so hey lets make it RR7 to get rid of some more ppl bigger chance for me to win it.

Aye and falcor,I had a big ass laugh watching your rules good thing i checked them tho so i know i wont ever attend to one of your raids.btw you should make next raid RR7 sence ur a wannabe RR6 aww but then you cant bid for them=((((But i think thats not a problem for you sence you understand a RR7 rvr'd more than you and there for deserv it more than you..right?

I really hope rules changes so all but falco can get them seriously then rest of the nah rule is good cuz they above RR5 and the ones Oh but it dont effect me,Get in to there thick skulls that all R4L9 and down feel like you do.

Meanwhile falcor pay attention to my brown eye and enjoy



Re: RR5+ loot rule is lame utterly lame aswell

Originally posted by linda111
Do RR5 ppl do more on this raid than a R4L8? and so on.Im rr7 my self so hey lets make it RR7 to get rid of some more ppl bigger chance for me to win it.

Actually, rr5+ do more on a raid than a lower lvl rr player would. They will do more damage, hit more often, die less often.
So yes, they do...

And besides just the sidi raid, they do more for Albion also.
Regards, Glottis


imo the rr5 rule on APOC DROPS is not bad
imo ofc
apoc is a really tough mob and drops very good weapons that can be more effective or even a rr5 dude will use it better than the random lvl50 player who propably will got bored of his char and start a new one and sell the weapon to take money to buy his brand new MP armor for his new char
imo the rr5 rule on poc drops is sensible and good
a most of rr5+ players keep playing their char cause of rr,cause of time they spend on their char and they love him...cause a lot of things
why not to take the drop a player who has spend 60++days played on daoc and loves his char and he might use it better or even need it to kill enemies faster?
and to take a apoc weapon a player who prolly will sell it or hi will quit playing his char cause he is gimp/bored etc etc ?


The rr5 claiming rule is bad one.

But irrelvant to the actual question that started this thread.

If Aligro or anyone else wants to run raids on a saturday they are just as welcome as Falcor to do so.


If you dont like the rr5 rule then, choose not to go on falcors raids. I dont like it so for now i wont go, ill go rvr in the mean time.
Then if the numbers drop and apoc is harder to kill, i am sure the rules will change.
If you whine and then go... well your logic escapes me.

My thinking is this rule will not mean the drops are given to ppl who will get more out of them as many rr5+ chars are semi retired...
maybe this one drop a week should only be lottoed to ppl who have got 30k+ rp's in the last week.. then the drop would not end up on a rr5 char who is never use..
Madness? yes it would be, but i use the example to make a point.

Rules are rules and vote with your feet.
See you at guild sign up raids :D


Originally posted by dreads

Rules are rules and vote with your feet.
See you at guild sign up raids :D

I do open raids, cuz not everyone can go to guild signup raids, so tbh its not fair to compare the 2, ive done both kindsand can tell u guild sign up is a LOT easier.

If i did only guild sign up raids my life would be easier but there would be a lot of unhappy ppl.

Tbh im getting a bit sick of all this complaining so i might change to guild raids, i do a harder job for little appreciation off anyone, i try to find compromise to keep everyone happy, as thorwyn said, what ever i do, i cant win....

I mean come on THINK for a change some of u whiners on here, i dont get payed for doing these raids, i do them in my free time, cuz ppl enjoy them, and yet all a lot of u can do is WHINE, tbh i dont care what it is about, the way WHINE again and again and AGAIN is pathetic.

Its beyond funny now tbh the ungrateful atitude of some of u ppl really does disgust me


Originally posted by Glottis

Actually, rr5+ do more on a raid than a lower lvl rr player would. They will do more damage, hit more often, die less often.
So yes, they do...

And besides just the sidi raid, they do more for Albion also.
Regards, Glottis.


What utter bullshit. If somebody had said that to you while you were a lowly -RR5 you would have wanted to shove that remark down their throat.

How do you get the idea that they do more for Albion ????.....i put shit loads of time and effort into this game (Albion) i spend hours on it. Been playing it since last April. Just because i don't spend 24/7 on 1 char doesn't mean that i am not commited to Albion. I play my alts...Keep trouble..i log my main. Finish it..log my alt again. RR...log my out for the good of albion, finish it..log my alt. Pure and simple, i think tyhe people who play the game and spend their money to play the game month after month in Albion are good for Albion.

So, please take that comment and shove it up your ass.

P.S i think as i am a poor simple rr3 that the rr5 idea is bs...and no, i will not be going to any of those ones.
We have decent enough and fair people who organise these raids for all. I will stick with those !!.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I can't understand why people make such a big deal out of the one weapon going to an rr5+. It is slightly more elite than the weapons/items being lotto'd to only lvl 50's. If we can agree only lvl 50's should get those items, then why not give the best, most uber weapons only to rr5+, using the same logic?

It's simple: without the under-RR5's, there wouldn't be a chance to kill Apoc. Under-RR5's make it possible, which means, to my mind, that they should have a chance to lotto for the weapon. Everyone contributes to killing Apoc - everyone gets a chance to win a weapon. The reason for the 50's-only rule is simply a limit on numbers: If everyone from 45 up came, and a lot more would if they had a chance to win a drop, then the raid would be too large to be workable.

And Skile, sounds like you are a very sad git tbh. Managing to get kicked out of a Falcor raid is something of a first every. He did not even kick retarded Spanish people who don't speak English and never follow orders...

On a side not, shame those losers can't read these boards. But if some loser cannot even speak English, don't come on the raid. Just slows down the process. Has nothing to do with racism when people get upset about some retard not being able to speak English or follow orders.[/B]

My word, what a nasty little racist outburst. So not being able to speak English makes you a retard? How's your Spanish? Oh, you can't speak Spanish? Must be a retard then, not being able to speak a language that's not your own! And a loser!

And what makes it worse, Glottis, is that you can hardly write English correctly. "...something of a first every" - Don't think that's well-formed English.


Originally posted by Gordonax
It's simple: without the under-RR5's, there wouldn't be a chance to kill Apoc. Under-RR5's make it possible, which means, to my mind, that they should have a chance to lotto for the weapon. Everyone contributes to killing Apoc - everyone gets a chance to win a weapon. The reason for the 50's-only rule is simply a limit on numbers: If everyone from 45 up came, and a lot more would if they had a chance to win a drop, then the raid would be too large to be workable.

Apoc drops more than only RR5 weapons. The 50's only rule is not about numbers, it was about the fact that lvl 48 people got lvl 51 drops, which annoyed alot of people.
My word, what a nasty little racist outburst. So not being able to speak English makes you a retard? How's your Spanish? Oh, you can't speak Spanish? Must be a retard then, not being able to speak a language that's not your own! And a loser!

And what makes it worse, Glottis, is that you can hardly write English correctly. "...something of a first every" - Don't think that's well-formed English.

Glottis isn't english for your information.


Originally posted by Gordonax
My word, what a nasty little racist outburst. So not being able to speak English makes you a retard? How's your Spanish? Oh, you can't speak Spanish? Must be a retard then, not being able to speak a language that's not your own! And a loser!

And what makes it worse, Glottis, is that you can hardly write English correctly. "...something of a first every" - Don't think that's well-formed English.

Actually, before you get too upset about me being a racist... I do speak Spanish, lived in Barcelona for 5 years.
And yes, people playing an English based language game without being able to speak English are retards.
I don't try to play Japanese games either, cause of the language barrier.

And for Heath, an rr5 will hit harder, have more absorb, and hit slightly more often. We all know your dps on weapons is capped at 16.2 when rr4 or below, and capped at 16.5dps when rr5 or higher. And actually, Glottis is only rr4, I only really play Christel, who is indeed rr5, but I don't know of some Apoc only bow drop, so it would not affect me.
Regards, Glottis


Then i am gonna shut up before i put my other foot in my mouth !!! (o:


Last suterday 72 people did go to Falcor's Raid where normaly 150+ people go. The people have spoken Falcor, if you do what people ask of you, this should be a hint.



Seems like there is some kind of elitist attitude starting up in this realm which is sad when you think about it. This whole you got to be rr5 to be considered good enough to lotto for certain items or join certain groups is kinda judgementil and does not help our realm as much as it hinders it.

It's a game after all and some people have less time to play there characters because of work/girlfriend/ life in genral. While others who may not work or be on there school holidays right now have all the time in the world to play the game and go rvr.

Also certain classes/ specs find it easyer to get groups in emain and earn realm points in the first place.

Point is we should not be so dam bloody judementil it is that that divides our realm and makes us weak. We should be trying to help our realm become stronger by working together not shuning them who may be less experienced then ourselves or have less time to go rvr.

Help each other in rvr to work together better, give advise instaed of just flaming them because that helps NO ONE.

I ant sure why albion tends to be so dam disorganised and hatefull to each other but i bet its because of 3 things...

1. certain peoples egos
2. selfishness
3. immaturity

anyone else think we got too many dam alliences?

anyone else think we got too many guilds who dont group up to with each other due too 1 or 2 people hating each other?

The state of our realm on this server is stupid maybe we could learn alittle tolerance?


Personally i dont go on many sidi raids (as loads of clerics go :p) and this rr5+ thing does make sense TBH (and im not rr5+).

rr5+ means they are effectively lvl 51 and so yes the weapon would be used to its full potential by the rr5+ person.


what if i think someone is ac unt irl? am i allowed to flame them then?


Sorry.. I have to ask it again, still no answer so far:

How can an unguilded rr5 char use a Sidi weapon more effective than a rr3 char in a RvR guild?


there are a lot of high rr unguilded peeps out there i've seen and i feel they should get the weapon more.

i also know a lot of rr3 peeps who join rvr guilds and after months and months are still rr3 cos they joined the guild for the "name" and rolled alts rather than actually doing anything to help it rvr wise which defeats the purpose of joining an rvr guild


sorry dont know what ... ac unt irl? means.. i ant down with some of the computer lingo but i guess yer asking if someone is totally immature and refuses to learn or work with other people the right way.

just /ignore people who act immature all the time and never learn from there mistakes. You waste your time and energy by trying to teach someone who wont learn or by flaming someone cuz there immature.

i know ive spent too much time on that myself.


"ac unt" is a typo and actually means "a cunt" :)

And Gunnerr, yeah, I see your point, but there´s a difference between "I feel they should get the weapon" and "they deserve it because they can use it to full potential, which is what most people are basically saying like a mantra here.
And the rr3 player hiding in a RvR guild because of the name.. there certainly are a few of them, maybe. But that´s certainly not the majority is it?


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I can't understand why people make such a big deal out of the one weapon going to an rr5+. It is slightly more elite than the weapons/items being lotto'd to only lvl 50's. If we can agree only lvl 50's should get those items, then why not give the best, most uber weapons only to rr5+, using the same logic?

And Skile, sounds like you are a very sad git tbh. Managing to get kicked out of a Falcor raid is something of a first ever. He did not even kick retarded Spanish people who don't speak English and never follow orders...

On a side not, shame those losers can't read these boards. But if some loser cannot even speak English, don't come on the raid. Just slows down the process. Has nothing to do with racism when people get upset about some retard not being able to speak English or follow orders.

And the reasons why Apoc were not killed since the rr5 rule can all be explained (bugs, and a sidi raid with 60 people, cause it being on a weekday).
Regards, Glottis

Such a racist nazi wannabe bastard, how can u live and sleep all nights whit that anger and hate against a nation?
Why u link the spanish whit the retards? u scumbag, in fact u are the proof that the retards dont have to be spanish, because u are the king (queer) of retards.

Seriously, i dont know if ur mom left ur family for a spanish sailor when u were 4 years old or whatever made u that kind of non-human specimen, but get a fucking clue, TWAT, if u can't say nothing good about anything then shut your dirty mounth and go play Ku Klux Klan on-line, or whatever u the stupid racist losers chose, but clean our game off ur rubbish.

Btw, the RR5+ isn't really a great problem, Falcor do great raids, fast and well oiled, and that is the relevant factor, Falcor do raids a lot better than another raid leader do, so if he want to sort some rules to his raids he deserve do it, full stop.
Ah, and i am RR5, but i am slash user too, so the RR5 rule dont work on me (and on the other slash users) because the Apocalypse slash drop is preclaimed by Falcor, honest he deserves the sword.


Last suterday 72 people did go to Falcor's Raid where normaly 150+ people go.

Wouldn't be at all related to the fact there are 3 sidi raids this week then?

The rr5 preclaim is a bad rule for reasons that are too fricking obvious to bother with.

But let's not blow this out of all proportion.

If other people want to run raids with different rules there is nothing whatsoever to stop them doing so. And on a Saturday if they want.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
Sorry.. I have to ask it again, still no answer so far:

How can an unguilded rr5 char use a Sidi weapon more effective than a rr3 char in a RvR guild?

afaik, the answer is....

"Because the slow speed of apoc weapons means an RR5 will increase their front-loaded damage by a greater amount than an rr3. In fact the increase an rr5 gets over crafted is a massive 1.8% more than an RR3 would increase their front loaded damage if given a weapon from the warlord series (note that 1.8% is the highest identified so far and some weapons have a lower or no advantage over crafted, also note that the 1.8% only applies to the first swing)."

This is clearly a fricking stupid reason, but nonetheless, it is still a reason, and means it's not totally fair to say an rr3 in an RvR guild is more effective with a warlord weapon in all circumstances than an unguilded rr5.

If, for instance, both characters port to emain immeaditely after winning their weapon, then each player were to spontaeneously combust seconds after the first swing with the warlord weapon then the unguilded rr5 will come out 1.8% of one swing ahead of the RvR guild rr3.

Admittedly this is perhaps slightly outside the bounds of normal play, but I guess those in favour of this rule just don't want to take the risk.



Originally posted by old.Ramas
Wouldn't be at all related to the fact there are 3 sidi raids this week then?

Same excuse (almost) for the thursday raid becouse not enough people did show up. There where barly people there, not enough for Apok. Two times Falcor failed becouse way to few people did show up, this is an obvious HINT.

With all due respect Falcor, drop the rule.



From what I understand you had 88 people in Sidi on wednesday - which is just about exactly the best number possible.

Should get you to apoc without any trouble, and give you a long shot at the big guy, but the next 50 people required to make apoc easy will only be adding apoc's 5 drops to the pile, which is not good for anyone's lotto chance, nor is it good for making the raid fun and interesting, since every mob is a cake walk with that many people.

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