Ye cause he bends over to much? sep lets drops it now ye ok? i spoke what a lot of mids think of you in this thread ye? i ran with you guys other day yes? i get pm of netcode grp invite ye? i pm netcode no mate thx for invite i solo ye? Netcode pm me back, and said, we wanted to open irvr ye? me thinking of the whole realm in genral,i said ok mate give me invite again ye? so we get main keep in alb ears ye? we go for t1 albs come up own us all then you all log ye? such losers you lot really are? left me at the comp thinking, why did i even bother with you lot? biggest /cry babies i have ever known don't like to hand out my laundry in public but so
Any retard can run in a fg all get rr11 yes? look at you? then get great name for being one of the best grps? as goes for you, you been kicked out of most alliance for spaming crap 24/7 ? your a moron will allways be a moron yes as for inviting me to the grp wish you didn't bother, still washing the stench of me from being to close to you retardsrofl, ok pip ive never been to harsh on you because i knew you from early in the game but fuck it now. Everyone was on vent but you and someone took the piss saying invite pip haha, everyone laughed but netcode actually did it, then we stood outside the keep for about 10 minutes saying you have to kick this retard we cant run with him, several people threatening to log but we went ahead anyway. We took the keep and 2 towers while septina was taking a "5 minute afk" for an hour or so with 1 healer and rest tanks. On the third tower we had more people afk, we were killing guards and setting up rams when i get pro skilled by bolts and a zerg of casters and then alb zerg runs out dumps twf moc thuerg rr5 and the rest on us while our only healer has a guard so cant even moc. Plus we werent going to get ranged interupts on the casters on the battlements from you while i recovered because your a shithouse.
Next time you think you can critise me or most of the people i group with that are some of the best players on this game that have made thier names from being in the best FGs at the height of competition on this server, look at yourself and think what you have done in terms of competative RvR, which is fuck all so just shut up. You are a shit player and have admitted this yourself several times so where you can get off critising people is beyond me and if you want even m ore proof that your talking shit, kinetix just agreed with you, bullshit talking seal of approval there for you.
I got bored of soloing a bonedancer a long time ago, used to be able to regularly solo bad FGs in OG/HW pre ToA. The nerf made soloing slightly intresting and i raked in about 500 solo kills after the nerf with relative ease, if i really wanted to get the title i could, but i really dont give a crap about it. Make a poll to see how many give a crap about you having a solo title on a warlock
haha priceless, don't have to work got enough money thanksOldham trampYeh they are all retards, you sit there on your computer all day on the dole playing daoc. Go and get a fucking job, a homeless person is better than you because atleast they aint costing the UK tax payer money each week.
Anyone can get RR11 true, same as anyone can get a warlock RR11, and anyone could get a Lone Enforcer title with one, it just takes a special person thats so fucking stupid that they actually find it fun for more than 30 minutes.
im still chocked by the fact that they even invited pip.. like wtf netcode ;E
ROLF when did i ever say i was on the dole lol? i tell the truth about netcode what i see? and all you botty boys start crying? and how about the way you lot are treating shadows? in this thread, could not sit back and let it continue? but quess really shows what morons you lot are in game play, your like a pack of wolfs, jump on anyone thats weak? same in fh? and i'm a brick ROLF
ROLF when did i ever say i was on the dole lol? i tell the truth about netcode what i see? and all you botty boys start crying? and how about the way you lot are treating shadows? in this thread, could not sit back and let it continue? but quess really shows what morons you lot are in game play, your like a pack of wolfs, jump on anyone thats weak? same in fh? and i'm a brick ROLF
Ye u know so much about me and my chars or how i play, plz little boy go back to you hole and stay there, im not the one that been playing a wl and adds on everything and then comes here and tell ppl oh i roxx i have solo title when u been playing the most unskilled class in the game, but hey whatever roxx ur boat dude.[/quote lol coming from someone that got a wl in is cig and plays a bainshee on hib and brite did you have to take your hand of netcodes cock to type that?
lol coming from someone that got a wl in is cig and plays a bainshee on hib and brite did you have to take your hand of netcodes cock to type that?
Dont need Censi to point out what a cock you are iv'e allready done that waste of typing tho cause 90% of fh allready knows it anyway last reply in this thread, have a nice evening think there is a few trios... duos out there your 8 man grp can gank so hf /waveYou are simply just making a fool of censi now for sticking up for you
and that indent button isnt a chamber, so stop clicking it ok?
Netcode Brite Septina /bow thanks for killing me yet again when im on my jack jonesom...
:worthy: But ya knoow its for the good of the server aint it must be if septina has a part in it
Netcode Brite Septina /bow thanks for killing me yet again when im on my jack jonesom...
:worthy: But ya knoow its for the good of the server aint it must be if septina has a part in it
Nuff said.
Lol you were one of the ones who hit me when i got zerged mate and How mature.
tell septina and the twat runey to stop adding and thats when i will stop flaming ur grp brite and netcode but now...all of you are in that fg means ur grp adds on soloers
Lol you were one of the ones who hit me when i got zerged mate and How mature.
tell septina and the twat runey to stop adding and thats when i will stop flaming ur grp brite and netcode but now...all of you are in that fg means ur grp adds on soloers
Lol you were one of the ones who hit me when i got zerged mate and How mature.
tell septina and the twat runey to stop adding and thats when i will stop flaming ur grp brite and netcode but now...all of you are in that fg means ur grp adds on soloers
Whats your excuse for killing my Friar with Cuteypie Briteh? :<<