Sfiv - sonic boom!


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Nah it's not a case of working things out, it's simply the fact that the the control pad isn't good enough to be able to input sequences correctly, I honestly feel like I'm going to break it by accident when trying to do an ultra combo, then on purpose when I lose for the millionth time because I couldn't even do a fireball for some unknown reason.
I mean no offence but I'm guessing with you using a control pad you're still losing more online matches then you're winning. I really don't want to invest my time in a game that frustrates, that's why I gave up WoW. And before anybody says it I certainly don't want to invest money on a control stick, it all seems a bit like a con to me.

After work tomoro it's going back to the shop, thank god for game and their no problems return policy.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
After work tomoro it's going back to the shop, thank god for game and their no problems return policy.

I thought GAME no longer offer that policy, they use security seals on their games and only accept them back for faults if the seal is broken?


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I thought GAME no longer offer that policy, they use security seals on their games and only accept them back for faults if the seal is broken?

bah gay

ebay it is then


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
If you are serious about selling it, I recommend you try playtrade @ play.com, their fee structure is much fairer and I have had no problems with buyers in the 13 or so sales I have made so far. It is also easier to see what price you can sell it for -no bidding, you simply price it based on what others are selling it for.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Yeah I've heard good things about playtrade, maybe I'll give that a go. Although if that's the route I'm going to have to take I may as well squeeze the the gamer points out of it lol.

Actually looking at the prices on playtrade I may be able to make money on it lol, it was on offer when I bought it.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Couldn't tell you tbh, for me it's like a small addiction left over from my mmorpg days. Nothing seems worth playing unless there's a collective goal at the end.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Nah it's not a case of working things out, it's simply the fact that the the control pad isn't good enough to be able to input sequences correctly, I honestly feel like I'm going to break it by accident when trying to do an ultra combo, then on purpose when I lose for the millionth time because I couldn't even do a fireball for some unknown reason.

I mean no offence but I'm guessing with you using a control pad you're still losing more online matches then you're winning.

It really is a case of working it out. You think youve swung the stick the right amount and you think youve pressed the button at the correct time but you havent. I have no problem doing an ultra combo for blanka, viper, ryu and rufus.
Youre wrong there too. Read my post above, the other day I went from 0 to over 600 points in ranked matches because I won about 10 in a row.

You dont need an arcade stick, you need practice. It is street figher we are talking about after all, probably the most technical fighting game going, you cant just pick it up and be owning every bitch under the sun with 10 minutes played :)


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I really don't have the patience to get past the frustration. I used to be good at SF3 but that was in the arcade. Also it feels like they've gimped Ryu, he's just as slow but not as powerful.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
How come Gen is so low? I know he's hard to play for mere mortals but I've seen some high level Gens on Youtube and they can do some crazy sick shit.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Still don't like this game, it's just not as enjoyable as I remember, there doesn't seem to be a learning curve at all, you either can play or you can't. I managed to get 44 battle points off an unresponsive player so now I daren't play for battle points anymore because I know I'll lose them all. I still can't pull off ultra combos for some reason, super combos just tend to be a button bash and hope for the best. I remember in the arcade it would be quarter turn forward and all 3 punch buttons for Ryu's super combo on sf3 now its saying 2 quarter turns forward and a punch but all I seem to get is the ex fireball, how can I be missing the quarter turns if I'm performing a fireball? Seriously where am I going wrong?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
It doesn't sound like you've got the patience to learn the game, so it's probably not something for you.

the motions are a lot easier to make in SF4, than they were in sf2/third strike. Even with a pad.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Still don't like this game, it's just not as enjoyable as I remember, there doesn't seem to be a learning curve at all, you either can play or you can't. I managed to get 44 battle points off an unresponsive player so now I daren't play for battle points anymore because I know I'll lose them all. I still can't pull off ultra combos for some reason, super combos just tend to be a button bash and hope for the best. I remember in the arcade it would be quarter turn forward and all 3 punch buttons for Ryu's super combo on sf3 now its saying 2 quarter turns forward and a punch but all I seem to get is the ex fireball, how can I be missing the quarter turns if I'm performing a fireball? Seriously where am I going wrong?

Erm, you're being shit :)

QCF + 2P was just EX fireball in SF3. His supers were QCF QCF P or QCF QCF K.

I remember cos I was playing it on Linux today :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Oh, and if you worry about losing BP then you've lost all the fun. You'll get em back.

Play us for a bit :)


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
It doesn't sound like you've got the patience to learn the game, so it's probably not something for you.

the motions are a lot easier to make in SF4, than they were in sf2/third strike. Even with a pad.

It shouldn't be a case of learning it I live in a town with more arcade than you can shake a stick at so I spent a long time infront of streetfighter games (my favourite being xmen vs streetfighter, Ryu/gambit super combo 86 hits!) Never could stand tekken style games and Mortal kombat got old very quickly.

I know and like the Ryu/Ken/Akuma moves, can't stand charge moves at all. But for some reason, and it's not just me its on a lot of xbox reviews, the xbox pad doesn't seem to like inputting sequences properly, the Dpad isn't up to it apparantly but I used the stick anyway.
I spent hours trying to perform Ken's ultra on the challenge section of the game and simply could not do it, I even had to keep checking to see if I was inputting the right sequence but its almost as if it can't register more than 2 buttons at once.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Try using Blanka if you want an easier time.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I have officially given up on this game. Playing online is actually impossible for me because I always lose in the air, sometimes my blocks don't count, opponants are already blocking attacks unusually quick, perhaps this is all down to my shit connection, therefore the game is pointlessly frustrating.

This is perhaps the wankest game I've ever bought for a console, most certainly the biggest regret I've ever had in my purchases. Yes I'm shit, but this is like the school bully of gaming, it makes shit players feel bad about themselves and offers them no assistance in getting better.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Erm - just practise :)

Easy games for the lose. At least you know why you got beat when you get beat. Compare that to the average realistic shooter multiplayer where you run 100 yds, die instantly and respawn :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Shit man, from what you described I *really* need to stay away from this game. That sort of stuff is what drives me to chuck TV's through windows so probably best if I avoid.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
You have no idea how tempted I've been, nearly broke the control pad at one point. When you fight against the heavy hitters, Zangief, Abel, that fat bloke, they literally grab you mid attack and remove half your health bar, and that's on easy. Like I said the game has no learning curve you can either play or you can't, it paired me up with a guy who was playing as Akuma in a ridiculous costume who proceeded to perfect me twice, because that's fair isn't it. I really want to Jay and Silent Bob that guy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I really want to Jay and Silent Bob that guy.

...bore him to death with massively overrated movies written and directed by a pompous asshat that believes his own hype? :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You have no idea how tempted I've been, nearly broke the control pad at one point. When you fight against the heavy hitters, Zangief, Abel, that fat bloke, they literally grab you mid attack and remove half your health bar, and that's on easy. Like I said the game has no learning curve you can either play or you can't, it paired me up with a guy who was playing as Akuma in a ridiculous costume who proceeded to perfect me twice, because that's fair isn't it. I really want to Jay and Silent Bob that guy.

You must have won some matches.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There's still tonnes of crap players to beat on PSN. I can't imagine Live is l337-only. You must need a better pad.

...unless you're shit...



Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I think it's a mixture of both tbh, although my slight handicap of my left thumb being made up of scar tissue down the left side makes using the thumb stick difficult sometimes. I often find my thumb slips and hits the Xbox button. But even when I've got a good grip ultra combos are just beyond me, I'm not sure if I've actually done any yet, only supers.

Also Xbox live does seem to be populated by 95% experts in any game. Most likely due to the fact that you have to pay for it, so I'm guessing people who are just casual probably won't bother, I know I haven't so far, been working off free subs.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
95% experts eh. I must be super duper leet then because ive beat a load of them!


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
95% experts eh. I must be super duper leet then because ive beat a load of them!

You just carry on being awesome then.

Although I must point out 78.924% of statistics are made up on the spot :)

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