Rant Scammed.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It is worse than scamming me, because taking money away from kids is worse than taking money away from adults, because they are easier targets. And targeting disabled people is worse than targeting me, because that person saved up their disability allowance to pay for something that never existed, which I should imagine hurts a lot more than taking a cut out of my wages. I already said in my above post I may have over reacted, but I explained why.

Do you want to explain why you think I'm as bad as he is though?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
It is worse than scamming me, because taking money away from kids is worse than taking money away from adults, because they are easier targets. And targeting disabled people is worse than targeting me, because that person saved up their disability allowance to pay for something that never existed, which I should imagine hurts a lot more than taking a cut out of my wages. I already said in my above post I may have over reacted, but I explained why.

Do you want to explain why you think I'm as bad as he is though?

No i do not want to get banned. Let's leave it!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Seems like Kahland is on a mission to win cock of the month. Going into multiple thread to aggressively take the other side, where have we seen that before.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Seems like Kahland is on a mission to win cock of the month. Going into multiple thread to aggressively take the other side, where have we seen that before.

Should keep to the topic. Although soze, i guess i just own a liberal sight on life.

I'm eager to see more of this thread as i'm against organized crime like blackmarkets are a part of.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Seems like Kahland is on a mission to win cock of the month. Going into multiple thread to aggressively take the other side, where have we seen that before.

Hey, atleast i did it with a modecum of style :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah and i didn't act as cockish, i was rather polite in my anger enducing ways :D

But enough of that, lest we derail the thread to somewhere nasty.

On topic: well done gurl.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Should keep to the topic. Although soze, i guess i just own a liberal sight on life.

I'm eager to see more of this thread as i'm against organized crime like blackmarkets are a part of.

What's the difference between aftermarket and black market, in your opinion?

If I have spare tickets (for any number of legit reasons) why should I not sell them at face value? I put it to you that it's stupid not to sell them as people will miss out.

Quite apart from the fact that it's entirely legal - even potentially when the ticket seller forbids it as it's unclear whether that's legally enforceabe.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
What's the difference between aftermarket and black market, in your opinion?

If I have spare tickets (for any number of legit reasons) why should I not sell them at face value? I put it to you that it's stupid not to sell them as people will miss out.

Quite apart from the fact that it's entirely legal - even potentially when the ticket seller forbids it as it's unclear whether that's legally enforceabe.
Well here in sweden we had the companies who sold the tickets selling lots of tickets to their employees who then sold them for profit online.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I dont disagree that there is a black market in tickets which is not helping. However, there's a massive difference between buying just to sell for profit and selling surplus tickets at face value.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Arsenal introduced a Ticket Exchange for this. Up to a day before the game you can list your ticket for sale at face value. So if you cant go the ticket is sold on fairly. How hard would it be for Ticket Master ect to do this? You could then ban the sale of tickets on eBay ect.

I know a guy that got 60 tickets to a Foo Fighters gig and sold them all for over double. You only have to check eBay the day after a big concert goes on sale to see how many people buy for profit.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I don't really see the problem. People will pay whatever they think the ticket is worth. If that's £50, fine. £500, that's fine also.

If you don't like the fact that people are selling tickets at such a high price, don't buy them.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Indeed, and this is why I think the government should step in. It's not supply and demand, it's buying all the tickets up and essentially holding them to ransom. I am sick of heading on to the website at the alloted time, hitting refresh, refresh, and then finding out the tickets are sold out at two minutes past before you can even get a page to load. You are then forced to go to untrustworthy sources to try to find a ticket. I will NEVER pay over the odds for a ticket, because I will not allow someone to profit from doing this, but it does mean I have missed out on seeing bands I've dearly wanted to watch.

With the FNM tickets, I put an advert out on gumtree, explaining that I wanted to go, but would not (on principle) pay more than face value. And I got scammed. You'll find a lot of these ticket sellers also own companies that allow the resale, so you can see the financial reasons why they don't intervene.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I don't really see the problem. People will pay whatever they think the ticket is worth. If that's £50, fine. £500, that's fine also.

If you don't like the fact that people are selling tickets at such a high price, don't buy them.

That's bullshit. A gig is a one time experience. I have no problem with people buying new consoles and selling them at a profit, because eventually everyone will be able to buy them, it's just a case of how quickly you want it. What I do have issue with is people buying ALL the tickets for a one off event, and then holding them hostage. Should I never be able to go to a gig, a gig that I should be able to afford to go to, simply because I don't earn enough money? Or because I refuse to let a second party profit from holding the tickets away from the fans?

It's not supply and demand, it's corruption of the system.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Does the handing out tickets as a lottery work?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Does the handing out tickets as a lottery work?

problem with that is that your mate cant go because you can only apply for four at a time and there are five of you. traditionally you'd go to the after market and pick up the slack there.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Indeed, and this is why I think the government should step in.

They have in sweden, it's not really working because there's no way to see who sold what ticket and to whom...

@Chilly: The difference between aftermarket and black market is that a black market trader are in it for the profit alone, someone selling a ticket for list price (or cheaper) are just after getting as much of their money back as possible and would be considered aftermarket.

And why would you buy a surplus of tickets just to sell at the same price? If you buy more tickets then you (or the group of people you are going with) need then obviously you are after to make a profit, and are thus a black market trader...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
That's bullshit. A gig is a one time experience. I have no problem with people buying new consoles and selling them at a profit, because eventually everyone will be able to buy them, it's just a case of how quickly you want it. What I do have issue with is people buying ALL the tickets for a one off event, and then holding them hostage. Should I never be able to go to a gig, a gig that I should be able to afford to go to, simply because I don't earn enough money? Or because I refuse to let a second party profit from holding the tickets away from the fans?

It's not supply and demand, it's corruption of the system.

You don't have a right to go to a gig. The market determines the price of these tickets. If people can buy and sell all the tickets, while making a profit, that proves only one thing - the original ticket price was too low.

If nobody bought tickets from these people, they'd soon find something else to do.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So if I found the necessary funding you'd be happy with me buying up all the food in the UK and doubling the price then Tom?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It proves no such thing, if you artificially manufacture a situation where the tickets are apparently sold out. The actions of seizing all the tickets and witholding them from the market is part of the reason the prices reach the heights they do.

I agree that if nobody bough the tickets, this wouldn't happen, but that's why laws and regulations should exist, because people are idiots.

And I actually do think I have the right to have a chance to buy a ticket at the price it goes on sale for. If I'm too slow, then my fault. If I forget, then my fault. If I'm unable to because hundreds of people with banks of computers, or slews of credit cards, snap them all up immediately to resell, then I think that is unfair.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It proves no such thing, if you artificially manufacture a situation where the tickets are apparently sold out. The actions of seizing all the tickets and witholding them from the market is part of the reason the prices reach the heights they do.

I agree that if nobody bough the tickets, this wouldn't happen, but that's why laws and regulations should exist, because people are idiots.

And I actually do think I have the right to have a chance to buy a ticket at the price it goes on sale for. If I'm too slow, then my fault. If I forget, then my fault. If I'm unable to because hundreds of people with banks of computers, or slews of credit cards, snap them all up immediately to resell, then I think that is unfair.

The tickets aren't being seized, they're bought and paid for. If you don't like the price that that person is charging, then just don't buy them.

If that means you don't get to go to concerts filled to the brim with people who are prepared to pay those prices, then I'm sorry but it's tough luck. We're not living in a socialist utopia here.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
They are being bought and paid for with the soul intent of witholding them from the market, artificially driving the prices higher, so they may be resold for profit. Disagreeing with that is hardly a socialist rallying call. I happen to believe that the arts should be accessible, as do the venues that set the prices, as do the bands that agree the prices. I also believe I should be able to buy tickets from a site I trust, rather than being forced to buy them from unverified third parties (who most likely to not declare this as an earning, and do not pay taxes on the profits).

I don't like it, and I also don't buy them. Doesn't strip me of my right to call the practice out though.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
At the end of the day, people will pay whatever they think the tickets are worth. If you don't think they're worth whatever they're charging, then don't buy them. There are plenty of other music acts who might enjoy your support, and you won't have problems getting tickets for them.

You're not being forced to do anything, but if you really have an issue with the practice, get campaigning. The solution is probably printing tickets with names on, but we all know what the downsides of that are.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Easy answer. Just get the original sellers to up their prices, pricing out the touts. People are ailing to pay more so why not hqve the money go to the artist. Win win.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You can't price out touts you idiot. You price out the people instead. Then touts are trying to sell stupidly expensive tickets at an even higher price. Fail.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
They should just do what they do with plane tickets, put your name on it, and you have to show id to get in.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
They are being bought and paid for with the soul intent of witholding them from the market, artificially driving the prices higher, so they may be resold for profit.
It's been going on for years. OPEC have the majority of oil production in the world. They're not above withholding supply to artificially drive prices up for their own profit. It's not the same market, but the principle is exactly the same.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Zenith.UK said:
It's been going on for years. OPEC have the majority of oil production in the world. They're not above withholding supply to artificially drive prices up for their own profit. It's not the same market, but the principle is exactly the same.

The difference being we can't do anything about OPEC, but price-fixing and cartels are illegal under UK and EU law.

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