Say good bye to stealther RvR


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Aadia said:
So let me get this straight... you're a stealther - which doesn't group because they don't have any group ability... yet you go off and leech of groups. As that's what you say... "stealthers use BB's so they can attack those in groups who are buffed"

Shouldn't you as stealther go seek other stealthers or ppl that are running solo instead of butting where groups are having fights? :eek7:

Another point: seeing as you need bb buffs to add on groups, you are gonna get "zerged" by the group anyways thus buffs are pointless don't you think?

You're getting hung up on the word group, I used the word group very loosely, a group is anything more than one. A Sorc and DI bot is a group. "Group" per se doesn't have to mean a fully optimised RvR gank group. To get buffs the buffed must be grouped with the buffer.

Also don't turn this in to an "add", "leech", "butting" thread, we've gone through this a million times...


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Talivar said:
This would be uber change, about time imo.Half reason i stopped on excal was to many ppl used BBs making it pointless for me to solo.

You could try and make some friends and ask for buffs at frontier keep? I am at times buffing 4-5 people with my 2 BB's, which can be a pain in the arse, but if someone gets to survive a little longer out there, I do it.

Anyway, like a lot of people have said - I don't think ranged buffs will be implemented. I was actually starting to think that most classes are relatively even, from an assassins pov, or they behave in a kind of way that they are expected to.

Eg, Tanks are pretty hard to kill, Casters can be killed if you have the right tools up, stealthers are "kind-of" even. I must admit, you do need ML9 as an SB to compete which is a crappa, but there we are.

The only exceptions to the Balanced theory are:
- Necro Pets buffed to hell and back, you hit them for 20-50? each swing
- Casters with ML9 Pet, that stuns (but sometimes you can get lucky with an AE Mezz)
- Not sure how Heretics work - but I think one I attacked was like hitting a brick wall, same as the necro pet 20-50 per hit
- Bainshees over RR5 tend to be a tad evil
- oh and almost forgot Mincers, played right - they are gits :>

Pretty much everything else is killable in the right situation.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Arumos said:
ok then.

if u read the earlier notes of what the game is about, its realm vs realm. mid vs alb vs hib

not guild vs guild not 8 v 8 if u want that go fuk off to guildwars, seriosuly

the job of an assasin is to stealthily "assasinate" an enemy whilst they are distracted doing other things, for example if there is a fight going on it makes sence for the assassin to PA the healer or caster, same goes for when the assasin bumps into an enemy soloer, he in turn has to be aware of the fgs roaming around. I am not searching for you, but look at what the shadowblades infils etc were designed to do.

o and the butting in where groups are having fights remark, jesus think before u speak, what else is an archer supposed to do? run around finding soloers with the 80%+ chance of dieing? no, its just not efficient, an archer that does that will NOT get anywhere in this game.

Yes i play a caster and run in fgs sometimes, yeah it may annoy me if and archer starts shooting me in a battle, however the class was designed to snipe cloth wearers.

After reading the posts after the last few days and from the respect the l33tguilds give soloers even though they want 8v8 fights themselves (lol), lets just say I won't hesitate to use 3 power bars of aoe damage.

back onto the orginal post, it would be impossible to play a caster unbuffed in rvr, for the simple fact you'd be casting so slow and it would take 1 interupt and that would be it. for example an untoaed dwarf runemaster with no dexcap but capped dex (no AD) would have like 155 dex unbuffed, that, is, unplayable :) so not only would stealthers not be able to soloer but any caster as well. but of cause this won't happen due to the fact they make so much from the people buying bb accounts.

However if this did happen it wouldn't be fair on those uncapable of having there bot on stick, and the primary buffer of midgard doesn't have DI do ;(


/rant over

O don't get me wrong as you seem to be doing. I am in no favour at all of 'gank groups' that's why you'll never or hardly see me in one as i'm always defending our own fronteer or other keep/siege fights.

What made me post it was that all these so called 'buffed soloers crying about the buffs' is that they cry and shout if they get killed over and over again by more then 1-2 people. Yet they are the ones who 'add' on anything else in game. Looking it from that point of view these guys all of a sudden take it in their defence they need to do this or they won't get any rp's nor will they get any at all when buffs go (which is highly unlikely but it would be fantastic).

All of them also seem to forget that when nobody is buffed you have the same effect as now, nothing changes. So you say vamps and other buffed chars... vamps is just a case of balancing the class. If i'd go with my cleric anywhere i ain't gonna win of anybody - buffed or not buffed. The problem doesn't ly in the buffs, it's class balance as each char should be able to 'compete' with one another. Classes who are designed to not have buffs have other skills that go round classes who have buffs.

O and about your question of what archers etc are supposed to do? Try defending their realm as like you agree, this is a realm vs realm? Go defend keeps and sieges and don't leech of groups who actually do want to do fg vs fg? I am not in favour of that as any realm always comes to a point where they could actually use those ppl for defends/attacks. But nearly all of those archers who go and leech of those groups are usually the case of pot blaming kettle.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Valgyr said:
No its not

I'm quite sure i'm not the only one who read it that way... He may not have meant it but that's how it reads.


Jan 28, 2005
Whatever :) they ll loose money. I dont care.

each stealther has 2 acc with bb so : 24 € per month x who leave game

Wrong marketing management , go on ; loose ppl and leave game with only lamers


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Aadia said:
So you say vamps and other buffed chars... vamps is just a case of balancing the class. If i'd go with my cleric anywhere i ain't gonna win of anybody - buffed or not buffed. The problem doesn't ly in the buffs, it's class balance as each char should be able to 'compete' with one another. Classes who are designed to not have buffs have other skills that go round classes who have buffs.

No thanks I dont want Guildwars DAOC where everyone can be a PBAE-caster in plate armour and can heal (and buff) himselves.

In DAOC there is no 'everyone should compete with everyone'. There shouldn't be. Some classes are designed to be support (such as your cleric, my druid, etc etc) and other classes do other stuff.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
In DAOC there is no 'everyone should compete with everyone'.

thats like the basic foundation of any PVP system....

its also mythics excuse for a lot of ill conceived things in this game.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Aadia said:
I'm quite sure i'm not the only one who read it that way... He may not have meant it but that's how it reads.
my point is everyone i meet in solo rvr is buffed, so i really dont see what the problem is with buff bots. if they make buffs ranged all you will see is vamps/heretics/warlocks running about pwning everything or casters with DI bots /stuck to thier arse. it would be a waste of time to run out unbuffed and i dont care how much the un buffed martrys cry about buffs, most people use them, the ones that dont have very short RvR runs, its reality. either get a BB or make a friend who has a BB or go play classic, stop crying because you dont have the patiance/social skills to get buffs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
[FC]Maramar said:
errm so stealthers atm r qq'ing coz they cant add on fg fights,because among them will be all unbuffed.And not having bbot effects the small grp's u attack also as they cant use bbot also.Unless u like to fuck fg vs fg's fights then u all can quit from now and qq less!

all i can say fg's fook up more 1 v1 fights than what a stealther fooks up 8 v 8 fights


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Aadia said:
So let me get this straight... you're a stealther - which doesn't group because they don't have any group ability... yet you go off and leech of groups. As that's what you say... "stealthers use BB's so they can attack those in groups who are buffed"

Shouldn't you as stealther go seek other stealthers or ppl that are running solo instead of butting where groups are having fights? :eek7:

Another point: seeing as you need bb buffs to add on groups, you are gonna get "zerged" by the group anyways thus buffs are pointless don't you think?

where does it say the game is 8 v 8 ? it is realm v realm so stop thinking that this game is based on fg fight


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Aadia said:
O don't get me wrong as you seem to be doing. I am in no favour at all of 'gank groups' that's why you'll never or hardly see me in one as i'm always defending our own fronteer or other keep/siege fights.

What made me post it was that all these so called 'buffed soloers crying about the buffs' is that they cry and shout if they get killed over and over again by more then 1-2 people. Yet they are the ones who 'add' on anything else in game. Looking it from that point of view these guys all of a sudden take it in their defence they need to do this or they won't get any rp's nor will they get any at all when buffs go (which is highly unlikely but it would be fantastic).

All of them also seem to forget that when nobody is buffed you have the same effect as now, nothing changes. So you say vamps and other buffed chars... vamps is just a case of balancing the class. If i'd go with my cleric anywhere i ain't gonna win of anybody - buffed or not buffed. The problem doesn't ly in the buffs, it's class balance as each char should be able to 'compete' with one another. Classes who are designed to not have buffs have other skills that go round classes who have buffs.

O and about your question of what archers etc are supposed to do? Try defending their realm as like you agree, this is a realm vs realm? Go defend keeps and sieges and don't leech of groups who actually do want to do fg vs fg? I am not in favour of that as any realm always comes to a point where they could actually use those ppl for defends/attacks. But nearly all of those archers who go and leech of those groups are usually the case of pot blaming kettle.

this game isn't designed for 8v8, it also isn't designed for people to que up in turn for a fight, as well as the fact its not for all classes to compete with eachother, and as far as bots go, u either buy a bot like the rest of us, ask a friend for buffs or roll a vamp or support class (I know u said u had a cleric, making an example of your post and replying in general terms), have fun :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2005
Maybe they should make it that you can have more then 8 in a group. Would be nice with groups of 20 then some would not mind taking a stealther or two with them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Arumos said:
this game isn't designed for 8v8,, have fun :touch:

Which part of "i'm in keep/siege-fights" didn't you understand?
And as for my cleric, she's always been my main, she's not enhance specced purely for the fact to me a cleric is a healing char. That's how I keep my group alive.

As for bb's i never approved them and never will. If they wanted everybody to have buffs from themselves they would have given everybody buffs anyways.
Hence someone saying they're gonna put charges in you can use that are equivalent to those...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Shadster said:
where does it say the game is 8 v 8 ? it is realm v realm so stop thinking that this game is based on fg fight

Get on a quicker train or read the entire thread before posting :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
goa playerbase requesting something now makes mythic retarded?

and range-limit om buffs rox ;<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
will prolly not go through..

ppl who play stealthers and cant play their bb's, makes ppl not wanne pay for their buffbot account, meaning: 30% of goa's/mythic's income is reduced..

+ all those players who play solo classes and dont like this changes.. 20% stops playing, too few players and more quit..

makes them loose 50% of their income, if not more, so they will prolly not do it :):touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Do you know the ammount of people that left DAOC already because of the need of 2 accounts? More people left than the ones still playing now.
imo just get rid of buffs in RvR zones no range limits at all, just dont make them usefull in RvR (like the catacombs bonus).

give vampiir the nerf in dmg output correspondent of other classes not be able to be buffed. and that's it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
IF! this happens (and I seriously doubt it) I will quit and never look back, this will fuck up more than it helps.

Mid grps for starters will have to run 2 shamans to be able to fully buff ppl, other realms wont have to change anything.

(And before you ask why, 8Xend 8XDex/Qui 8X Str/Con ?XAcu = 24+ buffs, cap is 20 ;))

You will not be able to solo anymore since unbuffed you will loose to everyone.

Sorry if this has been said before, too many posts to read, hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Zoia said:
"Meanwhile, here are the ten most requested changes from the earlier consultation by European players :"

Doesn't mean it will all happen though. ;)

U know us two should make babies ?:sex:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Dumle said:
IF! this happens (and I seriously doubt it) I will quit and never look back, this will fuck up more than it helps.

Mid grps for starters will have to run 2 shamans to be able to fully buff ppl, other realms wont have to change anything.

(And before you ask why, 8Xend 8XDex/Qui 8X Str/Con ?XAcu = 24+ buffs, cap is 20 ;))

You will not be able to solo anymore since unbuffed you will loose to everyone.

Sorry if this has been said before, too many posts to read, hehe

Darkness Rising offer ways to buff, so I dont understand why this thread was made. So if you still... can stand... Mythic/Goa... you will be ok... or something, lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
If you are referring to the Championability buffline then those arent really uber buffs, hehe
The value of them are the same as a lvl20-22 shaman/Cleric/Drood and you cant even get them all no matter how bad you want to, you will have to sacrifice either STR, Dex or Dex/Qui.

If there are other ways of buffing that will become available in DR then I havent heard of this yet :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Tilda said:
Stealther vs stealther = unbuffed vs unbuffed?
Perhaps it will encourage less adding on fg fights.

It would mean less adding from solo players on fg vs fg fights aye.
Sadly those same fg's still add on solo vs solo fights all the time, so it is a bit unfair.
No bb's is something that should have been implemented from the start of the game then, implementing it now with the existing imbalances is madness tbh.
But madness seems to rule GoA/Mythic anyway :)
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Jox said:
Darkness Rising offer ways to buff, so I dont understand why this thread was made. So if you still... can stand... Mythic/Goa... you will be ok... or something, lol.

lol, thats a really stupid way to look at things, i think you havent looked what classes get what spells or abils. those abils are not meant to change rvr and so far they arent in rvr. the gain from thoe "buffs" is like 1/10 of the buff power atm


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
how about just letting soloers (and solo stealthers) buff themselves, and when you are grp'ed the range thingie works?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
i still dont see why ppl who mostly 8v8 whine about stealthers.
imo thats what they where made for. to assasinate ppl, snipe from afar and so on.
if youd remove stealthers the game would get bloody booring. evry day the same 8v8 fights and so on. and imo if you are roaming agaramon, how meny stealthers add to your fights?? oh sry for useing the word add, i meant doing the job that their class was intended to do.

ofc i get pissed when a hunter/scout shoots at my druid when i have to heal and so on, but when i think about it, thats what the god damn class was made for.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Those saying that the ones who can't afford bbs/can't get buffs should go to "classic", here is something to think about:

Have you ever thought about the fact that they may want to play the regular severs just as much as you? Maybe they also are somewhat high rr now, and don't want to start all over? Maybe they, like many others, have struggled themself through ToA - And want to stay to benefit from their struggles?

Before people started to use buffbots, there were still assasins/stealthers.

The way I see it, removing BB's would encourage grouping - And yes, it would then mean a setback for fanatic soloers.. But would it really be a setback? Would it not be step forward for those soloers who don't want to solo, but have problems getting groups?

And for the stealthers: I would love to see the day that 6-7 stealthers ambush a fg with one/two hidden healer(s) somewhere and wtf-pwn em.

Seriously, that would make me smile for a year.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
This is not a stealther nerf, i repeat!, this is NOT a stealthernerf


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Mastade said:
This is not a stealther nerf, i repeat!, this is NOT a stealthernerf

yeah, true. but it would hurt soloers and stealthers to most. becouse gank squads have it all coverd. they dont need bbs.

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