Say good bye to stealther RvR


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
haoth said:
if they do the bb thing i would quit and never come back, better to remove buffing all the way then

how come ? isent stupid to attack ppl in a fg anyway ? with getting limit there , it means not all need to have a bb , cuz many will unbuffed. Isent that better? its just retarded to add on a fight. Reason its fun to rape solors is that u know em will add 5 secs later anyway :p no matter if u spare em or not.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Give everyone vamp rising stats, or remove them all together from the game which I believe is the best option (remove vamp ones as well that is). No extreme stats = longer fights = more fun.

Nothing (and I mean no charges not anything) should rise someone's stats. Only what you have on your template and augs.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
hehe I find it funny ppl who wanna leave if they remove buffbots use in RvR :p

one of the big reasons to roll classic would be to avoid to meny stealthers, and if they are there, they are "gimped" compaired to now.

I don't see anyreason that would make ppl leave except if they only gain rps from leeching in fights, ie archers and solo casters leeching all the time

well if they implement this thing, and i decide to stay and play my ranger. im going 50 bow and rest PF and add on evry freaking fg fight becouse that will be the only rp income i could get.

atm, i stay way clear of fg fights. im 100% dead in 5 sec if i even think about adding. too meny god damn tools against that.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Gear said:
Give everyone vamp rising stats, or remove them all together from the game which I believe is the best option (remove vamp ones as well that is). No extreme stats = longer fights = more fun.

Nothing (and I mean no charges not anything) should rise someone's stats. Only what you have on your template and augs.

no need to remove a howl class, just take away vampiir buffs.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
no need to remove a howl class, just take away vampiir buffs.

It's not like buffing is something you should enjoy as a druid (at least I didn't tho buff shearing is fun). However trying to squeeze in a template every little bit that you can only to see that you can get an extra 155 from buffs is kinda making fun of us.

I do believe that there should be no buffs for stats at all (keep haste, AF etc). Neither timed - ranged - aoe - charges or anything like that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Hestethun said:
how come ? isent stupid to attack ppl in a fg anyway ? with getting limit there , it means not all need to have a bb , cuz many will unbuffed. Isent that better? its just retarded to add on a fight. Reason its fun to rape solors is that u know em will add 5 secs later anyway :p no matter if u spare em or not.

So soloers are retarded if they add on a FG, but it's OK for a FG to gank a soloer? You're retarded TBH :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Gear said:
It's not like buffing is something you should enjoy as a druid (at least I didn't tho buff shearing is fun). However trying to squeeze in a template every little bit that you can only to see that you can get an extra 155 from buffs is kinda making fun of us.

I do believe that there should be no buffs for stats at all (keep haste, AF etc). Neither timed - ranged - aoe - charges or anything like that.

i was refering to the buffs that vamps get per lvl. not conc based buffs. make vampiirs like evry other class that is out there (even tho i have a vamp myself and enjoy soloing), it would be much more fair against other classes!

BBs must stay. assasins would get a really big hit from that. and to the FGs who think that stealthers only see as theyr goal to add on fg v fg fhights are too naive. have you guys even thought about the possibility that you have the 50% of the blame on your selfs. adding or steamrolling solors.
but now its too late to change that becouse whe have gotten into the circle where FGs cant let solo live becouse of the fear they might add and solos add becouse they got fed up of steamrolling and its payback time!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
well if they implement this thing, and i decide to stay and play my ranger. im going 50 bow and rest PF and add on evry freaking fg fight becouse that will be the only rp income i could get.

atm, i stay way clear of fg fights. im 100% dead in 5 sec if i even think about adding. too meny god damn tools against that.

or u could go high path and melee and kill assasins who don't have self buffs...

Rangers have self Str and Dex/qui buffs, add str/con charges and they are far superrior since they are far better buffed


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
or u could go high path and melee and kill assasins who don't have self buffs...

Rangers have self Str and Dex/qui buffs, add str/con charges and they are far superrior since they are far better buffed

well, its early to think what will happen, becouse they havent said they will implement this


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Hestethun said:
how come ? isent stupid to attack ppl in a fg anyway ? with getting limit there , it means not all need to have a bb , cuz many will unbuffed. Isent that better? its just retarded to add on a fight. Reason its fun to rape solors is that u know em will add 5 secs later anyway :p no matter if u spare em or not.

so u expect that solo ppl will not add on you while you kill them with insta stun etc with your fg?

You just gave everybody a perfect reason to add on you, you will kill us anyway, even 8vs1.


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
Unless GOA have won the lottery they wont implement this, have you ever seent he amount of buffbots at cs / snow?

its a joke to suggest they would want to lose that many subs :) remove bainshees and warlocks then everything is fine as is.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2005
You can spec self buffs in darkness riseing still gone get buffed stealthers. and buffed tanks as well just that buffs wouldent be as dam uber so would mean slower longer fights what peeps ask for all time.

i rather c buffbots stay but even if they get rid um your still be able spec for self buffs.

but fact is stealthers need uber buffs these days and all tanks take cats clases on like vamps and warlocks.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Xajorkith said:
Stealthers use BB's so they can attack those in groups who are buffed.
Remove BB from stealthers, stealthers will loose more often than not against buffed group players and Cata classes become even more overpowered....

So let me get this straight... you're a stealther - which doesn't group because they don't have any group ability... yet you go off and leech of groups. As that's what you say... "stealthers use BB's so they can attack those in groups who are buffed"

Shouldn't you as stealther go seek other stealthers or ppl that are running solo instead of butting where groups are having fights? :eek7:

Another point: seeing as you need bb buffs to add on groups, you are gonna get "zerged" by the group anyways thus buffs are pointless don't you think?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Raven said:
agree, if you cba to level a bb, cant afford a bb account or whatever then go to the classic servers. i very rarely meet an unbuffed enemy so i dont see what the problem is with BBs as most people either have one or get buffed by a friend..

LOL that's like saying, because you are Chinese/black/Swedish... you need to go to classic server as this server is for whites/english only/...



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Aadia said:
LOL that's like saying, because you are Chinese/black/Swedish... you need to go to classic server as this server is for whites/english only/...


No its not


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Finally some SB-love :p

Norseman with 70 racial STR + single STR/CON charge is gonna save loads of cash compared to a pierce-shade who needs to use TWO charges.

Hehe...seriously now, I think this change (if implemented) would really tip the balance against people who want to solo. Nice boost for Friars/Thanes/Champs but would be a VERY big boost for Vamps. Some ideas;

  • Add buffed/non-buffed weighting into RP calcs. If a self-buffed/unbuffed player kills a buffed-up-the-arse player, he should get more RP
  • Remove /stick in Frontier zones. Make those lame DI-bot-abusers WORK for their Arrrpees
  • Replace Vamp increased stats with timered self-buffs
  • Give benefits for grouping. Many people don't want to run in random groups, so give some tangible reasons to form PUGs. I'd like to see a sliding scale of increased melee/spell damage based on number of people in a group. 0% for soloers up to maybe 3% for a FG
  • Another option might be to have an NPC in each keep that gives out timered buffs. These would last 20 minutes (for example) and their strength would vary depending on numbers of keeps/towers/relics held by that persons realm.
Balanced groups would have an advantage, but soloers and gimped groups with 2 heretics as their main healers would have something approaching a chance.

Crap ideas?


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Aadia said:
So let me get this straight... you're a stealther - which doesn't group because they don't have any group ability... yet you go off and leech of groups. As that's what you say... "stealthers use BB's so they can attack those in groups who are buffed"

Shouldn't you as stealther go seek other stealthers or ppl that are running solo instead of butting where groups are having fights? :eek7:

Another point: seeing as you need bb buffs to add on groups, you are gonna get "zerged" by the group anyways thus buffs are pointless don't you think?

ok then.

if u read the earlier notes of what the game is about, its realm vs realm. mid vs alb vs hib

not guild vs guild not 8 v 8 if u want that go fuk off to guildwars, seriosuly

the job of an assasin is to stealthily "assasinate" an enemy whilst they are distracted doing other things, for example if there is a fight going on it makes sence for the assassin to PA the healer or caster, same goes for when the assasin bumps into an enemy soloer, he in turn has to be aware of the fgs roaming around. I am not searching for you, but look at what the shadowblades infils etc were designed to do.

o and the butting in where groups are having fights remark, jesus think before u speak, what else is an archer supposed to do? run around finding soloers with the 80%+ chance of dieing? no, its just not efficient, an archer that does that will NOT get anywhere in this game.

Yes i play a caster and run in fgs sometimes, yeah it may annoy me if and archer starts shooting me in a battle, however the class was designed to snipe cloth wearers.

After reading the posts after the last few days and from the respect the l33tguilds give soloers even though they want 8v8 fights themselves (lol), lets just say I won't hesitate to use 3 power bars of aoe damage.

back onto the orginal post, it would be impossible to play a caster unbuffed in rvr, for the simple fact you'd be casting so slow and it would take 1 interupt and that would be it. for example an untoaed dwarf runemaster with no dexcap but capped dex (no AD) would have like 155 dex unbuffed, that, is, unplayable :) so not only would stealthers not be able to soloer but any caster as well. but of cause this won't happen due to the fact they make so much from the people buying bb accounts.

However if this did happen it wouldn't be fair on those uncapable of having there bot on stick, and the primary buffer of midgard doesn't have DI do ;(


/rant over


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Calo said:
so u expect that solo ppl will not add on you while you kill them with insta stun etc with your fg?

You just gave everybody a perfect reason to add on you, you will kill us anyway, even 8vs1.

well if would knew a solor dident add on me in fight later i have no problem sparing em, like hugmeh and cutie and some others , but most soloers go on adding for every chance they get.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Hestethun said:
well if would knew a solor dident add on me in fight later i have no problem sparing em, like hugmeh and cutie and some others , but most soloers go on adding for every chance they get.

and would u ever let a caster live solo? just to clarify something for me :)

PS: to save you the bother i answer the question myself, no u wouldn't


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
dont understand why people get upset, it will never happen. To much of a financial loss for Mythic to cut out the BB's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Heta said:
dont understand why people get upset, it will never happen. To much of a financial loss for Mythic to cut out the BB's

ssshhhh it's fun to see ppl cry irl :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Arumos said:
ok then.

if u read the earlier notes of what the game is about, its realm vs realm. mid vs alb vs hib

not guild vs guild not 8 v 8 if u want that go fuk off to guildwars, seriosuly


Arumos said:
the job of an assasin is to stealthily "assasinate" an enemy whilst they are distracted doing other things, for example if there is a fight going on it makes sence for the assassin to PA the healer or caster, same goes for when the assasin bumps into an enemy soloer, he in turn has to be aware of the fgs roaming around. I am not searching for you, but look at what the shadowblades infils etc were designed to do.

o and the butting in where groups are having fights remark, jesus think before u speak, what else is an archer supposed to do? run around finding soloers with the 80%+ chance of dieing? no, its just not efficient, an archer that does that will NOT get anywhere in this game.

totally agree. I see no reason why soloers should only try to fight soloers. i expect stealhers to group. With TMM we often have one or even two scouts in our rvr group i see no reason why they should run aorund solo and not get group benefets like healing and stuff.

Only the elite groups that can run with both a full rejuv and a 42 enhance cleric would not be affected by the changes proposed to bots.

the casual and solo player would be severly handicapped.

it would destroy the soloability of most classes.

And, add heretics to the list of classes that would become OP and fotm allong with friars, wardens, ....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Altho this will most likely not happend, i believe its a really nice idea.

I really dont see the argument to why solo ppl should quit cuz they can't get buffs. You will also fight other unbuffed ppl, nothing changes for the solo stealther really. Back in the oooold days where no1 thought of having a buffbot stuck at the teleportkeep to buff you, ppl still soloed and did fine and had fun. The people that cant afford paying a full subscription for the only purpose to buff you, will have fun in the "solo rvr game". i for one would play my nightshade more cuz i dont have to duallog a bb on my already outdated computer. You will prolly see some casters not soloing anymore cuz stuff as s/c debuff, malice proc will hurt em too much, but i only see that as good thing, as casters were never really meant to solo. So i dont really see this as a big nerf to stealthers, its more of a boost than a nerf tbh.

What this change will do tho, is for one to encourage ppl to group up more, which i also see as a good thing. The newcomers will have it a bit easier, not _having_ to level a buffbot to be on pare with other people. One last important thing that i find weird no1 has mentioned, is the overall balance of fg vs fg fights. In theory and as it is now, a mid grp can dash in 2 healers a shammie and 5 damage dealers. Hib, bard, warden, 2 druids and 4 damage dealers. Alb is a bit odd at that point tho, but at most they have 4 pure damage dealers. Anyways, most mid grps will be forced to run 2xshammies and "only" have 4 damage dealers. If this nobuffs thing got implemented, fg rvr would be close to 100% balanced imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
And, add heretics to the list of classes that would become OP and fotm allong with friars, wardens, ....

The real reason to why i welcome this idea!!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
one of the big reasons to roll classic would be to avoid to meny stealthers, and if they are there, they are "gimped" compaired to now.

Yer cuz like a stealther is so OP at the moment. run to classic to get away from the pwnage!!!

if you play a high RR Toa'd visual and you die a stealther... well I dont need to say it... its why a lot of the shit player dont roll a stealther because you actually have to be more than just marginally superior to your opponent to take them down... (especially relevent to the assasin class that to be honest is one of the few classes that actually requires skill, knowledge and reflexes to be effective, rather than just hitting random OP timer.)


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
This would be uber change, about time imo.Half reason i stopped on excal was to many ppl used BBs making it pointless for me to solo.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2005
no one read my comment ur you can spec buffs in darkness riseing hence you dont need a bb buffs weeker but with toa + buffs etc still gone be ok if not got bot or cant afford one.

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