Say good bye to stealther RvR


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Jika said:
how the fuck could rr6 scout know?

Try soloing a scout to RR6 before you talk to me about what a scout knows and doesnt know.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Akyma said:
aaaawww, nice time i choice to make Sb :twak:
well, allways can use charge buffs ;p

lol would take u 6 mins in to buff yourself then 4 mins later u would have to repeat the buffage, rince and repeat not to mention at 10g per buff a 4 hour stint in rvr will start becoming a tad expensive :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
if BB thing went in they would loose about 10-20% of their subscriptions from people closing off BB accounts.

An ontop of that I think they would loose another 10-20% of player (mainly stealthers) that would quit.

some generalising....

Every fooker that hasnt already done so will be rolling vamps. (OP versus buffed targets, hmm V unbuffed nice)

The remaining soloers will be mages with DI BB's.

think it would be the final nail in the coffin really. BB were the most messed up thing ever in daoc. putting range on buffs could have been implemented in days like 3 years ago. game has envolved now and buffed is the norm. players dont mind it. we wanted it fixed 3 years ago not now.

wont happen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Calaclya said:
lol would take u 6 mins in to buff yourself then 4 mins later u would have to repeat the buffage, rince and repeat not to mention at 10g per buff a 4 hour stint in rvr will start becoming a tad expensive :)
with 25% spell dur u 10 mins charge is 12.5 mins :cheers:


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
Awwwwwwwwwww, pooooooooooor stealthers that cant _add_ on fg fights oooh noooooooooooooooo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
errm so stealthers atm r qq'ing coz they cant add on fg fights,because among them will be all unbuffed.And not having bbot effects the small grp's u attack also as they cant use bbot also.Unless u like to fuck fg vs fg's fights then u all can quit from now and qq less!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
Still, buffed or unbuffed, what would keep me from PA-Spike-Vanish in an 8vs8 or whatever fight? :eek7:
Think it's time to start spoiling fg's fun and believe me i wouldn't give it a second thought :twak:
And ofc i can always stealth ppl up :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ofc all the l33t ppl say fuck the stealthers an bb's because then there will be more easy rps to get.. think about a zerg with almost no buffs how easy that must be to farm for a gank grp?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Allowing only stealthers to be buffed wouldn't be OP either would it eh? :eek7:
Not that great a proposed nerf if it goes the other way around is it....?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
that idea would stink tbh, its okay they implented it on the "classic" servers, but such a big change to the normal servers would make them loose loads of costumers... a real bad idea imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Lorfo said:
Awwwwwwwwwww, pooooooooooor stealthers that cant _add_ on fg fights oooh noooooooooooooooo

smartass, you just earned yourself a adding inf on everyone of your fights, mr. 1337-boi...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
First off, as some people mentioned, they will probably never introduce this change, because of all the BB account quitters.

Some people happily scryed that unbuffed stealthers would stop attacking the holy cow of DAoC aka fg vs. fg. I doubt that. Instead, I´d say the adding would even increase beacuse getting rps will be considerably harder for unbuffed stealthers. And because it´s considerably harder to get rps for unbuffed stealthers, the tendency to group/stealthzerg would drastically increase. If you had the choice to go out there and exclusively fight your mirror matches from other realms, or group up, increase your fighting power (while decreasing your rps) but at least get a chance to fight what you´re actually supposed to be there for... who woulnd´t opt for the second choice?
As Illu said, the rock-paper-scissor situation that ussed to be one of the fundamental gamedesign decisions is already broken. This change would distort the balance even more.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Limiting buffs in some way is the only thing that can keep daoc alive for a few more years. New players have at the moment to choose between:
1. Play on classic servers.
2. Roll a Vampiir.
3. Buy a buffbot account.
4. Play WoW ;p

I for one wouldn't even bother with daoc if those were the options as a newcomer. By limiting buffbots mythic/goa will probably see many canceled accounts but it opens up for players who can't or won't afford two accounts to start playing.

Altogether buffs are way too powerful in daoc as it is. By limiting buff ranges or even better, removing concentration buffs completely would mean item charges/procs and debuffs would actually start to be useful. It would also mean differences between races would be more visible. Today all stealthers regardless of race can cap their attackspeed for instance. Without buffs a player would have to choose between high quickness or high strength. I agree that just limiting range on buffs would make full groups too powerful. Perhaps just limiting the number of buff effects any single toon can benefit from to 1 or 2 could be the way to go. Buffclasses would of course need a major workover and given more utility or even offensive skills (spec weapon).

Buffs are the cause of most imbalance issues in this game in my opinion and it's about time they do something about it.


Dec 22, 2003
Bracken said:
True, except there is one turd in the punch bowl...vamps. Pre-catas I'd have said it's a good move, but now we have classes that don't need buffs to be as effective as fully buffed classes it will screw things up.

Brack, I know, its true, vamps are damn hard.
I've been playing around on classic. However, on my cabby, I have killed two vamps who attacked me together, when I was unbuffed. Its hard, but possible.
Also, from DR, there are now buff-equivalent charges for all buffs that clerics can do. So if they do put it in, I think people would just be using charges.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Tilda said:
Brack, I know, its true, vamps are damn hard.
I've been playing around on classic. However, on my cabby, I have killed two vamps who attacked me together, when I was unbuffed. Its hard, but possible.
Also, from DR, there are now buff-equivalent charges for all buffs that clerics can do. So if they do put it in, I think people would just be using charges.

tbh remove the stupid timer on charged items and ill be more than hapy to use em, except atm my bb is cheaper and the boofs are 25% better :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Appendix said:
Limiting buffs in some way is the only thing that can keep daoc alive for a few more years. New players have at the moment to choose between:
1. Play on classic servers.
2. Roll a Vampiir.
3. Buy a buffbot account.
4. Play WoW ;p

I for one wouldn't even bother with daoc if those were the options as a newcomer. By limiting buffbots mythic/goa will probably see many canceled accounts but it opens up for players who can't or won't afford two accounts to start playing.

Altogether buffs are way too powerful in daoc as it is. By limiting buff ranges or even better, removing concentration buffs completely would mean item charges/procs and debuffs would actually start to be useful. It would also mean differences between races would be more visible. Today all stealthers regardless of race can cap their attackspeed for instance. Without buffs a player would have to choose between high quickness or high strength. I agree that just limiting range on buffs would make full groups too powerful. Perhaps just limiting the number of buff effects any single toon can benefit from to 1 or 2 could be the way to go. Buffclasses would of course need a major workover and given more utility or even offensive skills (spec weapon).

Buffs are the cause of most imbalance issues in this game in my opinion and it's about time they do something about it.
but then again, that would be too big of an issue imo, it would be a cool idea for new server types, but doing that on the live servers would make lots and lots of costumers unhappy and quit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Lorfo said:
Awwwwwwwwwww, pooooooooooor stealthers that cant _add_ on fg fights oooh noooooooooooooooo

U are to l33t for ur own good, u have no clue what so ever about stealther rvr yet u post these clueless remarks. u dont buff urself to add on FG fights u buf urself to be stronger vs other soloers duoers KE KE.

pre toa u could add on a fg vs fg and get mabye 2-5 k rps now u can add and get 20 rps and die 95% of the time as ppl are better live longer have more tools to kill u. I chose not to add i havent added on a single fg fight with my minstrel does that make the FGs leave me when they see me? no ur own grp spend 30 sec looking for me after dwy INSTA mezzed me from behind to get a soloers. so less QQ from ur newb grp.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Only thing I would do if my BB would be useless is specc it for RvR instead. or just use it in PvE. I would specc my SB critblade again and run with str/con charges, ton of SL items and 5.7spd weapon PAing other unbuffed ppl.

Classes with selfbuffs will be more popular(like thanes and friars) when u are forced to use only the buffs that u have in your grp.

Ofc vampiirs will be stupidly OP in small scale RvR(1on1 1on2 etc) but game isn´t balanced in small scale as they have said many times.

But what they prob are not thinking about is that they have done sooo many things in this game now calculating with the use of BBs that they will have ton of work re-balancing everything.

But consider it was 1 of the options they are open for the idea to make it so.

Personally my top 2 options were class fixes and tradeskill fixes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
well would also give a benifit to hibs in fg vs fg if the grp use a wamp in grp 1 less char to buff...:twak:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
pip said:
All this to protect 8v8 wtf this should be realm v realm:)

Or in your case Zerg Vs 1 ,,, as that how you play... cant see how this would affect you :p


Nov 28, 2004
Corran said:
Or in your case Zerg Vs 1 ,,, as that how you play... cant see how this would affect you :p
Not talking about my warlock my hunter warlock is used to 8v1:p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Classes with selfbuffs will be more popular(like thanes and friars) when u are forced to use only the buffs that u have in your grp.

Not to forget the two stealthers, Rangers and Hunters!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Not to forget the two stealthers, Rangers and Hunters!

mincers will be more fotm xD

Ablabtive will absorbe more % dmg that a buffed fight
DD will do more % dmg since it can't be buffed compaired to melee dmg

.... and it will still be borring to play them cuz fg will run u over still when u finally get a "fair" 1-3 vs 1 fight ...zZZzZzZz


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Hi all just passing by.

Its funny that people actualy complaining about this. Everyone will be unbuffed if not in FGs. That means that you just save money paying for 1 less account.

Tho its a bit to late, specialy concidering Vamps.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
i understood that these where made up by the ppl who wrote on the mythic consultations on all servers (including french and german).......

if that comes to effect, im leaveing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
hehe I find it funny ppl who wanna leave if they remove buffbots use in RvR :p

one of the big reasons to roll classic would be to avoid to meny stealthers, and if they are there, they are "gimped" compaired to now.

I don't see anyreason that would make ppl leave except if they only gain rps from leeching in fights, ie archers and solo casters leeching all the time

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