Ryan Giggs


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You know Ch3t her "money grabbing" wouldn't be an issue if Giggs would keep it in his pants.

It's not like she stalked him then sperm jacked him like you seem to be implying. :D


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Meh, people have affairs all the time. Selling your story to the papers is just low. Here's an idea, ban super injunctions for celebrities, but also ban papers from paying for stories. Win win.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Meh, people have affairs all the time. Selling your story to the papers is just low. Here's an idea, ban super injunctions for celebrities, but also ban papers from paying for stories. Win win.

Good point.

Still it's absolutely hilarious stuff Giggs has been made to look a right tit, The Sun headline made me laugh Britains Worst Kept Secret lol.

Sorry Giggs your kids are gonna get teased at their mega rich school where all the snobs are vicious pitbulls.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I tend to think quite a few do care, not about this particular case but the implications of injunctions under the guise of privacy in the past and the future.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Meh, people have affairs all the time. Selling your story to the papers is just low. Here's an idea, ban super injunctions for celebrities, but also ban papers from paying for stories. Win win.

True, no-one would have cared if he'd just let it happen or said sorry and moved on though. He created the shit storm by fighting so hard against it for so long.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Well she is claiming she didn't want the details out as well; if that is the case, why was she working with the sun to get the injunction stopped? Weird. I can't understand anyone wanting their private life splashed all over the press, so I can see the reason for wanting the injunctions, obviously they don't work in the high profile cases.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Least John Terry now has someone he can invite to his partys:p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But we do need some form of control and legal means to track and prosecute people who break legally acquired injunctions or stuff like the official secrets act.

You'll be unsurprised, but I disagree. We should scrap the official secrets act. It only serves as a barrier to prevent government getting into trouble for doing all sorts of shit that we wouldn't stand for if we knew about it. And were decent human beings.

Which we're not :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Gah, edit timeout.

Anyway, just in case it's not been posted:


Love b3ta :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well she is claiming she didn't want the details out as well; if that is the case, why was she working with the sun to get the injunction stopped? Weird. I can't understand anyone wanting their private life splashed all over the press, so I can see the reason for wanting the injunctions, obviously they don't work in the high profile cases.

Because as she wasn't covered by the injunction, a lot of shit has been said about her that inevitably isn't true, but wasn't allowed to defend herself because someone else said "you can't talk about anything" and threw money at it.

They both have dirty hands, but ultimate blame has to lie with the man who can't control himself away from his family.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Really? So you think the other Participant in an affair is on higher ground morally?


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Max Clifford said:
''I will see what she wants to do but, because of the previous conversations, I know that she never had any intention of selling her story.

She came to me because she wanted to make sure the story didn't come out, and I told her 'Phone Ryan Giggs and warn him that The Sun are looking into this, and knocking on your door, because if you don't talk, and Ryan Giggs doesn't talk, no-one will know'.

If he hadn't taken out a super-injunction, no-one would probably have known about this relationship

Seems like someone made a big miscalculation.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Max Clifford saying that means nothing. Perfect story to make her seem as little miss innocent and cash in on it, instead of being portrayed as the money grabbing bitch she may well be.

Dont know which of their stories is true. Dont particularly care at this point. It just the case of each party wanting to blame the other


Apr 20, 2011
There is a difference between the two; Giggs did something stupid, a terrible mistake. She, however, has a reputation, and I will bet you that she had always intended on selling her story. I do not believe a single word she says, and those trying to defend her have just been seduced by Clifford's words.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
I bet there is a crap load of footballers who are shitting themselves right now, hopefully all their injunctions will be wiped :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I bet there is a crap load of footballers who are shitting themselves right now, hopefully all their injunctions will be wiped :p

I doubt that, but if foreign papers start reporting the old names, then the english press will follow. So the injunctions will be meaningless.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It's fairly obvious to me that Imogen Thomas has a nice little line in shagging rich men to make money. In times past she'd have been called an actress, or courtesan, or more aptly, a whore. I'm fine with that, just so long as everyone knows what's what. The news reports are dancing around the truth - Giggs wanted to shag a good looking bird, she wanted to shag a footballer and make money by selling her story. The newspapers wanted to pay her money to increase their circulation and profits. The solicitors wanted the injunction to buy a new Porsche or two.

Meanwhile, the general public don't give a fuck about anything but their right to gossip, and that's what the injunctions have prevented. That's the big mistake in all this.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
i think a lot of people are missing the point here.

giggs took out the injunction to protect his children. now if he was truly wanting to protect his children, he wouldnt have fucked her.

but he did. so we only got 1 person named and she was getting all this shit. she wasnt able to defend herself without naming him.

yes what the both of them done was wrong but.. why should it only protect ONE person, while the other gets the flak?

this is why the internet went crazy and forced him to be named. the more speculation, the more he tried to STOP the speculation by sueing Twitter.. the more the clamour was as to just who this twat was that thought he could put that woman thru a one sided media storm.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
So let me get this right. Basically she is now being touted as a whore, because she has slept with the rich and famous, while St Giggs was just stupid to make the mistake of cheating?

Funny how the woman is always painted as a slag where as the man is just considered stupid, naive or he is just plainly a mans man.

Have any of you ever read about Giggs' and his personal life, not exactly the model citizen he and the media would have you believe, when it comes to being family man.

Seems kind of unfair to just slate her as a money grabbing whore who just wants to sell the story.

She could have stitched him up long before now if that was the case, after all they were seeing each other for over 6 months.

Anyway all that is by the by. He cheated, got caught and then spends a stupid amount of time and effort trying to hide it.



Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So let me get this right. Basically she is now being touted as a whore, because she has slept with the rich and famous, while St Giggs was just stupid to make the mistake of cheating?

Sorry, she effectively wanted to be paid for sex, that's the very definition of whore. You can add blackmailer to the job title as well.

Funny how the woman is always painted as a slag where as the man is just considered stupid, naive or he is just plainly a mans man.

Personally, just because I think she's a whore doesn't mean I don't think he's been an absolute twat as well.

Have any of you ever read about Giggs' and his personal life, not exactly the model citizen he and the media would have you believe, when it comes to being family man.

No, I haven't, because its none of my business.

Seems kind of unfair to just slate her as a money grabbing whore who just wants to sell the story.

Why is it unfair? That's exactly what she's doing.

She could have stitched him up long before now if that was the case, after all they were seeing each other for over 6 months.

According to her.

Anyway all that is by the by. He cheated, got caught and then spends a stupid amount of time and effort trying to hide it.


Personally I think this has the hand of Giggs' agent Harry Swales, all over it. Giggs does very little (apart from shagging ho's obviously) without his say-so, and Harry is pretty old-fashioned; he probably thinks Twitter has something to do with Bill Oddie.

But yes, he's a fool, but footballers aren't exactly brain surgeons are they?


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Well before you pass judgement on someone as a whore, i would suggest you do go and read and about his personal life, not as squeaky clean as everyone is led to believe.

For me i don't pass judgement as casually as some people on here seem to be. People will say or do anything to save their marriages and the possibility of losing a sizeable chunk of their hard earned cash is incentive enough.

If she was blackmailing him why on earth didn't he take her to court over it? It is illegal surely? If she wanted to sell the story she could have done so at any time.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
i think a lot of people are missing the point here.

giggs took out the injunction to protect his children. now if he was truly wanting to protect his children, he wouldnt have fucked her.

but he did. so we only got 1 person named and she was getting all this shit. she wasnt able to defend herself without naming him.

yes what the both of them done was wrong but.. why should it only protect ONE person, while the other gets the flak?

What if him and his wife have an understanding? What if him sleeping with other is allowed, so long as it's done in secrecy? Obviously he's been caught but he's not likely to come out and say ah it's ok my wife does not mind, because that opens up another can of worms for his family. They might have been on a break again not something the world needs to know about. So it's easier to get the injunction and then not speak.

We wouldn't have known nothing at all if she wasn't on TV everyday telling us she couldn't speak about something.

I certainly don't see her as a whore, but she's doing a good job of coming across like one.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Well before you pass judgement on someone as a whore, i would suggest you do go and read and about his personal life, not as squeaky clean as everyone is led to believe.

It doesn't matter. Just because he's a philanderer doesn't make her any better, and she's already made money out of this; she's been flashing her tits across the covers of Zoo and Nuts off the back of all this for weeks. The standard argument from the press is that all this is in the public interest, but how is it exactly? Has Ryan Giggs got endorsments off the back of his family image? Has he fuck. All we should care about Ryan Giggs is how he plays football, unless he's done something illegal.

For me i don't pass judgement as casually as some people on here seem to be. People will say or do anything to save their marriages and the possibility of losing a sizeable chunk of their hard earned cash is incentive enough.

I'm not passing judgement casually, but when she's staring out at me from the cover of magazines and newspapers and being paid for the privilege off the back of this story, then its difficult not to draw the obvious conclusions.

If she was blackmailing him why on earth didn't he take her to court over it? It is illegal surely? If she wanted to sell the story she could have done so at any time.

Because proving it is hard, but if you read the injunction, it looks like that could well be the next step. The problem here is that this is happening all the time; loads of women go for the payoff rather than the press, because they can probably do it several times.

Fact is, I don't give a rat's ass about the personal lives of Ryan Giggs or Imogen Thomas or any other "celebrity", but I do care about the way newspapers (and particularly Newscorp) have built a business model around this shit.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Where has this she wanted to be paid for sex come from? It sounds like she warned him about the Sun his lawyers ran to a judge saying she was trying to blackmail him and the Judge with no proof of this (going from what she said where the judge admitted there was not evidence) granted the Injunction. She has stated she never asked for money and the only gift she got was some handbag. That does not sound to me like a Woman charging for sex.

And the end of the day it takes two people to have an affair she should not be forced to wear a scarlet letter while he hides behind his lawyers. I really am kind of glad the Injunction exploded in his face for taking the actions he has.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004

And the end of the day it takes two people to have an affair she should not be forced to wear a scarlet letter while he hides behind his lawyers. I really am kind of glad the Injunction exploded in his face for taking the actions he has.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Where has this she wanted to be paid for sex come from? It sounds like she warned him about the Sun his lawyers ran to a judge saying she was trying to blackmail him and the Judge with no proof of this (going from what she said where the judge admitted there was not evidence) granted the Injunction. She has stated she never asked for money and the only gift she got was some handbag. That does not sound to me like a Woman charging for sex.

And the end of the day it takes two people to have an affair she should not be forced to wear a scarlet letter while he hides behind his lawyers. I really am kind of glad the Injunction exploded in his face for taking the actions he has.

Of course she warned him about The Sun, she was the one who'd be selling her story to them. Payday if Giggs paid her to shut up. Double payday when she sold the story anyway.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Of course she warned him about The Sun, she was the one who'd be selling her story to them. Payday if Giggs paid her to shut up. Double payday when she sold the story anyway.

Do you find it impossible to believe that some one saw them together and tried to sell the story? Occam's razor says its most likely she sold the story but I don't think she should be thrown under the bus with no proof.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
soze - her PR man is Max Clifford. master of spin.

The truth will be somewhere in the middle, but if you buy the "I didn't want
my name to come out" stuff, you are naive. She's made a fortune out of all the publicity.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
soze - her PR man is Max Clifford. master of spin.

The truth will be somewhere in the middle, but if you buy the "I didn't want
my name to come out" stuff, you are naive. She's made a fortune out of all the publicity.

I don't believe that if it was true she would not be selling her story now. I am just saying calling her a whore because she "blackmailed" Giggs is out of order as there is no proof that it happened.

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