RvR Guilds behaviour



Nothing wrong with taking your fun seriously, but a little common curtsey is lacking in general IMHO .. this might not even be
purely intentional - just that w text and stuff it's easier to get things the wrong way :)

Be nice to each other :twak:


wtf is this, someone whining on getting to join a good rvr-group? :eek:
what you thought of rvr-guilds really, we dont give room to guildmates when they log on? you thought we "play good together" (if we suck, thats your opinion...) by having random ppl in the groups whole day?
only way to improve groupplay is to play together, thats what rvr-guilds are all about.

dont think we have to tell ppl that they need to leave group if a guildmate of their class logs on, but then again its not really often we group such noobs that cant face the facts...... :rolleyes:
patience is the key for making strong gruppas ;)

Attitudes like that make me want to shit in a paper bag - set it alight and stick it on your doorstep.

Then take plenty of pics with a camera when u realise ur putting out a fire and treading in crap , then post the link to the pics here.

oh come on, that one is so old... make up something yourself next time please.


if patience is the key, don't bother inviting randoms and just wait till your guildie is there

good manners never hurts tbh, even if you are uber


Originally posted by Eleasias

that's the way it is and hopefully the way it will always be, like said, "random people" are just that, random people who mostly cant even play properly. they are there just to fill the spots until someone who knows how to play comes up. guildies first, friends/good players second, the rest - who cares?

next time, dont join a rvr guild group invite and stay at ligen, since you seem to prefer sitting there wasting your time instead of appreciating the single/two/howmanyever runs the godlike players graced you with, you might even learn something and one day actually know how to assist.

and btw, i have no idea who this guy is talking about and i dont think i've ever met him ingame.
Just becus u got a small dick doesn't mean u have to take ur frustration out on the rest of us. :rolleyes:


The thing is, once you're in an rvr guild (for some reason nobody seems to whine about pve guilds that dont take randoms) you don't need to care about what other people think, because an rvr guild is a little island of its own that's capable of taking care of itself.

You chose your friends and you don't need to fake friendlysness or whatever towards people you "would need" if you were in "your average guild"

Nevertheless, they shouldve said you had to leave your spot when a guildie came


Originally posted by the_fnord
Just becus u got a small dick doesn't mean u have to take ur frustration out on the rest of us. :rolleyes:

what a witty reply, sure it doesnt reflect your own insecurity, getting the penis length metaphor going?

this was one of the few occasions where i completely agreed with eliaswhatever

Carlos Bananos

The purpose of random ppl is to temporarily fill slots to enable real people to rvr.

When they have served their purpose, they may disband and go afk until required again.


Originally posted by klavrynd
what a witty reply, sure it doesnt reflect your own insecurity, getting the penis length metaphor going?

this was one of the few occasions where i completely agreed with eliaswhatever

Noone has complained... and what insecurity?

Roo Stercogburn

Some quite funny flames on this thread. I hope most of them are as tongue in cheek as they seem and that the owner of the cheek also owns the tongue.


good old times went into eternity and u'll never get em back =(
i rly miss the game that was in the beggining
on my server/realm - prydwen/hib - we were like a small family and rarely someone pissed anyone off =(


Originally posted by Eleasias

that's the way it is and hopefully the way it will always be, like said, "random people" are just that, random people who mostly cant even play properly. they are there just to fill the spots until someone who knows how to play comes up. guildies first, friends/good players second, the rest - who cares?

next time, dont join a rvr guild group invite and stay at ligen, since you seem to prefer sitting there wasting your time instead of appreciating the single/two/howmanyever runs the godlike players graced you with, you might even learn something and one day actually know how to assist.

and btw, i have no idea who this guy is talking about and i dont think i've ever met him ingame.

Grr i told myself i wouldn't post again... and i agree about randomness - BUT - as i say below and so many so far have said; it all comes down to not being rude and using common courtesy.

oh come on, that one is so old... make up something yourself next time please.

Why should i be original - The scenario given in the first place isn't, and probably happens all too reguarly

I am not gonna sit and watch as ppl dont give out common courtesy to a player who probably plays for fun, like most people - and wants a few realm points in the making, who then gets dumped because of selfish players who didn't say - 'oh do you mind going when xx guildie gets here pls ?'.

Theres rudeness and there's shitting in a paperbag.


If you dont like em dont play with them. Noone is forcing you.


It has all been said before, only common courtesy to tell someone you invite you're waiting for 'better'.

It's fine to give preference to guildies , friends, pets and Fotms Elasias, but there is something called respect. For your sake I hope you learn what it means someday.


with more then 3 mio rps the EQ drops below 80 judging this thread


I've not ever seen any good rvr guilds. All seemed to be imbeciles tbfh.


Originally posted by old.windforce
with more then 3 mio rps the EQ drops below 80 judging this thread
Everquest drops 80 items a time? Sweet! :D


Originally posted by old.windforce
with more then 3 mio rps the EQ drops below 80 judging this thread
Thats IQ aint it..how many rp's do you have ???? But yeah I have to agree..sadly


Originally posted by old.windforce
with more then 3 mio rps the EQ drops below 80 judging this thread
haha that was funny, sadly though i think you just gave an example of when that rule may apply the other way around :/


Originally posted by Damon_D
Thats IQ aint it..how many rp's do you have ???? But yeah I have to agree..sadly

EQ it is. Low EQ means you are a moron and not aware of it

low IQ means you are stupid

thinking that EQ only stands for everquest is deformation ^^

i think i have something like 2.2 mio rps on 5 chars. i consider myself in the dangerzone and soon start to wtfpwn ppl on this boards


ow zandr,

/grouphug and 1337 ppl are excluded


Originally posted by Zandr
so much hate, so little love :(

true, /em wanders off to give ppl strong penis osv...
but only until my guildmates log on! then this luri are for them!


hehe gotta love the twisted sense of morals some ppl have.

i remember a while back Tohtori posted about thinking before u go ahead and hurt ppl, unfortunatly it seems as tho it has fallen on more than a few deaf ears.

RVR guild are just guild that concentrate on RVR, nothing specail, thier names dont appear in shiny letters when u say them, everyone in them isnt necessarily 'uber'. the ppl that think they are good just because the are in an RVR guild are just deluding themselves.

dont get me wrong, i love going to emain and seeing ppl like zoyster and outlaw WTFpwn, but then again our guild leader, (Alcione) is fecking uber himself, and he aint in an RVR guild.

yea, i think that guild only grps are fine, even if u invite 'randoms' untill guildies arrive, just aslong as u say b4 hand.

to be honest, i think some ppl on here need to take a reality check, the ppl ingame are real, and they should treat everyone else as they would want to be treated.

rant over. :p


Originally posted by augusta
I am probably a newbie,
I am probably too old to play games.

Many will consider the thing that did hurt me today very common and normal.

But I dont think is normal, I dont think is nice, I dont think that is the way to behave.

Simple like that.
I was invited in a RvR group.
Was not asking fot that, was just waiting in a common place to start a group (Druim Ligen Gates in Hibernia)
The invite come from this group of guildies, they part of a well known RvR hardcore guild.

We play together for a while, we talk and chat, we kill enemies together and so on, all fun and normal.
At some point the leader tells me "we have a guildie incoming, please release your spot in group".

I answered "ohhh nice" and dropped group at once.

I heard this is aquite common practice now.
I dont think (but maybe wrong) it was this way in the "old times".
I've been playng this game from the beginning, with long stops, and several restarts.
I have been part of big guilds, small guilds, RvR guilds.

But this is the first time such a thing happens to me.

And I am outraged.

You are free to group with whoever you want,
You are free to keep your groups for guild only,
You are free to be an hardcore player.

But there are basic rules of behevior, a base of humanity and way to have relations with people.

If you loose that you can be RR7 RR8 RR200 but for me you are nothing.

All my piety for you, poor, sad players.

<bows with sadness>

P.S. BTW the subject should be SOME RvR Guilds behaviour... fortunalty

Tholus 50 Blademaster
Augusta 50 Theurgist
Florentia 50 Druid

Well I want guildies so I kicked u AFTER 1 run yes. But I want guildies before random xD If u dont leik take a ¤#&. And this treadh is stupid tbh......and fyi times changes m8 , get over it =) And I will keep on kicking randoms as long its guildies to take xD.

And thanks for making post after u got kicked from ME <evul grinch> ehhe :) hf


I dont know what dreamland some ppl here are living in, but in my time in hib, however short, no one has never ever told me they are inviting me until a guildie comes along, i have never heard anyone saying it to anyone, and i have never seen someone care when that guildie has come along and they have to leave, before this one incident. People seem to take it for granted.


dont get me wrong, i love going to emain and seeing ppl like zoyster and outlaw WTFpwn

yeah, pwn.... lol, whatever :clap: :clap: :clap:

(since this is the thread to be rude in, ill just stay that way now)


im confused, isnt the point in guild groups to take people from the guild? if you have 7 people from a guild and yourself, do you think its some crazy coincidence that all these people are in the same guild and the group is perfectly set up? (im guessing this group didnt have 4 bards 1 druid warden a champ and you) if a guildy comes along. its an rvr guild .. they are going to want the best for the guild. guildy > randoms when it comes down to it. im no rocket scientist as you can tell but, if you're invited to a >>guild<< group its either going to be because they dont have the class they need online at the time or maybe you have asked for a trial and they are giving you a run. the other alternative as tyka stated is for everyone to leave the group and stand next to you and rebuild! you shouldnt take it so personally. everyone in that group was wearing the same colours and had the same guild name above their head for a reason.



stupid post

its how the game works. its how guild works


lol @ all these people saying the guys in those so called RvR guilds have no life, because they don't group with you.

I paid the cash for the game and I don't think I ever agreed anywhere that I am responsible to group mongoloids and help them understand how the game works when I clicked the "accept payment" button.

Sheesh be happy that someone wanted you in their group, obviously your own guild is a bunch of wankers since you have to sit at DL and join a group of 7 who you obviously dislike so much.

Roo Stercogburn

Impressive amount of self-justification for treating people badly in this thread.

However, its not for anyone to say how anyone else wants to play. If they want to behave badly towards others, then you just have to make a note not to get involved with them in future.

As all guilds and guild leaders with any sense know, if you go around being unpleasant to people, regardless of justification, it really will come around and bite you on the ass. There'll be one time you are deep in the mire and you badly want someone to come and help you and then there is nobody. And it *will* happen.

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