RR Blabber yes you Blejs



Heh i got what i deserved, i took the consequences of admitting so. :p


not in fevor of using Irc for all this crap ... but ppl most the pl that whine about is no better. You talk about anything that just happen ingame on irc you are breaking the code. Whining about zergs etc is stillbreaking the code... you might not think it is so bad, but you should shut the fuck up if ppl take it a step futher, since you are allrdy making your own rules of what you think is legit,so whinning baout ppl doing the same is lame.

if you are in daubt read the code of condukt and fellow the danm rules


if this isn't the first time blejs is blabbing report him, and many do it so we can get those blabbers of the game.... imo ^^

to bad i refuse to play prydwen anymore =/ would be fun to fight with 2 relics again ^^

Qte Eth

blame loch~~:D

and well before player made rules become official by mythic or goa - like no zerging , no speaking about relic raids on irc etc , all this flames are useless.
This things are not restrincted oficially, hence allowed;x

and if some smart guys want to tell me that there is some bs in coc about using 3rd party programs for talk about daoc etc -then well whole BW daoc part is breaking that rule ;x
and none got punished for violating that rule by now afaik, coz 99% of daoc community are violating it i spose.


Originally posted by amazingsteve
umm Ed? we had ~150 Hibs on one of the MARR raids. o0 \o/ osv

Oh yeye, but that wasn't around noon gmt or smth when I guess this raid was?

And 11fg sounds like they were exact match, ie. fixed number of people (or some were left to fit 11fg's) and it wasn't exactly prime of primetime, just not very offtime either, I highly doubt hib had 88 lvl 45+s online at the time of the raid though...
As I also doubt 88 hibs would show to a prearranged raid at that time, tho who knows, might be...


hihihihihh albs win and still whine classic


Originally posted by Qte Eth
blame loch~~:D

and well before player made rules become official by mythic or goa - like no zerging , no speaking about relic raids on irc etc , all this flames are useless.
This things are not restrincted oficially, hence allowed;x

and if some smart guys want to tell me that there is some bs in coc about using 3rd party programs for talk about daoc etc -then well whole BW daoc part is breaking that rule ;x
and none got punished for violating that rule by now afaik, coz 99% of daoc community are violating it i spose.

Yup, velly much sow, the question then is: How high ethical standarts one has?
It doesn't make it better that he won't get banned for doing this X times, it just shows that he think it's alright, and if a mid can do it then why not an alb or a hib?

Anyone standing up for Blejs is either a hypocrite or think that it's okay, both deserve no respect imo, if you think it's okay, which the post kinda sais, then fine, but whole of midgard will then suffer because of that opinion because some alb/hib will think that if you or Blejs or Exe or whoever can do it, then so can they.

So really, next time a mid raid is blabbed about on irc gogo blame/flame Blejs and Qteeth before blaiming albs/hibs imo. At least until mids condemn those actions of Blejs (yet to come in this thread...) there's no reason not to blabb about a mid raid next time, imo, except of course higher ethic/moralic standarts than those mids show, it affects the whole realm what a few people do...
Like all the mmorpg commercials says: "Make a difference to the world you play in" - "gogo blabb on irc \o/"

Oh, and isn't all flame on BW useless? :p


Heh, I am actually gonna have to agree properly with ed now, dammit :l


Originally posted by circeline
hihihihihh albs win and still whine classic

imo its not by winning or loosing, its just lame that people has to use irc to get people to defend, why is that? get the alliance/guilds together to defend instead of getting people that cba to play and only login for defend, just for keeping the relics in their realm.

albs didn't win, they lost one relic on the way, if that because blejs blabbed or not will be a secret i guess.


report and see what GOA thinks, best way to end this endless discussion on BW whether its right or wrong, this is the second time Blej blabs in a channel where they let in other than guildies (that I know of) and imo it is ofc wrong to do so.

A relevant question is:

If I as a hibbie play NS and see 10fg mids in HW/Pennine, but no albs and say it on PE's and SoTL's guildchannels, that would be ok too right Blejsarus? Same thing really, its a guildchannel after all isnt it? Or Fadeh, if I saw 10fg albs in Odins and say it on ELs and BOs channels, would that be ok? Still same thing mind you.

This is bollox tbh and I cant believe you even are discussing whether its right or wrong.


Originally posted by Shike
report and see what GOA thinks, best way to end this endless discussion on BW whether its right or wrong, this is the second time Blej blabs in a channel where they let in other than guildies (that I know of) and imo it is ofc wrong to do so.

A relevant question is:

If I as a hibbie play NS and see 10fg mids in HW/Pennine, but no albs and say it on PE's and SoTL's guildchannels, that would be ok too right Blejsarus? Same thing really, its a guildchannel after all isnt it? Or Fadeh, if I saw 10fg albs in Odins and say it on ELs and BOs channels, would that be ok? Still same thing mind you.

This is bollox tbh and I cant believe you even are discussing whether its right or wrong.


its not guild channel with just guild in it, it has many other people in it too..there channel has 80+ people in it everyday.

So your point about it being a guild channel and hence ok(ok? i did not really understand what you were trying to say) is wrong as it is not JUST a guild channel.


Originally posted by Gamah

its not guild channel with just guild in it, it has many other people in it too..there channel has 80+ people in it everyday.

So your point about it being a guild channel and hence ok(ok? i did not really understand what you were trying to say) is wrong as it is not JUST a guild channel.

Yea Blejs! Listen to that one !

.... kick dem smelly Albs outta yer channel !


Wether its "Daoc game eithically" right or wrong, im afriad it isnt against the CoC, otherwise as Qteeth said you would all be banned by now, because allthough not as large a Blabbering, i see people saying "omg rambos infil squad just killed me at mpk and they are camping there" this is just the same as "Grallar under attack" just on a difirent scale. If you report Blej for this, report yourselves too because you have all done it in one way or another.

And yes heres the solution, as ive said before you will never be able to stop blabbering on irc as long as so many people use irc while playing the game. Theres people out there that might not know its against the "invisbile book of Daoc ethics" to blab about relic raids and might do this next time they see a raid in progress, and then theres the people who will do it anyway just to get a rise out of everyone else. The simple solution is, stop using IRC, this way does it matter if someone blabbs about a relic raid if theres nobody there to hear them? Thats the solution but I bet all you wont bother and youll continue your "omfg at the zerg at mmg" and then bitching about the "omfg at the zerg at Mjollner".

Personally i stopped giving a toss about if relic raids were blabbed, or i got zerged, or any of the other usual whine a while ago when i realised this is just a game. Yup its just a bloody game, if your not having fun, its not doing its job and you should quit.

Cavex ElSaviour

don't think reporting would do any good, even if it is against the CoC, GoA cant proove it was actually blejs talking in irc.

Anyway, although it is lame i can understand it when someone is warning his realm mates when he sees gardspam, spies howe ever are the lowest irc/board users in the history of daoc.


ok, second worst, cheaters are the ultimate loosers


Originally posted by Gamah

its not guild channel with just guild in it, it has many other people in it too..there channel has 80+ people in it everyday.

So your point about it being a guild channel and hence ok(ok? i did not really understand what you were trying to say) is wrong as it is not JUST a guild channel.

ok, I think I didnt explain well enough.

that you write about not beeing a _pure_ guildchannel is kinda what I wanted to point out :) Hence it is ofc not ok to RRblab on it. I wouldnt really mind if it was a pure guildchannel.

There is a reason for /gu and /as ingame. Those are the channels meant to be used in realmwars. Not iRC.

anyways, report and see the outcome is probably the best thing to do.


Retard relic blabber as usual...

Also remi what class will you roll next when savage is nerfed? a BD? :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Garnet

Also remi what class will you roll next when savage is nerfed? a BD? :rolleyes:

<Cutting Edge>
Garnet LVL 51 Healer <RR7L3> INACTIVE
Garny LVL 50 <RR4L0> Savage PVE Farm Bot - INACTIVE

OK MR "i-already-prepared-the-fotm-nerf-by-making-a-druid" :doh:



Considering the length of time garnet has had those chars you couldn't describe them as FotM, I suggest you try again.


Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Oh no, I complained about getting zerged, sue me :(

didn't know there was a relic raid on, didn't particularly care since it was like 3am, so please, if you want to try and make out like I'm a relic blabber, please try it more convincingly?

It clearly says volumes for your power of bullshit that you even tried to explain your way out of this one, and even more as it seems you've convinced Melachi. To be expected really, this level of bullshittery is utterly consistant with most things you post on BW anyway.

So, to sum up:



Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Heh, I am actually gonna have to agree properly with ed now, dammit :l

o.0 'tis amazing surely, velly amazing!
I art teh point maker fyi!


Cba to read but its BO guild channel so /shrug


Originally posted by aveh
So, to sum up:


Think that goes for most barrysworld posters, including you prolly, havn't slacked off blejs much imo, unless ofc if you think it's ok he blabbs? Just trade hypocrite with moraleless idiot then ;)

Oh and liar is such a relative thing, which you can't proove and surely doesn't go for all BW posters.

Oh, and notice those 3 things prolly go for me too o.0 At very least the whiner does :> but dats BW 4 u o.0


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Considering the length of time garnet has had those chars you couldn't describe them as FotM, I suggest you try again.

i made my savage on SI release, but i didnt level him, does that make me less fotm? :rolleyes:

i suggest you try again.


Originally posted by ~Mobius~
Cba to read but its BO guild channel so /shrug

As long as you feel that way when the next raid you're on is blabbed about on #publicenemies and #daoc.eclipse fine, but I still think that's a pretty crappy attitude, it's not like it's a guild only channel, and even if it was it still wouldn't be okay... ethics and morale... Such a hard thing to grasp, let alone master...

Oh well, apparently it's now ok to blabb about RR's on irc, wonder what the next thing will be...

(+stlong pharm :>)


Originally posted by froler-mid
i made my savage on SI release, but i didnt level him, does that make me less fotm? :rolleyes:

i suggest you try again.

If you waited with lvling him to svgs became fotm that makes you even more fotm imo ;o


Originally posted by aveh
It clearly says volumes for your power of bullshit that you even tried to explain your way out of this one, and even more as it seems you've convinced Melachi. To be expected really, this level of bullshittery is utterly consistant with most things you post on BW anyway.

So, to sum up:


Hypocrite - yes, I sometimes do things that I don't agree with on principals, but so do we all.

Liar - where exactly have I ever lied on these boards?

Whines - Duh? I play alb, and you expect me to be happy? Maybe if I could if I played 'nurfgard' with it's 'balanced savages' and 'asd isn't worth shit' healers, then I wouldn't whine.

And to sum up my reply - You got pwned? Don't think I've ever actually talked to you before, so maybe you're just trying to get my attention by flaming me. I totally understand you know, I'm such a wonderful person that people do all kinds of things to get my attention, it's only natural.


Originally posted by Edlina
If you waited with lvling him to svgs became fotm that makes you even more fotm imo ;o

Savages were always know too be hard hitting mofo's(due info from VN boards etc). That plus the Zerker nerf pretty much made the savage FoTM from SI release. Wont you agree? ;d


Originally posted by Lochlyessa
I totally understand you know, I'm such a wonderful person that people do all kinds of things to get my attention, it's only natural.


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