Respect "Charter"


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Forfid said:
If you start paying my subscription i will start to play as you like.

No need to get so tetchy - he wasn't issuing a new set of Commandments about how everyone must play but was suggesting a voluntary charter for people who would be willing to come to an understanding over the FGvFG/Adding situation.

the clue was in the

Bracken said:
1. This Charter is not a set of rules. It is a list of understandings that various sections of the DAOC community have agreed to play to.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Bracken said:
It came about because I was f*cked off with some of the attitudes in the game - particularly when people (usually fg'ers) gobbed off from the safety of behind their pcs knowing there would be no consequences. That became an idea of f*cking up fg rvr to create pressure on the fg community to change attitudes - creating a link between how people acted and direct consequences (just as happens in real life). After listening to some people who were a bit more mild tempered than me, I came up with this attempt to try and reach some understandings so we got on better as a community of players. So it may well have been misguided, but I can assure you my ego doesn't need any massaging ;)

I apologise then about the ego comment.

Overall I agree with your sentiments. I think all fg's know that the chances of being added on are high out side of agramon, its a know risk they take

Also most fg/gg who like the 8v8 thing should only whine when other like minded gg's add on them - if your in a zerg zone then expect suffer.

What sticks with me personnaly about your posts is some of the threatening language that maybe there to address certain people (I guess in alb) who have been abusive to you (which is unacceptable, but is covered by the coc anyway) but looks like it's directed at all people who enjoy fg/fg action.

Finally, I would like to commend in more general terms in the way you have responded to insulting responses. It's a shame everyone wasnt as level headed as you in this regard - though I still maintain that you've slightly lost the plot with regards this charter.


the people that still think its funny to add/zerg after 4 years of playing, wont stop now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Some groups dont add, and will continue not to. Some groups do and will continue to do so. Debating this has little point since the two communities are so disparate in opinion.

I understand the "join my bg we'll take a keep" mentality, I really do, and it can be fun. But I (like many others) think fg is the best way to enjoy the game. We cant make anyone change their playstyle (and I wouldn't want anyone to just to please the fg-ers), but a little appreciation that fg-fg is how we get our kicks wouldn't go amiss.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
Jjuraa said:
too much crap not worth quoting


Jjuraa said:
and dont insult us by saying "The CoC says its ok".

Only thing that comes to mind is:

Don't insult us by saying "The Cock says its ok".

I am sorry... no offense ment, but I guess you off all people know that swearing on FH is no problem against some people.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
I think I lost the plot years ago :D

Should have put your house on it quicker after you'd bought it and the camping sod wouldn't have swiped it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Scrounging Bastard Join Date: 16th Jan 2004
Location: Stockholm
Posts: 0

Originally Posted by Baron
Dont worry about them Malc
Most of our allience hate AoD
It started with the insults but reached a peak when they dropped Crim to lvl1 but wouldn't release it so another guild could hold it.
I should stop logging into /as with " Hi Guys - don't forget to add on AoD today "
Sorry to all the decent hib or mid groups who want a fg vs fg fight but it's only AoD

so how can a rpcow like yourself think this is beeing a good poost when you clearly dont wanna follow it,... (why add on AoD if not for ruining their online time, and their fun)

awww Stajj
You've been checking my /stats how cute :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
I heard Tetris was good nowadays, no adds there.

As for daoc, its a fookin roleplaying game lol not a fixed tournament deathmatch, rofl. wake up!


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Well tbh I don't see the point of this post. It's all nice to type that and it sounds pretty cool, but it won't stop the fact that everybody will continue their playstyle. There was whine on BW, there was whine on FH since start and nop, I don't really have the feeling that I got less steamrolled while soloing/duoing after whinethreads were made.

Those who want to leave people alone do it and those who don't just attack in different ways. Some just charge in, use RA's or things that make you rather laugh afterwards, then there are the ones who mezz you and get into position and some dance while the lowest dmg dealer of the group kills you. I mean there's lots of versatility in that corner and nothing will ever change it.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Wish people would get it through their stubborn heads that there will always be people that 'add' and there will always be people that will flame them for doing so.
Funniest thing is that people are saying "but they are ruining my fun if they add so let's make a rule about not adding in Agromon" then you are actually dictating people how to play while they, atleast from what I always see, have no problem with you wanting FG fights.

Problem is you will never have a solution that makes both sides happy, there is no middle line.
If you 'add' you ruin the fun for the 'leetwannabee's' and if you dictate people how to play(not add etc) then you are ruining the fun for the 'randoms'.
What do people purpose to do? let them add 50% of the time and let them have a 'clean' fight the other 50% of the time? because I am sure the FG people wouldn't even like that because the add rate, if you don't hang around any keeps/tower/bridges that is, is much lower than 50%.

It just comes down to the fact that everyone plays how he/she wants to play and there is nothing people can do to change that, ever.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Jjuraa said:
Its not "generally agreed to be unacceptable behaviour" though? There are no laws that state "you cannot steal someones girlfriend". People dont steal other peoples girlfriends because they have this sense, inside them, that making other people hurt (the guy who loses his gf) is wrong. Just like some people (I.E me) Dont add on other peoples fights, because i know that if i add, im pissing them off, upsetting them or whatever, and i know that thats wrong. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. The rule i live by, maybe im stupid for doing so.

The only reason adding happens more than girlfriend stealing is because people feel more safe from repercussions behind their computer screen, where they can imagine away all the bad things.

I guess this would be relevant if we could get Brackus' girlfriend to post here. I mean, she'd be the one doing the bad thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
zerging is more relaxed and fun anyway, only nolife leeches play fgvfg ololol :d


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Graendel said:
I guess this would be relevant if we could get Brackus' girlfriend to post here. I mean, she'd be the one doing the bad thing.

Hehe she already has posted in this thread :p

(and no it's not me!)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Jjuraa said:
(Sorry to use this example again, but i swear its the only one that can get through the thick skulls of FH's Finest)

Ima come fuck your girlfriend bracken. i know you have a great relationship with her, but ive been thinking about it and have decided that i dont care about you. ive talked to her and shes quite happy to go along with it. Im under no obligation, other than common decency, to refrain from doing so. so why should i after all? lots of other people do it, it must be alright.

and for gods sake dont say "but daoc is a game". i KNOW that, its an exagerrated example of what youre saying, youre saying common decency has no place because daoc is a game, and that is what is retarded about your argument

So let me get this straight. You would rather be an complete bastard towards everyone that have the different opinion over how a game is played, then just be an ok guy and play the game how you like and not whine on everyone?
Do you really think that just dont add in this game that would lable you a decent guy? if i was on the non adding side(im on no ones, except my frieds and the decent ones) i would be ashamed to be ur friend. You see being honerable isnt about having the same view. Its like having a political opinion. Are you saying everyone that have a different opinion there are twats too?Are your friend all people that say the same thing and agree with you? I would guess not..
People will not respect you as a human being ever if you dont start acting decent m8....and tons of non adding will never change that.
You are probably gonna say a lot of nice things a bout me now:) And that will only show the guys with same opinions like you what a nice and decent fella you are:p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Zebolt said:
A discussion on a forum won't change anything at all. If you think it will...... well :x

It sometimes changes opinions :)

not necessarily always about the discussion topics but surprisingly often opinions about other people.

However if you think posting is so pointless you don't have to come here ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Arumos said:
I heard Tetris was good nowadays, no adds there.

As for daoc, its a fookin roleplaying game

What is says != what it is. I bet only a small percentage actually roleplay. The rest build up chars, run around with friends. You dont see Avalonians snubbing HO's out of groups because of perceived class differences/HO's being a halfbreed (i.e. actually roleplaying).


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004

Very intelligent people on this forum have sooo quick to point out :

"go play counterstrike" or something similar if they want 8 vs 8 action.

If perchance, everyone who played fg vs fg actually did do this, our amazing 1.9% market share ( probably more like 1.2% now tbh) would easily drop below the 1% mark.

This is a small community, and its what makes it so great. I honestly think Mythic do listen, and some information even from these boards does filter down to Mythics board meetings to some degree ( any one remember the FH post 1 year before Agramon talking about an RvR island in the middle of the sea???).

CoC or not - the FG whiners like myself will try their best to make the part of the game they find most enjoyable as good as it can possibly be.

Just sitting back and not discussing it at all and accepting the status quo simply is not in some peoples nature. Nothing was EVER achieved by anyone in history by keeping quiet about it.


Jan 22, 2005
Has this turned into 8 pages of crap? Or should I contribute something to this thread?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Oh dear, Baron doesn't like us :(

Makes me cry...



Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
scarloc said:
What is says != what it is. I bet only a small percentage actually roleplay. The rest build up chars, run around with friends. You dont see Avalonians snubbing HO's out of groups because of perceived class differences/HO's being a halfbreed (i.e. actually roleplaying).

you know what I mean :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
what suprise me a lot in all these threads is that people actually dislike eachother and act out towards one another cause you have a different opinion about playing a game^^ That to me is just so me the creeps tbh. I built up a steady friendship with people in hibernia and other realms from the start in this game. You really think they would start disclike me cause i have a different view a bout something?? if they do good ridance tbh. A friend to me dont bail on me cause of that. And i dont bail or consider him a twat . When i play Risk or monopoly and i loose to a friend i laugh...i dont call him a twat or acuse him of cheating or playing unfair, and if he did i would still just laugh. And i dont devide my friendship into different camps either like: Ok...johan you belong to the people that listens to britney spears, sorry cant hang around with you anymore...i hate her and you like her:p
If my rl friend would attack the guy im dueling i would also laugh...cause a game wouldnt affect a friendship or make me act out on people i dont know either tbh...thast just dececy and commonly good behaviour. I understand you could sulk a bit and fret a little over loosing a fight or whatever, bad loosers always been a part of a gaming comunity.
But just taking sides in all of this is so utterly stupid tbh, if i would do that i would be a twat cause that would make me go against people i call friends in both camps over a stupid opinion. The only things i take sides against is acting stupid and abusing other people, cause thats wrong no matter what the opinion he is trying to protect is for. So i hope all you that are decent people and dont try to devide a whole comunity in two silly camps step forward and take no part of it. But thats were the problem is imo. The ones that are in a set rvr group wont risq that "shallow" friendship built on good rvr and one opinion(not to add) for sticking out and acting morally good in behalf of someone getting abused by those peers. Cause that would mean getting the cold hand of their precious rvr group. Its like civil courage imo...and the ones that shows that and cand stand up for what is morally good isnt always easy i know. But this is a game....and sticking up for people that are abusing others cause you loose good rvr is cowardice imo.
over and out:p


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
ebenezer said:
what suprise me a lot in all these threads is that people actually dislike eachother and act out towards one another cause you have a different opinion about playing a game^^ That to me is just so me the creeps tbh. I built up a steady friendship with people in hibernia and other realms from the start in this game. You really think they would start disclike me cause i have a different view a bout something?? if they do good ridance tbh. A friend to me dont bail on me cause of that. And i dont bail or consider him a twat . When i play Risk or monopoly and i loose to a friend i laugh...i dont call him a twat or acuse him of cheating or playing unfair, and if he did i would still just laugh. And i dont devide my friendship into different camps either like: Ok...johan you belong to the people that listens to britney spears, sorry cant hang around with you anymore...i hate her and you like her:p
If my rl friend would attack the guy im dueling i would also laugh...cause a game wouldnt affect a friendship or make me act out on people i dont know either tbh...thast just dececy and commonly good behaviour. I understand you could sulk a bit and fret a little over loosing a fight or whatever, bad loosers always been a part of a gaming comunity.
But just taking sides in all of this is so utterly stupid tbh, if i would do that i would be a twat cause that would make me go against people i call friends in both camps over a stupid opinion. The only things i take sides against is acting stupid and abusing other people, cause thats wrong no matter what the opinion he is trying to protect is for. So i hope all you that are decent people and dont try to devide a whole comunity in two silly camps step forward and take no part of it. But thats were the problem is imo. The ones that are in a set rvr group wont risq that "shallow" friendship built on good rvr and one opinion(not to add) for sticking out and acting morally good in behalf of someone getting abused by those peers. Cause that would mean getting the cold hand of their precious rvr group. Its like civil courage imo...and the ones that shows that and cand stand up for what is morally good isnt always easy i know. But this is a game....and sticking up for people that are abusing others cause you loose good rvr is cowardice imo.
over and out:p

jeez i had to spark a fag half way through that. the eyes boo, the eyes !!


Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2004
9/10 times im solo and I meet a FG I am dead 3s later. Find amusing that adding on said FGs when they are engaged to be something wrong.

I have been chased over half a zone by GGs eager to get their 200 RP (or whatever a RR9-RR11 gets for a RR7 char), but I am supposed to leave them alone? Yeh rite.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Olvoair said:
9/10 times im solo and I meet a FG I am dead 3s later. Find amusing that adding on said FGs when they are engaged to be something wrong.

I have been chased over half a zone by GGs eager to get their 200 RP (or whatever a RR9-RR11 gets for a RR7 char), but I am supposed to leave them alone? Yeh rite.

You play an archer class ? You solo alot ? I actively encourage you kill who ever you please in the normal keep rvr zones - shit who else are you supposes to get your Rps ?

Just leave Agramon alone :) I'll gladly add your name to the list of nice soloers :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Due to not having been in RvR for a long time (about a year) I didn't know how to unwritten rules was at the moment, mostly the same as always, with a bit of new touches, thanks :)

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