Teh Krypt
- Thread starter
- #91
Originally posted by eben
Come on Krypt...you made such a severe song and dance about alleged alb blabber on IRC. I want to hear what your stance is on hibs blabbing on IRC. I don't give a monkeys about what others say. I want YOU to condemn hibbies for yelling on IRC. No politician's answers...just say you CONDEMN HIBBIE RELIC RAID CHAT ON IRC.
Of course I'm happy for you to condemn albs and mids too; however, please show use you do have some principals after all.
Well I never actualy saw this one but..
Its pathetic that a hib did this and ive lost all respec for him that I had. I expect him to at least appologise to albion because we know what it feels like to have people blabing. Luckly because of the time of day you did it, it SEEMED not to effect it. Although this does not in any way make it ok to blab.