SPAM random annoying things


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
One law for the rich etc...
Absolutely, money can pretty much buy anything nowadays.

/me goes to look under the settee for the odd quid that might be lurking there in the shadows....


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
One law for the rich etc...

Yeah but our prisons are already rammed and it seems judges are avoiding sending some people to jail who they might of due to that already, also rumours of a general release soon of low level offenders plus he gets some more leniency for his age as any one would then the added fact the HMRC isn't going to contest it due to the amount of money they are about to get.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If you steal £10 you won't go to prison. If you steal £1m you absolutely will.

But if you committ £400m of fraud???

That's not low-level offending. That's "enough money for a new hospital" type stuff. Crime measured in thousands of lives affected.

Prison should be a minimum for these cunts. But we've just locked up a hallucinating mental patient - who gave himself up to the authorities unprompted before he comitted his crime - for treason.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
So, for the first time ever me and the missus can't agree on a "raising our kids"issue. A couple of days ago she says "I want to install this app on all our phones so we can all see where everyone is". I don't say no immediately, because I'm by default a lazy bastard who wants a quiet life, but I go off and do a bit of Googling. Last night I get a link on WhatsApp and a "have you installed that app" tap on the shoulder two minutes later. And I said "nope, I don't like the TS&C's on the app and I don't agree with the whole concept anyway" to which I get back the whole "you don't care about your children's safety" blowback.

So, am I A. a crusty old fart who believes socialising children to think being permanently spied on is a terrible idea and I should just get with the 21st century because it's happening anyway?

Or is she B. a helicopter parent who needs to get a fucking grip and maybe remember being a teenager?

Kids are 11 and 13.
Obligatory I'm not a parent caveat(tm). I reckon considering tracking indicates a larger fear. I don't think Mrs Gaff is looking out for the kids, she's looking out for something else. Maybe find out what that is.

An app isn't gonna stop a kid falling out of a tree, or slipping on the swings, or ending up in a ditch with their bike, or any of the normal things that happens to kids all the time every day. I'd say cut the kids some slack; they do dumb shit all the time but they're not entirely devoid of wits (well some are I'm sure but you know what I mean). I reckon part of the great thing of being a kid is the ability to do that dumb stuff and then bounce back (again, usually). There are some examples above. Likewise, I reckon the great challenge of being a parent is sometimes having to acknowledge that you don't always know exactly where your kids are, who they're with, or what they're doing. And that's totally okay!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
So, for the first time ever me and the missus can't agree on a "raising our kids"issue. A couple of days ago she says "I want to install this app on all our phones so we can all see where everyone is". I don't say no immediately, because I'm by default a lazy bastard who wants a quiet life, but I go off and do a bit of Googling. Last night I get a link on WhatsApp and a "have you installed that app" tap on the shoulder two minutes later. And I said "nope, I don't like the TS&C's on the app and I don't agree with the whole concept anyway" to which I get back the whole "you don't care about your children's safety" blowback.

So, am I A. a crusty old fart who believes socialising children to think being permanently spied on is a terrible idea and I should just get with the 21st century because it's happening anyway?

Or is she B. a helicopter parent who needs to get a fucking grip and maybe remember being a teenager?

Kids are 11 and 13.
So, I agree with you overall, Gaff. That said, a suggestion..... How about talking to them - 'you both have mobile phones... we'd rather not install this app because we trust you, so we do now expect you to let us know where you are going and if that changes text us so we know. If you can't reliably do this we might change our minds' ?


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I fired an air pistol at a target in the garage, it missed, hit something and the pellet bounced back into my eye. I blinked as it arrived and it lodged in the corner of my eye, energy spent, no harm other than me, and the friend I was with, going "holy fucking SHIT" or words to that effect.

I was a catastrophically accident-prone child (and still have many scars to prove it), usually because of doing incredibly dangerous and stupid stuff, but I was also free, and I really worry about kids and their lack of basic freedom; I'm the one who pushes them out to meet friends elsewhere, not home-based play dates. Will there be things that go wrong? Inevitably, but tracking apps and perma-surviellance can't be the answer. Oh, and reviewing the app was even more disturbing; the glee parents seemed to show in knowing where their kids were at all times (some of those "kids" in college!) was downright creepy.
.22 air rifle into a half deflated ball... hit it so central that the pellet bounced straight back and hit me no more than 5mm from the eye I aimed with o_O. That was self-inflicted - I was also shot in the back with the same gun at about 25 metres... luckily I had a parker-style coat on but it FUCKING hurt and bruised like a bitch!


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Not hearing an advert properly.
Got the radio on. Was only half listening. An advert for a gym was playing and I'm sure they said they offered a "range of lesbians".


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Topical Remember when parents thought kids didn’t need seatbelts? Today’s mums and dads aren’t any smarter

We have Google Family setup on kids devices but they are young. Mostly its to limit screen time, the tracking is on by default but you can turn it off i think.

I have that and Microsoft family installed and I do control content and screen time, although we're crossing into the tweens/teens phase now where we're looking at things case by case; Snapchat was a recent flashpoint for example.

I definitely think parents have a role to play in social media and content but I'm reaching the point where it's more about screen time than content itself because I'm not naive enough to believe we can control it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Tech risk is a relatively new thing that parents have to deal with. Fair enough.

Physical risk is different. We already know that there's been an uptick of 18 year olds dying because they do something physically stupid once they fly the nest. And that's because they haven't learned not to do fucking stupid things when they were kids because they've been wrapped in cotton wool.

Climbing trees and falling out of the branches and properly hurting yourself when you hit the floor. That basic "humans are designed to do this" sort of action that lots of parents prohibit. The sort of stuff you'd do when you were out of their way - because they let you out of the door and you fucked off all day. At 8.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Windows OS.

I'm actually thinking of getting a MacBook to replace my Windows laptop

Every Windows computer I've had gets slower and slower. Bad sectors on hard drives. A zillion system background processes hungrily eating CPU usage, incredibly slow boot up times, programs Not Responding. Windows Updates makes it impossible to use the laptop while it does its thing. Driving me nuts.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Windows OS.

I'm actually thinking of getting a MacBook to replace my Windows laptop

Every Windows computer I've had gets slower and slower. Bad sectors on hard drives. A zillion system background processes hungrily eating CPU usage, incredibly slow boot up times, programs Not Responding. Windows Updates makes it impossible to use the laptop while it does its thing. Driving me nuts.
I have this laptop which is Windows based and another little one which is ChromeOS based. Love the ChromeOS one, never a stutter or lag unlike this fucking thing.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Windows OS.

I'm actually thinking of getting a MacBook to replace my Windows laptop

Every Windows computer I've had gets slower and slower. Bad sectors on hard drives. A zillion system background processes hungrily eating CPU usage, incredibly slow boot up times, programs Not Responding. Windows Updates makes it impossible to use the laptop while it does its thing. Driving me nuts.
Mac isn't that much better on update front


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Its the sheer amount of updates Windows pushes through that bugs me.
When I had my Windows XP laptop many years ago I actually turned off the updates completely. I'd probably still be using it now if the hard drive hadn't died on it


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
My trusty M1 MacBook Air never slows down. Lovely machine.
Hehe, I misread that as crusty as I know some of the keys are stuck like someone put superglue on them but it's totally organic what you used.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Its the sheer amount of updates Windows pushes through that bugs me.
When I had my Windows XP laptop many years ago I actually turned off the updates completely.
And not enforcing the updates is why XP was the malware and bug infested piece of shit it was. I'm no Microshite fan but they can't win here. Forcing updates on the consumer version of their OS is the best of a set of bad options.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Windows/Mac/ChromeOS are all good/shit in different areas. Pick based on what you want to do with it


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Youtube. So Youtube has started to get round my ad blocker on Chrome. Finally. Took them long enough.
Downloaded Ghostery. No more ads, trackers, or interruptions :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I use uMatrix. Is that still any good?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
No idea. Sounds like a testicular rubbing cream.
That I didn't buy
From an email.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
No idea. Sounds like a testicular rubbing cream.
That I didn't buy
From an email.
Oooh, brand and name? Dad is coming round this morning to take me to chemist, might try and buy some in front of him :p


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Try not to embarrass your father in the chemist. Ask for Spunk Bags, not condoms.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Dad waited in the car (no parking) as I hobbled into Chemist, had to ask if Dad had dropped a prescription off, all the ladies in the Chemist knew him as they said he is the one that stops and chats to them all the time. Go Dad!!!

Was good whipping out my shiny new NHS Exemption card, thought I was 007.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Dads are awesome. Wish mine was still around
I've definitely picked up my Dad's eccentricities. And my nose hair is accelerating.
I want to know whats going to happen to my body that requires long nasal hair to deal with it.
Thank goodness I've not developed the same fondness for beige as he did
What kind of colour is beige anyway ? Its not a proper colour.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
And why would you wear beige trousers the older you get
With old age brings loss of bladder control
You don't want to be walking around with the "dot of shame" for all to see.

(Then again, you might not give a ****)

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