SPAM random annoying things


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So, young chicken who I've been introducing to the flock (successfully for about a month) has literally been taken to bits by my guinea fowl (I think).

They've taken the feathers off her back, lots of her skin, some of her meat :(

So, I've separated her, put her in a quick knock-up pen I've made in my barn (really a brooder for guinea fowl) and sprayed her with antibiotics etc. Put food in there. I hope she recovers.

She was getting on OK with the other chickens. But guinea fowl can be utter cunts :eek:

Was considering posting a pic. But it's kinda minging.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
So, young chicken who I've been introducing to the flock (successfully for about a month) has literally been taken to bits by my guinea fowl (I think).

They've taken the feathers off her back, lots of her skin, some of her meat :(

So, I've separated her, put her in a quick knock-up pen I've made in my barn (really a brooder for guinea fowl) and sprayed her with antibiotics etc. Put food in there. I hope she recovers.

She was getting on OK with the other chickens. But guinea fowl can be utter cunts :eek:

Was considering posting a pic. But it's kinda minging.
Do it, natural order and stuff. Is she destined for the table or she an egg layer for now?

ps. where the fuck is the chicken cam?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
This fucking cunt. I hope he shits a fucking cactus.



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Here you go @Deebs.
This actually looks a fair bit better than it is tbh - the cuts extend up under feathers and some are very deep. She's struggling to walk as the muscles that control the leg on one side are buggered.20231006_095956.jpg
She's a layer. She's getting on (i.e. being ignored) by the other chickens. But it's the guineas that are the problem. They fight, viciously, for fun.

Edit. I really cba with a chicken cam. But I'll take some more pics :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Here you go @Deebs.
This actually looks a fair bit better than it is tbh - the cuts extend up under feathers and some are very deep. She's struggling to walk as the muscles that control the leg on one side are buggered.View attachment 48175
She's a layer. She's getting on (i.e. being ignored) by the other chickens. But it's the guineas that are the problem. They fight, viciously, for fun.

Edit. I really cba with a chicken cam. But I'll take some more pics :)
Thanks @Scouse. The thing that instantly springs to mind is the pain that she must be suffering. I wish to name her Gineous Fuckofeus. Give her some maggots or insects as a treat.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The thing that instantly springs to mind is the pain that she must be suffering.
It's foremost in my mind. If it deteriorates rather than improves then I've a humane method of dispatch to hand. But she could have five good years in her.

I've worries about the same happening again if I reintroduce her too. Am considering separate housing for the guineas and chickens. But the number we have is pretty good, and costs go up with more birds...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
DAZN endless emails which no matter what option I pick keep coming, complaint sent to them and ICO as you can't delete your own account either.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
It's foremost in my mind. If it deteriorates rather than improves then I've a humane method of dispatch to hand. But she could have five good years in her.

I've worries about the same happening again if I reintroduce her too. Am considering separate housing for the guineas and chickens. But the number we have is pretty good, and costs go up with more birds...
Eat the naughty birds?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Like this?

View attachment 48190

My guineas are breeding stock - I've about 30 to butcher as soon as the barn is finished and my chest freezer arrives - that's 6 months of roast dinners :)
Might have to put an order in for one of those birds.....


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Hitting a pothole and shearing a bolt on your rear suspension, meaning you have to abandon vehicle in a pub.

Ok the last part wasn't that annoying, could be worse places to abandon vehicle.

Still, fucks sake.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'd be more concerned that the cars in the pub than you'd sheared a bolt :\


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Google TV now doing just straight up ads on the home screen alongside promoting pushed content I'll never fucking watch


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Yesterday I was at a thing I organized with some really cool machine learning guys. My developers, who were supposed to be learning things, used this opportunity to connect a random huggingface model and make pictures of me as a girl. Most of these kids have PHD's and whatnot and they were killing themselves laughing ffs. I dunno if I'm mad or proud :eek:


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Yesterday I was at a thing I organized with some really cool machine learning guys. My developers, who were supposed to be learning things, used this opportunity to connect a random huggingface model and make pictures of me as a girl. Most of these kids have PHD's and whatnot and they were killing themselves laughing ffs. I dunno if I'm mad or proud :eek:
Did you have to wear false tits or your own are now big enough ???? :p


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
nah the model put in some good ones. wish I had those I'd never leave the house again!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So, for the first time ever me and the missus can't agree on a "raising our kids"issue. A couple of days ago she says "I want to install this app on all our phones so we can all see where everyone is". I don't say no immediately, because I'm by default a lazy bastard who wants a quiet life, but I go off and do a bit of Googling. Last night I get a link on WhatsApp and a "have you installed that app" tap on the shoulder two minutes later. And I said "nope, I don't like the TS&C's on the app and I don't agree with the whole concept anyway" to which I get back the whole "you don't care about your children's safety" blowback.

So, am I A. a crusty old fart who believes socialising children to think being permanently spied on is a terrible idea and I should just get with the 21st century because it's happening anyway?

Or is she B. a helicopter parent who needs to get a fucking grip and maybe remember being a teenager?

Kids are 11 and 13.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not a parent but I'd say trusting your children, and letting them see that you trust them, is an essential part of them feeling they're able to trust you. And you definitely want the latter if you're to help with any problems they may have, because if they don't trust you, they don't tell you.

And tracking? Worrying about where your children are is life. Your wife needs to deal with it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Stalker app isn't just bad for your kids, but it's bad for the parents too IMO.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
So, for the first time ever me and the missus can't agree on a "raising our kids"issue. A couple of days ago she says "I want to install this app on all our phones so we can all see where everyone is". I don't say no immediately, because I'm by default a lazy bastard who wants a quiet life, but I go off and do a bit of Googling. Last night I get a link on WhatsApp and a "have you installed that app" tap on the shoulder two minutes later. And I said "nope, I don't like the TS&C's on the app and I don't agree with the whole concept anyway" to which I get back the whole "you don't care about your children's safety" blowback.

So, am I A. a crusty old fart who believes socialising children to think being permanently spied on is a terrible idea and I should just get with the 21st century because it's happening anyway?

Or is she B. a helicopter parent who needs to get a fucking grip and maybe remember being a teenager?

Kids are 11 and 13.
The thing that springs to my mind is that we didn't need that BB shit when we were growing up. Always told our parents where we were but I get that being abducted changes all that. Then again my phone is constantly tracking me via Location data being turned on all the time. I guess you just have to accept "progress" for the safety of your children. When they reach 16/17 you give them the choice personally I would not enable it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I was blowing bins up with French firecrackers duct taped together at 13.

I still have a copper ball bearing in my shin from when we decided to play "Germans" with air guns.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I was blowing bins up with French firecrackers duct taped together at 13.

I still have a copper ball bearing in my shin from when we decided to play "Germans" with air guns.
A friend of mine has a scar right between his eyes from one of our air rifle battles when we were kids. Half a centimetre either way and he'd have lost an eye.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Always told our parents where we were but I get that being abducted changes all that. Then again my phone is constantly tracking me via Location data being turned on all the time. I guess you just have to accept "progress" for the safety of your children. When they reach 16/17 you give them the choice personally I would not enable it.
The world is statistically a much safer place (well blighty is) than when we were growing up. Much less likely for kidnap / kiddy fiddling etc. etc. etc. I get that doesn't make parents feel any safer or happier - but then the feelings aren't rational, they just are.

I don't call constant tracking progress though. I think it's an unfortunately damaging side effect of the ability to do so. It doesn't make them any safer - if someone's going to kidnap your kid, having them on stalker app isn't going to stop that (and won't help with getting them back). But it will (and does) damage your mind and set them up for a lifetime of overt surveillance, which isn't good. And whataboutery of it happening elsewhere doesn't make it OK to expand.

It damages the parents a lot too. Our parents had to get used to letting go when we went outside and trusting us. They were forced into it - in a much more dangerous world. That's hugely important and not to be dismissed.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I totally agree otherwise you won't see groups of young children playing outside their own home with drones flying a few feet above their head, next will be surgically implanted trackers. It is wrong, it is part of growing up. It happens to people of ALL ages, yeh it might be easier and more rewarding going after children but they are not the sole target.

Nanny state incoming in the next few decades. Imagine if they ever activate or use all those traffic cams for covert people surveillance.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I always remember older peoples habit of saying it was much safer in the old days every time a news report would come on about some kidnapping, I corrected my mum once by saying that wasn't true it is just much more likely now to hear about it.

I remember walking to junior school about a mile away from our house, generally one of the mums would walk a group of us to the school, then once they felt we were old enough and smart enough we would make our own way there with little more than a message about being careful. Much like the rest of the time it would be the usual messages about being careful, I've no doubt they did worry at times.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
A friend of mine has a scar right between his eyes from one of our air rifle battles when we were kids. Half a centimetre either way and he'd have lost an eye.

I fired an air pistol at a target in the garage, it missed, hit something and the pellet bounced back into my eye. I blinked as it arrived and it lodged in the corner of my eye, energy spent, no harm other than me, and the friend I was with, going "holy fucking SHIT" or words to that effect.

I was a catastrophically accident-prone child (and still have many scars to prove it), usually because of doing incredibly dangerous and stupid stuff, but I was also free, and I really worry about kids and their lack of basic freedom; I'm the one who pushes them out to meet friends elsewhere, not home-based play dates. Will there be things that go wrong? Inevitably, but tracking apps and perma-surviellance can't be the answer. Oh, and reviewing the app was even more disturbing; the glee parents seemed to show in knowing where their kids were at all times (some of those "kids" in college!) was downright creepy.

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