It's not a fucking farm. It's a nature reserve and mountain pass in a national park.
I'm the one that owns a farm.
Honestly Tom, if you can't manage to put yourself in other people's shoes sometimes, why do you expect anyone to bother seeing your (important) cycling issues from your POV?
How do you justify a mile long road, where twenty feet of stepping stones was all that was required?
Not at all. It's habitat loss in a SSSI that they are legally obliged to mitigate.Your objections are aesthetic, nothing more.
Already told you - I couldn't take a picture of the path in the place I'm talking about because it's no longer there.I'm more concerned about the fence and the buildings in the background. They're far more damaging than gravel.
Having to replace the toilet pan connector to the soil pipe. Trust me, that is not a job you ever want to do.
Thousands could soon get weight-loss jabs on NHS in bid to cut obesity | ITV News
People on the weekly injections saw their weight drop by 12% on average after 68 weeks | ITV National
Sigh. People would rather get a jab to lose weight than put down the cookies.
68 weeks, 68 injections.. Or you know.. Lower your kcal intake by 10% and not get stabbed?
I mean, if you do this surely you save money in the long run?
If that's the reason for your opposition
It's not a money issue. It's that people would rather turn to a medical solution than change their ways.
*fap*My sister in law is one of these. She is 34, massively obese and smokes. She is an intelligent woman, she is a mental health nurse and a very high NHS banding. She has been trying to get pregnant for years with no luck, but refuses to blame the weight or smoking. She now has a chronic stomach problem (not sure of the name, but its an inflammation of the intestines I think), and is STILL smoking. She is at least eating a bit less now as she physically cant eat loads. She has a rash on her toe that looks suspiciously like diabetes. Anyway... she is looking at getting the injections now because apparently she has "Tried everything else". Has she fuck. She diets for two weeks, and then gives up because its too hard. Does zero exercise. It's always someone/somethings elses' fault.
Fucks me off beyond belief.
Unfortunately we live in a country where incorporating said physical activity has been made difficult by the way we've designed our towns and cities to be beholden to cars.
Well, unlike Scouse, hes not wrong, towns and cities have been built for vehicles rather than people.
Maybe. He just seems to be full-on ego-krank now.He's hardly "palling around" with them. He was there to pick up an award for some work production company did in Serbia. Man Bites Dog this ain't.
The fact my 8m old cat comes in to the house to take a shit. In the cat flap, turd in the litter tray, unburied, straight back out again. It's like a bear visited too, humongous.