SPAM random annoying things


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Has the world gone fucking batshit?
Plenty of people speak for the other atrocities you mentioned. But there are billions of humans on the planet and we're killing animals which can't speak up for / defend themselves and who's numbers are counted in the low thousands, or much less.

The hoo-haa is a demonstration that humans are evolving to understand that our selfish idiocy shouldn't destroy the natural world around us.

The persecution of this twat (who's been convicted before for illegal hunting) may seem harsh but it reinforces the idea in other people's minds that what they do is unacceptable in this day and age.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
BTW - I don't get any of the facebook/twitter feedback - I knew they'd be platforms of annoyance so I dodged that shit from the start :)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
He's done a runner apparently. I think I would too if I was facing extradition to Zimbabwe of all places.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Is anyone else getting supremely fed up of all this coverage on Cecil? Whilst trophy hunting isn't one of mankind's greatest pursuits, I am fairly certain this really isn't the biggest atrocity going on in the world right now - in fact I'm not even sure if it's the biggest atrocity going on in Zimbabwe right now. We've got kids getting killed in Syria, farmers getting murdered in South Africa, the usual shenanigans in Palestine and the army about to be deployed to keep the hordes out the Channel Tunnel, and yet everyone is getting sand in their vaginas about a dentist killing a Lion?

Has the world gone fucking batshit?

I find it interesting on a political scale, it's okay for the West to look down at Africa and say look guys you're killing off these huge areas of unique animals

Will the west stick to their guns and follow through with this request? Or will they accept it's one rule for the developed world and one for the developing.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No one made much of a fuss about the 5 elephants that were slaughtered the very next day for their ivory.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No because it is a country that routinely tortures people for stupid shit. He wont get extradited. He may get a show prosecution in the US though to make people feel better about policemen murdering black folk though.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Plenty of people speak for the other atrocities you mentioned.

But they don't though? The only way I found out about what has been going on in South Africa recently is through a Saffer who tries to raise awareness on FB, other than that we'd all be in the dark about it. The Kurdistan situation is fucking shocking but fairly well ignored by most of the media and the bleating hearts on Facebook, and Mugabe's slaughter of political opponents is but a footnote. I wont even go there on some of the atrocities closer to home that get conveniently ignored (think Rotherham).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
But they don't though? The only way I found out about what has been going on in South Africa recently is through a Saffer who tries to raise awareness on FB, other than that we'd all be in the dark about it. The Kurdistan situation is fucking shocking but fairly well ignored by most of the media and the bleating hearts on Facebook, and Mugabe's slaughter of political opponents is but a footnote. I wont even go there on some of the atrocities closer to home that get conveniently ignored (think Rotherham).

exactly this, I've got a couple of friends who post about the kurds and other global issues trying to raise awareness but its always the same people replying and discussing the issues. when the lion died about 15 people were posting crap on facebook about it, they don't care about people being gassed and bombed in Syria, but LIONS....


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If you have a story with a face to go with it, it makes a far better story.

When you have a middle class perfect white-teeth Dentist who paid $50k 'smiling because he killed the lion (Not because he's posing for the photo, no.) it makes a perfect story.

Kurds, meh, there's no face behind it, and we're not sure if they're good guys yet.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
follow a couple of South Africans on twitter. what's going on in Cape Town is horrific. At least 4 police killed in last few days. Just block the road haul them out the car and hack them to death.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
atrocities closer to home that get conveniently ignored (think Rotherham).
Ignored? Do you not think there's a fuckload of human resources being poured into the Rotherham scandal?

Protection of vulnerable species is very low in governmental priorities and it's a *good thing* that there's social outrage at the meaningless killing of other vulnerable species when in a bygone era it wouldn't even have registered in the zeitgeist.

There's space to care about a lot of things - but the idea that things are less important because they're not human is no longer good enough. If we're to be any sort of decent stewards of this planet then our traditional human modes of thinking need to change vastly and quickly.

Your way of thinking is neanderthal tbh - you're from that bygone era and don't actually give two fucks about the lion. I'm glad that way of thinking is dying out.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
exactly this, I've got a couple of friends who post about the kurds and other global issues trying to raise awareness but its always the same people replying and discussing the issues. when the lion died about 15 people were posting crap on facebook about it, they don't care about people being gassed and bombed in Syria, but LIONS....

Facebook is not an arbiter or indicator of human action. A shitload more resources are being poured into solving kurdish problems, south african social problems, rotherham sexual abuse problems.

If you look at the world through facebook you're not making any sort of sensible assessment of much at all...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
People killing one-another isn't unusual. A rich western dentist killing a member of a vulnerable species, on a continent many of whose largest fauna are on the verge of extinction, is certainly newsworthy. I'm more than happy for the outrage to continue since it's bound to increase donations to the people who help protect these animals from hunting.

Cunts like this dentist are partly responsible for tragedies like this:

Four left. Four. And don't get me started on those stupid fucking idiots who think that ground tiger bone will help their lack of erection. I could wring their stupid fucking necks.

I honestly don't know why anyone would get a kick from shooting a lion. Or, for that matter, any living being.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I haven't read or seen a single thing about this 'thing' that's happening in SA, anyone care to enlighten me?

I've seen a billion posts about a bloody lion though.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Ignored? Do you not think there's a fuckload of human resources being poured into the Rotherham scandal?

Protection of vulnerable species is very low in governmental priorities and it's a *good thing* that there's social outrage at the meaningless killing of other vulnerable species when in a bygone era it wouldn't even have registered in the zeitgeist.

There's space to care about a lot of things - but the idea that things are less important because they're not human is no longer good enough. If we're to be any sort of decent stewards of this planet then our traditional human modes of thinking need to change vastly and quickly.

Your way of thinking is neanderthal tbh - you're from that bygone era and don't actually give two fucks about the lion. I'm glad that way of thinking is dying out.

Judging by the number of replies wondering why it's such a big thing considering what else is going on, I'd suggest my way of thinking was alive and well.

I at no point said I condoned hunting in any way shape or form, I just questioned the priority of the story considering the other shit going on in the world, so you can get off your high horse you pretentious arse.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
The true problem is the Disneyfication(yes it is a word and a theory) of animals; with Cecil the Lion being a prime example. It is a somewhat endangered specie, as I understand it, and it shouldn't be hunted if we would like to keep having wild lions. Cecil was pretty much tame and liked people from what I've read? So this lion, with a screwed perception of its natural instincts, had become almost a Disney character, someone we love and wouldn't want to see hurt
There is no atrocity in this story. Only one fuck up who decided to shoot a lion for his own ego to be boosted. Same with the fucking giraffe the Danish zoo killed some time ago, but let's not get back into that...

An utterly huge cunt, but an atrocity? Nah. I'd call the refugees trying to make it to Italy or Greece and what is happening in Syria an atrocity.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
There is no atrocity in this story.

Imagine if someone you knew tied a dog to a lamppost and then shot it with an arrow. And a few days later, killed it with a rifle.

That's basically what the cunt did.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
My theory why this is hitting the news so hard (and exploding on social media) is because it's something that a lot of people can relate to. We all know a dentist, we have dentist appointments, and most dentists are more or less the same...
"What if MY dentist shot a lion!? That would be horrible"

South africa? "I don't even know where South africa is. Is there more then one Africa?"
Kurds? "What's a Kurd? Is that some kind of Arab? I don't know anyone from Kurdia"

Wars, genocides, problems in Africa, it has all been reported plenty of times so it's no longer news, it's just noise. A white dentist killing a lion, AND posing on a photo with the kill? That's news, that sells ads, and airtime, which sells ads.
Anyone can agree that shooting lions is bad, so there's no question on where you should stand in the question - you oppose it, you become "outraged", South africa situtuation, if you don't know whats going on you better keep quiet so you don't accidently support the wrong people, same with the Kurds, are they good guys? Or terrorists?
It's easy, you don't have to invest too much time or energy to say that shooting lions is bad.

And that is my theory why people post about the lion instead of other horrible things that happens.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Yes, it's bad, and he is a cunt, but an atrocity?

Syria, Palestinian baby killed in an arson, another black man shot in the head by a white policeman, who was wearing a camera, when he failed to show his drivers license, ISIS killing innocent people in the name of religion and so forth.. Those are some the atrocities we're facing at the moment in the world. Not some cunt shooting one lion.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Imagine if someone you knew tied a dog to a lamppost and then shot it with an arrow. And a few days later, killed it with a rifle.

That's basically what the cunt did.
You know animals are being hunted for sports all over the world? All the time? This is hardly new. @CorNokZ hit it right on the head with the Disneyfication.

Is it bad that it happened? Yes
Is it news? Yes
Is it an outrage!? Burn him?! Burn his family!?... No


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
You seem to have made the classic mistake of confusing what's newsworthy with what you think is important. I'll say it again - people killing people, horrible as it is, is entirely normal. Rich western dentists hunting vulnerable species (in this case, a tagged animal) for trophies is not. The story here isn't that a lion died, it's that a whole load of people on the internet found out how it died and were pissed off about it.

Try as I might, I can't bring myself to care too much about humans killing other humans. But I find it very easy to empathise with those who are offended by the unnecessary destruction of a vulnerable species. Perhaps it's because I love animals; the only bad animals I've encountered are those who've been treated horribly by people.

Wasps can fuckoff though.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The real issue here isn't the lion, its the 1%er douchebag who thinks the world is his playground to murder animals for fun, and the rules apply to other people. Lions and other African animals are killed and captured by poachers all the time, and yes there's the odd human interest story about it in the Sunday supplements, but very few people actually care, but this guy then takes that to a whole other level.

Personally, I'm as much offended by the fact that this wasn't hunting; it was the slow-motion execution of a tame animal by an inept "hunter" with a Rambo fixation. He's basically a cheat.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
He shot it with an arrow and left it to bleed out for days. That's not hunting, that's being an arsehole.

An absolute cunt really.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
exactly this, I've got a couple of friends who post about the kurds and other global issues trying to raise awareness but its always the same people replying and discussing the issues. when the lion died about 15 people were posting crap on facebook about it, they don't care about people being gassed and bombed in Syria, but LIONS....

To be fair lions are quite a lot more endangered than humans as a specie. (Sp)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
So we've reached a point where animal lives are valued more than human ones? Does that not seem a slightly fucked up state of affairs to anyone else?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So we've reached a point where animal lives are valued more than human ones? Does that not seem a slightly fucked up state of affairs to anyone else?

I believe its quite possible to hold more than one thought in one's head at a time.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I believe its quite possible to hold more than one thought in one's head at a time.

With the focus on the death of a lion, I'm really not so sure this is the case....


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
1. Major miss use of the English language; atrocity.

2. No one would have noticed if said lion had been trying to rip his throat out.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Ages ago got a box set of Twilight. Probably from Amazon. Only opened it yesterday. Crap weather and nothing to do. 3 out of 5 discs won't work. Basically play the trailers at the front and then revert to 'load' and the blue screen. So annoying. Before you ask it's not a US player and all the writing on the discs seem right. Any ideas?

We've happily watched Sopranos series 5 and we are catching up on ashes to Ashes. all DVDs. No bother.

Worrying cos have one or two box sets I just bought to keep. now wondering if any of them actually work.

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