SPAM random annoying things


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The last year or so he's become out of reach and is lacking common sense completely

I'd like to say "more like this place". "This place" being more and more facebook. Not to mention everything i say being taken 100% seriously.

If you're one of those stick up arse serial folk(like raven for example), then feel free to ignore what i say. Or, remember where you're posting and calm the f*ck down. You were an OT original FFS :p

But hey, another jolly day where people drag any discussion into "toht is XYZ" no matter how i stay on topic, or throw in regular discussions.

To be completely 100% honest, i think there's maybe 5 people here who actually know how to take things less seriously and actually can read between the lines. Those people might actually know what i'm like in reality, instead of the usual bullcrap being posted.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
You keep talking about stuff you have no idea of. Being a parent, Facebook(YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT AS YOU STATE AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY!!) and pretty much everything else. When ppl call you out on not having a clue of what you're talking about, you either a) blame their lack of interpreting their own language b) We all misunderstand you 100% of the time(maybe you should look into your own rhetoric and how you talk to people) c) you backpedal faster than TdC jerks off, which is fucking fast

This place is nothing like Facebook and you seem to be good to giving out the stick, but when you get brushed we're all against you and we should reread your posts. No thanks


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
A smart individual like @Scouse might notice a pattern between how i reply people and how those people treat me. Or have you seen me and Moriath for example having huge "arguments"?

But it is absolutely hilarious on how much twisting and absolute made up bullsh*t you lot come up with :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think @CorNokZ is basically trying to say as politely as possible; grow up :)
Maybe if he did that he might find his living/employment situation might magically improve...

A post in the other thread about who could run for longer out of some fictional character and some other fictional character kind of sums it up.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Maybe if he did that he might find his living/employment situation might magically improve...

A post in the other thread about who could run for longer out of some fictional character and some other fictional character kind of sums it up.

And here we have a fine example of why this forum is turning into some boring social media site. If you can't ask a superhero question on a gaming forum, in a random spam thread, you have issues :p

But you go @caLLous , keep up that feisty snide commentary o my life going. Must feel good that you do f*ck all and have wasted enough time on those comments that you could've probably learned an instrument by now, or spent it with your loved ones.

Jesus christ people you've held a grudge at a fictional typing seal for over 5 years! Almost daily!

I may have fun pushing some peoples buttons while i use the site, but christ almighty, talk about insane.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Er, I probably make an average of 5 posts a day, if that. What sort of weird deflection is this you're trying now?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You keep talking about stuff you have no idea of. Being a parent, Facebook(YOU DO NOT HAVE AN ACCOUNT AS YOU STATE AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY!!) and pretty much everything else. When ppl call you out on not having a clue of what you're talking about, you either a) blame their lack of interpreting their own language b) We all misunderstand you 100% of the time(maybe you should look into your own rhetoric and how you talk to people) c) you backpedal faster than TdC jerks off, which is fucking fast

This place is nothing like Facebook and you seem to be good to giving out the stick, but when you get brushed we're all against you and we should reread your posts. No thanks



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm even going to pre-notion this post with "the following is a troll people, to get a reaction. Seriousnes is not part of it, and any reasonable human would notice it's not really "sane talk". So enjoy!

Er, I probably make an average of 5 posts a day, if that. What sort of weird deflection is this you're trying now?

I'm not deflecting anything. I could say that i own you all. I can make you rage and blow out at any time. I'm probably in your mind most times atleast briefly, i'm a part of you and you just can't get rid of me. My place in your lfe is more secure then your own gf. You'll sooner leave her then me. Just eagerly logging in to make a comment, to get some toht attention towards you pretty little thing.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
He's getting close to going on ignore. The last year or so he's become out of reach and is lacking common sense completely

I'd rather be on Vodafone for eternity whilst suffering from mutant AIDS than take toht off ignore.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, there's the usual toht talk cherry on top from people who "ignore" me. Now if tdc could just remove the whole bullcrap, put on an :eek: and tell everyone to behave, we can get back to regular programming.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I'm even going to pre-notion this post with "the following is a troll people, to get a reaction. Seriousnes is not part of it, and any reasonable human would notice it's not really "sane talk". So enjoy!

I'm not deflecting anything. I could say that i own you all. I can make you rage and blow out at any time. I'm probably in your mind most times atleast briefly, i'm a part of you and you just can't get rid of me. My place in your lfe is more secure then your own gf. You'll sooner leave her then me. Just eagerly logging in to make a comment, to get some toht attention towards you pretty little thing.

Yeah that would be great except nobody is raging. We just think you are a bit of a dick.

Being a bit of a dick isn't trolling...its just being a bit of a dick.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah that would be great except nobody is raging. We just think you are a bit of a dick.

Being a bit of a dick isn't trolling...its just being a bit of a dick.

And still it works. Amazing. I have to be some kind of a savant in trolling/winding people up.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007

Absolute mongholes.

My contract is in my dads name, but they ALWAYS ring me, and I ALWAYS say, don't bother ringing me, because there's no point.

I've been having calls for like 2 weeks, and I just answered one, said ring THIS number instead, then they rang me AGAIN 5 seconds later.
Gwad's dad has set up an auto forward on calls from voda to you, ultimate troll.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
That and this bull shit remark he tried to defend, regardless of his complete lack of knowledge in the area of being a parent. Whether my phone is on 5% or 99% has fuck all to do with how much time I spent with my child. It has something to do with when I last charged it

He's getting close to going on ignore. The last year or so he's become out of reach and is lacking common sense completely

I've had him on ignore for years. He's a fucking dick.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Tom is one of the victims of the "london bombings were cool" era trolls. Those left some deep traumas.

Not that any sane person should take "low battery on your phone means you're neclecting your kid" any more seriously, but hey :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Toht. Just STFU would you?

This could very well get me banned, but I'm having a rant now.

Just STFU? Let me respond by asking; Why should i?

No matter how much i've talked about this, asked people to stop, said that things could be different if people stopped being asses about it(not regular forum assery, but actual arseholes), months of triplechecking every word i say one time just so i won't offend a fly. What happens? I keep getting called a dick(and any other word you can think of), every post ridiculed, life situations being torn apart for sh*ts and giggles, ratings spammed all the time, no matter if i say some random comment, something completely benine, or if i actually do something. And no one gives a flying f*ck because "it's toht, lols". Only time a mod in the last two years(other then tell me to stfu) got involved was when Deeebs told people to stop pestering people about subs, but guess what, just last week i got pummeled with that sh*t again. So what do i do? I give back a different form of "dick calling" and f*ck their posting up. They pester me, i mess their post up, tit for tat. No different, except that when i call someone a dick, it's a problem, but when someone calls me a dick, it's expected. It's ok. "It's toht, lols".

I've mentioned it before, Scouse told me to go die last year and it got completely ignored. Last time it got left at "if someone says death thraets etc, report them". Yeah that made me feel better, just brush that little thing under the rug. "but next time be sure to report them, like you did last time when nothing was done about it". So, there's a question; If you don't give a f*ck how people treat me, why should i care how my actions are here? They all know they can say anything toht related and it will have 0 consequences. If you'd do a ghostpoll, majority would probably say that people could tell me to die and nothing would happen. Afterall..."it's toht, lols".

You want to actually think about what is going on? Read this with thought. Don't just dismiss it and throw a silly comment on it. Put yourself in that situation. Imagine logging in every day to this site, a site you've lived with for years and like to visit, expecting to be called a c*nt, a dick, getting told you're a moron etc. Doesn't matter if you said "I had a burger today", or "I'm having some real trouble with life right now". There's a member of this forum, and i'm probably not the only or first one, who people can treat any way they want without any consequences and if those people fight for themselves, they get told off. Every. Day. I keep getting poked and pushed every single day. Be it this person, or that person, somebody is sure to take a snide comment at me or rate some random post. And like i said, i'm not talking about regular forum piss taking. So i mess their posts up, just as a bit of a "f*ck you bullying assholes".

You want me to stop the sh*tstorm? I ask you why you keep it going.

Banned, not banned, i don't give a f*ck. Atleast i'll get to tell other people here how some are treated.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You want to actually think about what is going on?
Do you? You act like everybody has some sort of vendetta against you but could it be as simple as, you're an antagonistic twat and you deliberately derail conversations and piss people off all the time? And then you do your usual "lol you can't be sane if you thought that was serious" bullshit (see 3 fucking posts up for the most recent example) or issue some meek apology a couple of hours later and hope it just gets swept under the rug.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
As this is the random annoying thread: the one problem with having Tot on ignore is that it hides the booby thread. Any chance you could fix that Jupitus?


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
As this is the random annoying thread: the one problem with having Tot on ignore is that it hides the booby thread. Any chance you could fix that Jupitus?

You're not missing much tbh.........nah I'm joking, it's freaking awesome!!!!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yes but we're more relaxed mature cunts now, smoking pipes, discussing cricket and motor racing and complaining about crazy things kids are doing these days ( mine plays this silly game called cs:go on a computer in his bedroom , whd have thought that was possible in our day eh!!)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Argh Jesus! Missus is deploying nerve gas in the bedroom I think, farts likethat are a contravention of my human rights


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I thought FH would have matured by now, but basically you're all cunts, then, and now.
On a more serious note, I don't think this is the case at all is it. I know I'm not a serial poster like some on here,but I don't see anything other than discussion and the occasional bit of banter


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
@Raven @CorNokZ @caLLous @old.Tohtori

Life is too short. Seel might make remarks that are not entirely true or from your perspecitive off the mark. I have and still do prob that. But everyone jumping on a band wagon not only males this a crap place to read stuff but also shows your immaturity at discussing a point without personal accusations.

By all means put a different point of view. Both parties have their say. Its a discussion. People see things differently than others and is the point of a forum. Then move on to another topic.

Toht. You need to stop feeding the biters by ignoring the snipes. Its an ever decreasing cirlce of cluster fuck that needs to be moved beyond.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
By all means put a different point of view. Both parties have their say. Its a discussion. People see things differently than others and is the point of a forum. Then move on to another topic.
You see, this is the problem. It's never a discussion with him. He takes an opposing view because he knows it will get a reaction and when replying to posts (especially when it's a post calling him up on something) he cherry-picks his quotes and looks for niggling little semantic bits that he can pick apart, he's not replying to the post in general. Like I said, it's never a discussion with him.

It's better for the person who (knowingly and deliberately, as he himself said above) derails threads and pisses people off to stop doing that than it is to stop people calling him up on it. He has every right to say whatever he likes but everybody else has similar rights to tell him he's talking bollocks. I'm sure I remember at least a few times where he has said he won't do the trolling bit any more and yet here we are. Again.

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