U less said cyclist gets hit by a carWell since regular cyclists are far more likely to live a long, healthy life than their sedentary counterparts, I think you might have chosen a poor analogy. See, there's an instance where I know best. As for smoking, if someone posts in a public forum that their smoking is harmless, I'm perfectly entitled to issue a retort to the effect that they're talking out of their arse.
Perhaps you should follow your own advice. The fact that we'd all have to wait until you knew best before you posted again might mean we're subject to less of your anal seepage.
Pretty sure I didn't say that...
Got woken up by my housemate having a really loud phone conversation in a mix of Spanish, English and Japanese. I don't understand Spanish but I could follow the rest. "Cabron, something something something 100% THC something something something Then I asked her to suck my dick." It's 5am T_T I have an exam later
Was he talking to scouse?Got woken up by my housemate having a really loud phone conversation in a mix of Spanish, English and Japanese. I don't understand Spanish but I could follow the rest. "Cabron, something something something 100% THC something something something Then I asked her to suck my dick." It's 5am T_T I have an exam later
yesterday I lost my shit at a girl in front of me in a queue to get ice cream. it was a hot day, and after queueing for quite a while for my post-mtb-ride pistachio she got served and decided to take 5 minutes choosing a flavour. why the fuck hadn't she done that in the 5 minutes she was queueing? after waiting for her to make up her mind for a few minutes, I got irritated and I snapped my fingers in front of her face and growled at her to make the fucking choice.
tbh I was a bit shocked at myself![]()
Cool story, Paul.Hah, I've used that line outside the tuck shop at school. There was a fat lad called Paul in my year who would just barge through the queue of poor younglings to get to the chocolate. "Never get between Paul and food" was used a lot.
yesterday I lost my shit at a girl in front of me in a queue to get ice cream. it was a hot day, and after queueing for quite a while for my post-mtb-ride pistachio she got served and decided to take 5 minutes choosing a flavour. why the fuck hadn't she done that in the 5 minutes she was queueing? after waiting for her to make up her mind for a few minutes, I got irritated and I snapped my fingers in front of her face and growled at her to make the fucking choice.
tbh I was a bit shocked at myself![]()
Needing a disco nap before a night out which will end at 10pm. Fuck my life.
Ooooft I know this all to well. Really started to feel it in my 30s.
yesterday I lost my shit at a girl in front of me in a queue to get ice cream. it was a hot day, and after queueing for quite a while for my post-mtb-ride pistachio she got served and decided to take 5 minutes choosing a flavour. why the fuck hadn't she done that in the 5 minutes she was queueing? after waiting for her to make up her mind for a few minutes, I got irritated and I snapped my fingers in front of her face and growled at her to make the fucking choice.
tbh I was a bit shocked at myself![]()
WTF is a 'disco nap'?
That's pretty much my life. Last two weeks - Kuwait, Qatar, LA and Mauritius. Meeting on Sunday in Dubai then back to Mauritius later in the week. Probably Rwanda, Kuwait the following week.Flying off to San Francisco this Sunday for the first time, then off to Silicon Valley for various meetings. I can't wait!
However my schedule looks something like this:
Arrive at airport late evening, arrive at hotel, goto meeting, return to hotel, goto meeting, return to hotel .... repeat for a week, fly back to London jet-lagged to fuck.
Good times.
That's pretty much my life. Last two weeks - Kuwait, Qatar, LA and Mauritius. Meeting on Sunday in Dubai then back to Mauritius later in the week. Probably Rwanda, Kuwait the following week.