SPAM random annoying things


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Don't most update about 10 seconds?


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Don't most update about 10 seconds?

Only if you have it set to do so, my PC shuts itself down and does auto updates, that's how my browser last updated itself


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There are some cases where you might not want to update things though. For example in my old job I had to use some web based tools that only worked in ie6. Those were fun times.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
There are some cases where you might not want to update things though. For example in my old job I had to use some web based tools that only worked in ie6. Those were fun times.

And that's the kind of shit that makes web devs want to go on a killing spree. I still get people saying "ooh we have to support IE8 because analytics says we're getting 5% of traffic from that", and you just know it's people forced to use that POS because some arsehole hard-coded a corporate system with it five years ago.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
One of the chaps at work has to use some antique version of IE because the M&S procurement system is so out of date. He has to have a second desktop PC set up just for that task.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If you can point out a single shred of animosity or unpleasantness in my initial reply, I will humbly apologise.

The facepalm and about 3 weeks of stalking would do. Or rather cumulate to that.

I'm not unreasonable, just stop being a dick and get treated without being one ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
just sent my uni's examination board a request to postpone my final project examination till June. because reasons. fuck. my. life.
Whassup Teedles? Not enough time to complete the extra work that twat set you?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Whassup Teedles? Not enough time to complete the extra work that twat set you?

no, this is because my school advisor told me to go for April, except there is no finals period in April, it's March or June.

YESTERDAY -with no prior communication from the school btw- I got an email telling me that I had neglected to inform the examination committee of my desire to extend my finals date. So, I wrote a request for the committee -where I apologized for my tardiness and offered to suck all their cocks- to kindly allow me to extend till June.

My final project looks like this:
* After agreeing on my final project at work, said work then told me I couldn't do it.
* Work then proceded to reorganize, a process so stressful for me that I almost got ill / let myself get fired so I extended finals to October '14.
* My initial (and awesome) research paper was rejected on grounds of it being analysis and not research.
* The work guy who was assessing my project moved to another department, so we have a call once a week now rather than constant interaction.
* I had an operation on my shoulder to remove the TI bits that I had holding stuff together (mbt accident eh) which knocked me out for a month, so I requested an extention till January '15
* The school guy was assessing my project has quit his job.
* The school guy advised me to extend to April, a non-existent finals date (but I didn't know that at the time), without informing me that I had to do this via the examination committee.
* In the mean time, work has demanded that I request a new school assessor (which basicially entails pissing off everyone in the school examination staff)
* After 6 weeks, e.g. yesterday, the school woke up and asked me why I hadn't contacted the examination committee yet.

If they do not approve the extention, I will have to do a NEW project, and the whole thing starts all over again.

Fun times!! No, wait, actually...I'm sick to death of the while thing.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Christ @TdC. That sucks. Surely there must be a way of presenting all that shit to someone? :(


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Christ @TdC. That sucks. Surely there must be a way of presenting all that shit to someone? :(

unfortunatly, bitching about any of this means I'm "stuck in the past" and "not focussed on succes" and whatever else I will get thrown in my face. this has happened before: a completely truthful report on the progress of a project was rejected as "too negative". At least now I know why senior management reports/P&L's are always glowing even though their projects fail.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
a completely truthful report on the progress of a project was rejected as "too negative".

To be fair if the report was at all like you posted here then negative doesn't come close :p

Seriously though(*Disclaimer; do read all before hopping to conclusions, tdc eyes only and it's just a perspective post, not a judgement post);

Was there anything you f*cked up on the situation though? It's easy to not learn a thing if you don't take into consideration your actions. This is by no way saying others aren't at fault and so on. Lot's of f*ck ups for sure(luckily you can ignore and simply mark up other peoples messes and not stress on things you can't affect).

Just if it comes down to "redo all this sh*t", then next time it'll be rather stress free since you know all the things from this time around and the more you learn, own mistakes and all, the better it will be.

Someone should've told you before how these can go as certainly someone ahs been in your shoes before and what YOU can do after this is done is tell others, either via vlog or other means, so they don't have to go through the same thing.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Was there anything you f*cked up on the situation though?

Tbh the first thing that springs to mind is entering a low prio project from my work as a final exam project. I've learned that school and work expectations are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum: they don't give a shit about each others issues, and there is no common ground other than the concept of the project itself. The second thing that springs to mind is that I *knew* a reorganization was upcoming. I should have immediately postponed the final exam a full year, because that's basically how long it takes to get back on something resembling an even keel (in a multinational). The third thing that springs to mind is that -when I had time- I failed to prioritize properly between work and school needs. In my defense, I was basically carrying a 10 person department by myself. That said, see the second point.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah i know, not blaming, just saying it might be worth it to make a project out of the project where you look at the good/bad/ugly and then avoid everything like this in the future(and/or prepare for them).

Stress levels yui know, i always find that if i know most things that can go tits up then i won't stress about tits orientation ;)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Netflix UK dropping Star Trek TNG when I was three quarters of the way through watching it from end to end! :eek:


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Arrived at Qatar's new airport last night, landed at 7:30pm ish and took 80 minutes to get through passport control. By the time I finally got through the baggage system no longer had my flight up, so I then had to go to every carousel to look for it. Sods law it was on the last one. Needed some cash for Taxi's and did see an ATM in the baggage hall but was in a rush finding the bag then. When I finally cleared customs and in Arrivals I went to look for bank/ATM - nothing! Found an information desk asked them for ATM directions - 3rd Floor at Departures!

Surely people need money coming into the country, not when leaving it! How these guys are going to organise major events like athletics World Championship and FIFA money scam event is beyond my comprehension. The airport can't cope now on a Saturday evening it will be a complete nightmare with big events.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Arrived at Qatar's new airport last night, landed at 7:30pm ish and took 80 minutes to get through passport control. By the time I finally got through the baggage system no longer had my flight up, so I then had to go to every carousel to look for it. Sods law it was on the last one. Needed some cash for Taxi's and did see an ATM in the baggage hall but was in a rush finding the bag then. When I finally cleared customs and in Arrivals I went to look for bank/ATM - nothing! Found an information desk asked them for ATM directions - 3rd Floor at Departures!

Surely people need money coming into the country, not when leaving it! How these guys are going to organise major events like athletics World Championship and FIFA money scam event is beyond my comprehension. The airport can't cope now on a Saturday evening it will be a complete nightmare with big events.

I've been caught multiple times by the lack of ATMs in arrivals (and departures) over the years. Either no ATMs at all (Oliver Tambo in Jo'Burg for example), only one ATM and that's broken (Panama City, Brussels) and most recently my home town of Dublin where every single ATM is provided by Bank of Ireland and they were all out of order. Best one was Rio, where there was an ATM, but it "closed" at 8PM (WTF?) and I arrived at 8.30... And before anyone says "well, get currency before you leave", I've also been caught several times in countries where you can't convert currency outside the country and the Bureau's De Change have all been mysteriously closed when I've been leaving the country. I still have drawers full of Colombian Pesos and Belize Dollars that are basically badly printed Monopoly money.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Internet companies that use their user base to write documentation for them.

I just spent half a day installing and configuring a monitoring system for a thing I am working on. The documentation was mostly missing and where it wasn't it was wrong, or for the wrong version, or assumed you had built from source where before/after that point it continued as if you had installed from packages. I now have a 6 page document on how to install the product / install the database / configure the database to work with the product / configure the product to work with the database. There was this tiny but crucial part where they don't tell you you have to pre-populate the database with a DDL + data. Which they handily don't provide in OS downloaded packages, but do if you use their own repository. I only know this because I took the time to read a completely different procedure on a different OS and wondered where the fuck the writer got his SQL files from. Anyway, I'm done.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ive been working part time in old job since I started studying (a 3 month part time contract turned into 3 years) in last year has been first time that it has felt as if work is interfering with studies

Now Ive had some of the more interesting tasks taken off my desk and given monkey work todo so my motivation has tanked

I get that they don't want to give many important tasks to me as im leaving in a few months once I graduate (always been plan) but im so bored and just sitting day dreaming about thesis while I sit here

Hopefully can get all this out of way and finally become a real boy soon :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Early access games. How about you finish the fucking thing then maybe I will give you some money. ffs


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Early access games. How about you finish the fucking thing then maybe I will give you some money. ffs

Free beta testing. From an indie game company POV i can see how that would be sometimes mandatory, but when it comes to larger companies with money to spare, it's rather cheap.

When it's used to fund and test a game that couldn't be produced otherwise, ok. Otherwise, deshpicabhle!

Designer probably supping rum punches in St Lucia on the money received so far :)

Not unless the designer is part owner of the company, designers are like graphic artists and work for a salary like anyone else. Whatever cash the company makes, doesn't affect workers at all outside "Yei i keep my job!" :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
When it was something new that was fine but now all you have is hundreds of games that may or may not ever be finished. The vast majority of which don't ever get finished, just abandoned.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Free beta testing. From an indie game company POV i can see how that would be sometimes mandatory, but when it comes to larger companies with money to spare, it's rather cheap.

When it's used to fund and test a game that couldn't be produced otherwise, ok. Otherwise, deshpicabhle!

Not unless the designer is part owner of the company, designers are like graphic artists and work for a salary like anyone else. Whatever cash the company makes, doesn't affect workers at all outside "Yei i keep my job!" :p
These are mostly indie type games where the maker is the owner. Not part of a big studio

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