SPAM random annoying things


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Musicians or artists or what they're called these days! So this new Danish artist called Christopher had a concert planned in Copenhagen on his tour. He is a real pretty boy pop icon and my gf and her sister loves him. So far so good. Sister in law lives in Finland because of an internship, so for her birthday we bought her tickets home and back and two tickets for the concert so they could both go. She's only here for a weekend, arrives late Friday and leaves early Sunday, so not really time for much else to do while she's here other than going to the concert. Now this fucking prick has moved the concert to December so he could do another job.

Cant move the flight tickets as it'd cost a ton. I'm fucking pissed. We're two students who spend a lot of money on this gift and now it is just ruined

- Bliver et arrangement aflyst, fordi en eller flere af aktørerne ikke kan deltage, kan du have krav på at få det fulde beløb refunderet eller få en billet til en anden dag.

- Hvis arrangementet bliver gennemført med andre aktører, kan det i nogle tilfælde betyde, at du har krav på at få dine penge tilbage eller et afslag i prisen.

- Har du betalt med betalingskort, kan du bede banken om at tilbageføre pengene for billetten, hvis sælgeren afviser at refundere billetprisen.

- Har du haft andre udgifter i forbindelse med arrangementet, fx rejseudgifter, kan du i nogle tilfælde stille krav om erstatning for disse udgifter.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Hm that last paragraph is interesting. Since he didn't actually cancel the event, but moved it, I don't think we'll be able to get the tickets refunded


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Hm that last paragraph is interesting. Since he didn't actually cancel the event, but moved it, I don't think we'll be able to get the tickets refunded

This must happen a lot where people travel a long way to go to gigs, and then have it cancelled. I bet there is something in the small print about how they are not responsible for your travel costs

It may say that in @Olgaline previous post, but its all Greek to me


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Hm that last paragraph is interesting. Since he didn't actually cancel the event, but moved it, I don't think we'll be able to get the tickets refunded

You still have to "cancel" the first event to move it. (I think) therefore, she should be able to claim?
You should try to contact Forbrugerklagenævnet, they should be able to advise you.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
This must happen a lot where people travel a long way to go to gigs, and then have it cancelled. I bet there is something in the small print about how they are not responsible for your travel costs

It may say that in @Olgaline previous post, but its all Greek to me

I have no doubt, that they claim that somewhere, that being said, dansih law might have a different take on it.
However, in this case, I belive they have a poor case, as it will most like be deemed that the event cannot be held responsible for Corn and sister not choosing a ticket that can be altered?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
My PS4 is taking about 30 minutes to show the home page. I am having a lazy day and cba to fix it. So I decided to get my Vita out but I have not touched it in so long the battery has died now it is just flashing a cunty orange light and I can't turn it on until it is charged.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Been invited to a Facebook conversation by the extended family, and it consists of people asking each other if they're okay every, fucking, day.

How do I leave without looking like a dick?

and deleting facebook prolly won't work.
Noob, I mute every bloody group conversation I've ever been in.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
This ice bucket challenge. Yeah, I fucking said it.

It's gone full retard.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
It now brings fuckall attention to ALS but rather some C list celebs trying to outdo the other idiot in how to pour a bucket of ice water over yourself


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I don't mind them. It's nothing entertaining, but it raises awareness and money so why should i be bothered.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
It now brings fuckall attention to ALS but rather some C list celebs trying to outdo the other idiot in how to pour a bucket of ice water over yourself

I'm not sure Alba, Gwen steffani, Bill Gates, Opra, Affleck, Paltrow, Swift, Cruze etc, and so on count as C list ;)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
And Daniel Levy!

And I thought if you got nominated and then didn't go through with it you had to donate, you don't have to donate if you get a bucket of water tipped on you do you? So the fact that so many people are doing it means that less is being donated I guess...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
And Daniel Levy!

And I thought if you got nominated and then didn't go through with it you had to donate, you don't have to donate if you get a bucket of water tipped on you do you? So the fact that so many people are doing it means that less is being donated I guess...
That is the idea. A lot of people are still donating though. It is meant to be £10 donation or do the challenge. Some people are saying you only get to nominate if you take the challenge reguardless of wether you donate or not. It is also $100 in America.

My favorite video are the ones taking the iss out of Charlie Sheen where he makes out he is a hero for donaiting $10,000 despite earning about $2m a week.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I don't see any downside; ALS/MND makes some money, people watch other people get wet, or if they find it tedious, they don't. What's the problem? And from what I've seen, most people who take the challenge still cough up some money.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Saw a video about a snowy place and realised that....aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii don't want winter! :(


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Just been nominated for that ice bucket challenge.

Think I'll ignore the fact I got nominated.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I don't see any downside; ALS/MND makes some money, people watch other people get wet, or if they find it tedious, they don't. What's the problem? And from what I've seen, most people who take the challenge still cough up some money.

Because I resent the fact that my social circle didn't give two fucks about ALS / MND until about two weeks ago. I have a friend's dad who was diagnosed with MND at the start of the year, so I'm very well aware and I've already donated money to both cancer and MND charities this year. Yet, when I object to pouring water over my head, I'm getting "FFS, it's charity, do your bit, be a sport, don't be so fucking miserable".

No. Fuck you. Cunt. How dare anyone accuse me of not giving a shit about raising awareness. I'm all for raising awareness, but for Christ's sake we're all very well aware now. It's all over Facebook, Twitter, the BBC and the Daily Mail. How about just "I nominate so and so to donate £10 to MND". Job done.

It's no longer about donating money for a good cause, it's about a pissing contest on social media.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Because I resent the fact that my social circle didn't give two fucks about ALS / MND until about two weeks ago. I have a friend's dad who was diagnosed with MND at the start of the year, so I'm very well aware and I've already donated money to both cancer and MND charities this year. Yet, when I object to pouring water over my head, I'm getting "FFS, it's charity, do your bit, be a sport, don't be so fucking miserable".

No. Fuck you. Cunt. How dare anyone accuse me of not giving a shit about raising awareness. I'm all for raising awareness, but for Christ's sake we're all very well aware now. It's all over Facebook, Twitter, the BBC and the Daily Mail. How about just "I nominate so and so to donate £10 to MND". Job done.

It's no longer about donating money for a good cause, it's about a pissing contest on social media.
I hate the peer pressure thing you allude to. Most of them are only doing it because they seen celebs do it. I will give to what charities mean stuff to me not be subverted into feeling guilty.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
actually not annoying at all. my workies turns out to not be completely populated by a-holes. it boggles the mind! *boggle*


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
Been nominated twice today. Will do it and make donation but so sick of the videos on Facebook so I won't be posting mine. I nominate Ed and TDC :love:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I forgot to turn my alarm off. So at 6.30 this morning I got out of bed and was half way through the 3 s's before I realised I had no earthly reason to get out of bed today.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Been nominated twice today. Will do it and make donation but so sick of the videos on Facebook so I won't be posting mine. I nominate Ed and TDC :love:

oh wait, it's for that ALS thing, no? I'll just do what Patrick Stewart did, ok? :D

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