SPAM random annoying things


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
don't get me started on couriers. no really, don't :(
I have a good experience with one today. Ordered a few parcels sent to home not work by mistake and no one was home, it was gonna be a pain. Our courier asked me if xyz was my address when i said yes and showed him my Drivers License he gave me all my parcels that I would not have seen till the weekend :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It will be 50 for the mugs that still use consoles.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Tell me a tale of woe concerning couriers, teeds. :)

*bans georgie*

This one time I watched a truck from GLS drive by my appartment without stopping, and pressed F5 on my browser. The package status went from "en-route" to "could not deliver". Another time, funnily enough also GLS, they sent me a letter they had returned a parcel I was waiting for because I could not be reached. I sent emails to their global and national NL bosses demanding my delivery and pointing out that at no time had I had a delivery notice, and that at no time had the parcel status changed from "en-route". Another time, with a national parcel service, I had a string of the most dubious status messages and notes contradicting themselves that I went to the parcel depot to complain. Once there I could literally see my parcel and demanded to collect it immidately. After 10 minutes of convincing the dude, he let me have it. I complained in writing to both the parcel service and the sender, and pointed out that given the fact that the parcel held almost a thousand euros worth of computer parts, the fact that the status of the parcel was impossible to trace and the fact that the guy initially denied it was mine was very hard to take.

I could go on, but I won't. :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I have a good experience with one today. Ordered a few parcels sent to home not work by mistake and no one was home, it was gonna be a pain. Our courier asked me if xyz was my address when i said yes and showed him my Drivers License he gave me all my parcels that I would not have seen till the weekend :)

oh, some of them are awesome. I completely agree.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
To top it all off I went to the depot to get it, wife gave me the card. Nothing at all written on it, not even a parcel number or address.

Slack jawed mongo on the desk vanished for 20 mins looking for it so I get fed up of waiting and press the buzzer again, just as my finger leaves the button he appears again with a box that looks as though it was used in the rugby 7s.

Thankfully the contents were well wrapped.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
asshats waiting till well out of office hours to send snide emails to me with half the senior managers in CC, and then insta-respond privately after I reply-all back saying fuck-off in my business speak.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
We have a woman in work who CC's every man and his dog as soon as you are 5 minutes late with something she wants. And it is always along the lines of

"I am sorry xyz quote has not been passed to you for approval but we are still waiting for the spec from Technical. I am very worried the customer may go elsewhere....."

When you Reply to all with something along the lines of "The spec was passed to you a week ago I have attached the email." She will reply to you saying there was not need to copy everyone in on the reply and we are supposed to be a team and trying to make someone else look bad is unprofessional.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
We have a woman in work who CC's every man and his dog as soon as you are 5 minutes late with something she wants. And it is always along the lines of

"I am sorry xyz quote has not been passed to you for approval but we are still waiting for the spec from Technical. I am very worried the customer may go elsewhere....."

When you Reply to all with something along the lines of "The spec was passed to you a week ago I have attached the email." She will reply to you saying there was not need to copy everyone in on the reply and we are supposed to be a team and trying to make someone else look bad is unprofessional.

hehe I have some of those too. currently I simply just cba any more and just speak my unfiltered mind in mail communication. I'm *really* pissed off at the fact that it seems I must be on the ball, perfectly, all of the time, while it's somehow ok for others to not respond/give bad info/not check schedules/outright lie. Three weeks ago, on the same day, I got a bollocking for spending too much time responding to email correspondence and for not responding to a single email (out of dozens and dozens I get every day) 'in a timely fashion'. Fuck that.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking unlock codes for mobiles.

Got me an S3, well out of contract, stupidly updated to 4.3 a few months back otherwise I could unlock the phone with a few simple keystrokes without rooting. But no. It seems to be a massive nightmare even with root and I'm well pissed off that mobile companies want £20 for the privilege of using something you've already paid for when you leave because of their shit service - and they'll take 10 days to give you something they could provide then and there :eek:


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
people stealing my pens >.<

discovering people havent been stealing my pens but that i leave them all over the place then accuse people of theft, have to backtrack, and apologise >.<
My old boss used to take my pen every day (sat next to him). I literally had a drawer full of bic pens and used a different once each day.

The best bet is to get a red pen, take out the cartridge and replace it with a blue/black. No one ever wants a red pen lol


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Your post sounded like the verdict on the Clarkson / slopes thing.

Do you know it was only 2 people who complained about that Top Gear episode, 2 fucking people out of the millions that watch. WTF


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Do you know it was only 2 people who complained about that Top Gear episode, 2 fucking people out of the millions that watch. WTF

Yeah. But to be fair - I went *lolwtf* whilst I smiled at that joke. It's clearly racist.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hearthstone dwarf talking "Have you seen the weather out there, atleast it's warm in here!"....f*ck you! It's warmer then a tick in an elephants arse out :(


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
asshats waiting till well out of office hours to send snide emails to me with half the senior managers in CC, and then insta-respond privately after I reply-all back saying fuck-off in my business speak.
That's what the forward button is for ;)

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