SPAM random annoying things


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
I've been scrowled at by a woman for holding up a door. She wheezed a "Don't you think i can open a door by myself?" when she passed. That felt really nice.
I do treat women differently. I try to behave a little better and not curse as much as i tend to do in an all male group, but i don't think that makes me a bad person.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Might depend on how you are raised. But I do and I don't mean it to be in a sexist way. At a door if a guy is more than about 3 paces behind me I carry on and let it go, if a woman is within about 20 ft I will stand aside and let them go through the door first then go through my self. If I am on a train and a woman does not have a seat if she is a) cute, or b) older than me I will offer her my seat. My Mum has 9 sisters though so I was always being raised to respect women and I guess this is a product of that.

I usually keep the door open no matter what, for people with visible disablities/injuries/older folk with canes i do wait longer ofcourse. Same goes for train/bus seats, it the bus is full i just give my seat to anyone really as i don't mind standing, priority cases ofcourse as previously mentioned. But yeah, depends on your raising completely. Don't know where i got it from though, probably same place i got that i've never fought anyone and barely even fought with anyone(annoying little brother doesn't count :p).


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I usually keep the door open no matter what, for people with visible disablities/injuries/older folk with canes i do wait longer ofcourse. Same goes for train/bus seats, it the bus is full i just give my seat to anyone really as i don't mind standing, priority cases ofcourse as previously mentioned. But yeah, depends on your raising completely. Don't know where i got it from though, probably same place i got that i've never fought anyone and barely even fought with anyone(annoying little brother doesn't count :p).

You see, I only offer chairs to people who need it, I can't offer to those who are 16-60 otherwise I'm paranoid I'll offend.


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
Well that's just because you do. It's quite easy to change the way you think, or treat people. Only time i treat women different is when i'm interested in them and that's only adding advances.

Do most treat women different, net or not? Perhaps, but i personally can still say boobs matter f*ck all.
Oi my boobs are great!


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Primark! Has anyone actually made it thro the door and bought anything? I keep trying but every time I make it over the threshold I have to leave.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Primark! Has anyone actually made it thro the door and bought anything? I keep trying but every time I make it over the threshold I have to leave.

Clearly millions of people. I go there to buy umbrellas. They cost a fiver, are fairly crap, but that's OK because I lose them about every 10 days or so.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Nice tip. I'm old and sophisticated enough to pull an umbrella off these days (I've given up caring if it reduces my manQ).


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I once told myself that this social fear of the wet is ridiculous and that I'll enjoy the fucking rain!

I don't - it ruins my hair.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
A business closed behind our house that was always silent and never a problem. And in the last two weeks they have left and a mechanic has moved in. The cunt is sat there revving the bollocks off his car like he thinks that will fix it. He also has some horrible happy hardcore bollocks playing. I had to go tell him to shut up every night since he moved in. Now it in time for the council and his landlord to get involved. He is an utter cunt who hits our back fence all the time because the dog is going mad.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Confession Bear and that "I think" pelican meme. 99% of them really fuck me off. Going through 9gag now and it's stuff like "I'm female and I think kids are a waste of time" or "my girlfriend weighs 80 pounds more than when I met her and I don't find her attractive". Do you really think you're fucking special for thinking that? FFS. Do a proper confession.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't go out in the rain, that's for plebs.

Meh. I dunno about you but I've got wipe-dry skin.

Shorts and t-shirt if it's raining. Preferably flip-flops. If it's cold and raining then a waterproof jacket.

Was it Fiennes who said "There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing"?


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Confession Bear and that "I think" pelican meme. 99% of them really fuck me off. Going through 9gag now and it's stuff like "I'm female and I think kids are a waste of time" or "my girlfriend weighs 80 pounds more than when I met her and I don't find her attractive". Do you really think you're fucking special for thinking that? FFS. Do a proper confession.

9GAG is being permeated by attention whores - it's turning into Facebook.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I have a 'friend' who uses facebook as a political and microsoftfanboi soapbox. He's an intelligent guy but I'm really getting fucked off with his ugly face appearing on my newsfeed. Combine that with the daily 'life is hard' posts. Of course it's hard... but we can't do anything about it from here and we certainly aren't going to lower ourselves enough to ask you: 'o rly? whats up hunny?'... so man up and change that fucking shitty nappy you big girl.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Whenever I go on there to see shared photos and such I get fed up within 5 minutes of people moaning about their life. If I could be arsed I would just block everything on the feed. The sooner social media dies the better. I wish people would just use one of the many photo sharing sites instead.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Whenever I go on there to see shared photos and such I get fed up within 5 minutes of people moaning about their life. If I could be arsed I would just block everything on the feed. The sooner social media dies the better. I wish people would just use one of the many photo sharing sites instead.

I never get people moaning about how tough their lives are on FB (in fact I'm suspicious of their rich and fulfilling lives). But then I'm fairly ruthless about culling unnecessary "friends".

My missus on the other hand has millions of FB friends via baby groups and all that stuff, and loads of her "friends" moan about shite all the time. And then she tells me. So yeah, fuck Social Media!

One question though, what's the etiquette for unfriending a dead person?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I still have a dead person as a friend. He died of cancer last year and his wife is keeping his page alive as a kind of memorial. It's ok I guess but a *little* bit creepy... We expected her to delete the page.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Facebook should be forced to remove dead peoples accounts.

The thought of in 300 years time someone on my facebook account saying 'I miss you great-great-great-great-grandad, every day xoxoox' horrifies me.

I still have a dead person as a friend. He died of cancer last year and his wife is keeping his page alive as a kind of memorial. It's ok I guess but a *little* bit creepy... We expected her to delete the page.

Aye, there's a few dead people on my facebook account that keep it updated, it's just a bit sad, it reminds of me that Charlie Brooker thing where a guy brings his girlfriend back to life on a computer.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I still have a dead person as a friend. He died of cancer last year and his wife is keeping his page alive as a kind of memorial. It's ok I guess but a *little* bit creepy... We expected her to delete the page.

That's exactly the situation I'm in, except the person in question has been dead since 2008. What's particularly disturbing is the requests to give him Candy Crush lives, since as far as I know the game didn't exist when he died. I really don't want to "defriend" him because we were really genuinely good friends and it feels a bit disrespectful.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
One question though, what's the etiquette for unfriending a dead person?

Sort of related: I have a dead person as a friend but the problem of etiquette lies with the family. They continually post the likes of this to his news feed (which he's in no fit state to read):

"A really funny thing happened today...."
"Can't believe it's been X years..."
"We missed you at this event today..."

I understand people grieve differently but fuck me, social media, is not the best way to deal with this. Especially 3 years on.

... meh just noticed Callous posted the same thing.
edit ... and Gwad :(


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yay, the fashion train has left Vans alone, now it's time for these things called 'huaraches' they look fucking horrible.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Vans are cheap shit which fall apart after 4 weeks but I can't find a better pair of trainers which fit my weird feet (which are also not the size of an actual van).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Just remove them, as you would anyone else you haven't spoken to in a couple of years.

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